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Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

how will the pakistan goverment and the pakistan army do the job where the us have given up?

The war will be best fought by dispensing with this attitude:

brothers this is an amazingly crafted game the United States is playing with us.....

....Then u answer me how a muslim can bomb himself in a mosque or in a majlis so plzz think over it again
Suicide blast hits Pakistan bus

At least three people have died in a blast which hit a military bus in the Pakistani garrison city of Rawalpindi.

A military spokesman told the BBC that a suicide bomber riding a motorbike had rammed into the bus.

Several people are reported to have been injured in the attack, which took place during the morning rush hour.

A series of suicide bomb attacks have hit Rawalpindi in the last year. In December opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was killed at a rally there.

Authorities have blamed Taleban militants based near the border with Afghanistan for the attacks.

Several vehicles were reported to have been badly damaged and the bus destroyed in Monday's blast, which went off near the army headquarters.

Officials said the military had cordoned off the area.
Suicide blast at Pakistan rally kills 18

By RIAZ KHAN, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 37 minutes ago

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - A suicide bomber struck at an election rally in northwestern Pakistan Saturday, killing at least 18 people and wounding more than 25, police and civilian officials said.

The blast occurred at a rally of the Awami National Party — a secular, ethnic Pashtun group — in the town of Charsadda in the turbulent North West Frontier province.

Area police chief Mohammed Khan said 18 people died. Local television stations quoted party officials as saying 20 were killed.

Interior Minister Hamid Nawaz said the attack was believed carried out by a suicide bomber who detonated his explosives "very close to the stage" where party officials were assembled.

Afrasiab Khattak, the party's provincial leader and a prominent human rights champion, was addressing the rally but told Dawn television that he was not hurt.

Nawaz said militants were threatening all the political parties in the northwest ahead of the Feb. 18 parliamentary elections.

"They are against everyone," he told Dawn News TV.

Charsadda has witnessed several attacks in recent years. More than 50 people died in the town in December when a suicide attacker detonated a bomb amid hundreds of holiday worshippers at a mosque at the residence of former interior minister Aftab Khan Sherpao.
death toll risen to 25 :(

i hate these moroons who blow their sh .itty A$$E$ like rats but kill innocents :angry:
This further more idiotic on part of political parties to stress on mass gatherings.
There was a news 2 days back that Three Suicide Bombers has entered Peshawar.
NOw one has gone while 2 more to come it means we have to fear for our lives here in Peshawar.

i was attending a function at Chief Minister house today and was worried what if something bad happened.
why the hell does pakistan not just ban political rallies ? maybe it should just be televised or atleast or close of the area and completely after a certain number enter or in an enclosed space indoors where there is even more limited people and harder to hide where u can moniter who is coming in and search for suicide bombers etc.It's so disgusting whats wrong with pakistan ? can't go one rally without some sort of violence.Illiterate suicide idiots always engaging in pointless violence and bombing.Authorities should take their kid gloves off and just drop anyone who even looks like a suicide bomber like the israelis do thats why their more secure than us.
Jana Ji, how will political parties function without mass gatherings? Most people don't have internet connection you know...
Well we are supposed to have a Cease fire with the militants.

If the militants are not involved then they should issue CONTRADICTION.

If they dont then they are our enemy and there should be no doubt about it.

If they do issue statement to condemn the blast.Then we should look at other possibilities like Foreign hand and others.

This ANP leader s***s .He says that ISI is carrying out attacks.

My relative in Army said to me that many of the suicide bombings are carried out by some other elements than the Taliban.

He said to me that some foreign agencies had infiltrated country and Posing as MAULANAS they misguide the Local Pathans and many come from Afghanistan.
Maulana Fazlullah was one such example.A**h*** was the first to take off:pakistan:

The killing of FRENCH ENGINEERS in karachi was an example.They were killed by Jihadis who were brain washed by Maulana that the Engs were running Pub.They told that if they knew Engs were building sub they would never attack.Maulana was a RAW agent.

Same type of thing was seen in IRAQ .Where the CIA,MOSSAD infiltrate the ranks .They know arabic and look like them.Brain wash the people and DIVERT THE ANGER from US to Sectarian violence.
Even 2 british agents were caught be BASRA POLICE when they were Posing to be Arabs and men of MOQTADA and killing Sunnis.


If Talibunies then:guns::guns:
If Foreign hand then:flame::flame:

After all Pakistan Zindabad.Inshallah we will get through this all and go from strenght to strength.:bounce:
I was just watching a report where there the intelligence agency just warned about three suecide bombers entering in different cites of pakistan and out of them one is a 16 year old kid. Damn man people have so many children to just waiste. A possible solution IMO to the stopping of suecide bombing is if GOP bans on having more then one child per family. This will not only decrease the huge load on the economy but also people who just leave their children to be taken out by these terrorists, will be eliminated. If we can pass the women rights bill surely we can pass this bill as well despite of what the BS mullanas have to say.
Jana Ji, how will political parties function without mass gatherings? Most people don't have internet connection you know...

Stealth public rallies are just show off otherwise these do not add to any vote bank.

Supporters (excluding prominent local leaders) of all the political partes do attened such rallies and gatherings not beacuse they will vote for the party they are attened the gathering of but there few factors like

1. source to get some entertainment.
2. interaction with others at cost of the party

3. Refreshment (the biggest luxury during such gatherings)

Hence i do not think so that mass gatherings are ever gaurantee for win and vote poll for any political party.
Breaking News

Another Blast just few minutes back near Hayatabad In Peshawar

Guys i get to go to check my brothers if they are ok.
Please pray.


These suicide bombers are attacking the bread-butter of democracy, political rallies.

I hope they don't succeed.
I think this is really bad news, I am really sad for those people who have been killed and their families. I hope Pakistani awam should consolidate them self and support democreacy and denounce terror in all form, I am also hope full a democratic government will come in Pakistan and do all necessary reforms to root out terror thoughts.
Democracy is something alien to many Salafeen/Islamists. I have been personally accosted by Islamist youths outside Regents park mosque who tried to convince me that voting is unislamic. Did mulla Omer or Osama bin Laden ever contest an election ??

These extremists only believe in one thing; agree with us or be eliminated.

Even though I never agreed with Bacha Khan's Pakhtoonistan slogan or the formation of Pakhtoon Zalme by his son Wali Khan. I respect their views and would support ANP govt in the NWFP because of their secular outlook. My heart goes out to the fellow Pakistanis who were killed without any rhyme or reason.

Thus far most of the people affected by the suicide bombings and sectarian killings had been outside NWFP ( except in Parachinaar). Sincerely hope that killing of Pashtoons by these followers of satan shakes up the intellegentia of NWFP and they try to generate public support against the talibaans and the madrassahs.

Fact is that most of the suicide bombers have been Pashtoons. Support for the talibaan in many Fata areas is large and deep rooted.To give an example; ( this is not generalization but only an indicator of thinking of man on the street in some areas of NWFP) I work in Fujairah UAE where a large number of taxi drivers are from Dir/Bajour area. I need to use the taxis whenever my car is in for servicing; each time I have conversation with the taxi driver, I am aghast at their anti Punjabi sentiments. Once my wife and mother in law, who dont wear abbaya or hijab got a lecture by the driver for not following Islamic ways.

IMO the Talibaanism and the whole madrassah system is generating an army of suicide bombers and followers of an extremely twisted version of Islam, which is not even a facsmilie of the religion of peace revealed to our holy Prophet (PBUH). Nevertheless, this is deeply entrenched in the rural and tribal areas of NWFP and unless a major surgury is carried out, the cancer will spread to the whole country, turning Pakistan into another Somalia.

Fellow members have every right to disagree with my views, but I am personally sick of seeing the dead bodies of innocent countrymen on TV. Will there ever be an end to this carnage??

Sinerely believe that killing of so many muslims without slightest feeling of regret can only be the work of followers of Dajjal, no matter by what name they call themselves.

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