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Acts of Terrorism in pakistan I

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apparently i cant rep you, it says i must 'spread the reputation around before giving it to blitz again'. I repped you up last time as well, lol. Your making good facts in this forum!
Who knows but in turn I would also say that maybe JeM is there and maybe its not...its far too easy for the Indian authorities to name any Pakistani organization and call those fighting in IOK to be members of these organizations to implicate Pakistan even more.

My sole point is that Kashmir problem predates the extremist problem that Pakistan is facing...there seems to be certain convergence in the goals of various individuals and organizations, but Pakistani extremism is not a by-product of Indian occupation of Kashmir. IOK has its own root, causes, reasons to be in flames...its not only because of militants in Pakistan. You guys have screwed up plenty in IOK to blame yourseleves and then outsiders.

We have screwed up Kashmir???....oh well have a look at Pakistan. For the 'cause of Kashmir' which in nothing but just territorial ambition you have been for all these years giving these extremists a free hand, arming them, making their political movement a relegious one by brining the 'Hindu IA as the occupier' . You allowed you land to be used by CIA to launch extremists to defeat the ' Foreign Russians army occupying Muslims land '.

You screwed up in both fronts. And now when you have realised the folly, its too late and the beast that you have fed has grown too big and dangerous for you to tackle.
But, do our Pakistani friends here accept or deny the fact that there is a bit of obsession among the Pakistani masses about liberating Kashmir ? Also, do you deny or accept that atleast some amount of Pakistani youth do cross over across the LOC in order to fight for the freedom of their Kashmiri brethen ? And lastly, do you deny or accept that the emergence of anti-national islamic militant movements in Pakistan, and radicalization of a big chunk of its population is linked with the struggle in Kashmir to a certain extent ?

There isn't an 'obsession' with liberating Kashmir. It's a dream, but not something the average person thinks about all the time. An obsession is someting a person thinks about a lot.

Some fighters might cross over, but we don't really care. If they want to fight you, they are your problem. We won't spend our resources trying to stop them. We have our hands full at our Western border.

"A big chunk" of Pakistan has not been radicalized. The people you see fighting the government are in a minority. I would say about only 5% of people support these terrorists. And those are the uneducated, poor people mostly from NWFP.

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then tell me what has Pakistan achieved in this endevour ? The 'bleed India with a thousand cuts' policy doesn't seem to be working, or does it ? Since the insurgency started, India has developed in leaps and bounds, and now poised to be a major global power. Its economy has swelled, its politics has stabilized, its military and influence has grown exponentially. And all this while still occupying what it had at the beginning. On the other side, Pakistan has sunk deeper into political, religious and ethnic turmoil, to the extent that its national integrity is being questioned these days. The status quo has helped India, and hurt Pakistan. Do you agree or disagree ?

Pakistan takes no part in the Kashmir movement other than to provide moral support ;)

Might I remind you, while India has been developing in 'leaps and bounds', us Pakistani's haven't been sitting around either. Our economy is growing too. Pakistan's politics are infested with mullahs, but they are not as a result of what is happening in Kashmir, they've been around since the 70s. The Kashmir struggle has nothing to do with us, so it hasn't hurt us or benifitted us in any way.

While Pakistan spent its effort on militarization and indoctrination of its people to wage jihad, India invested in its fundamentals. While Pakistan developed nuclear weapons, India built universities [India has 8900 universities compared to 500 in the entire Islamic world combined]. Do you see what went wrong ?

hahahahaha jihad against who? And Pakistan and India developed nuclear weapons simultaneously. You make it sound like we were making nuclear bombs while your government was handing out free food and housing to it's people. Also, when you make such a dubious claim (about the universities in India v the Muslim world) you have to provide a reliable source. Please let me see a link for your claim.

Don't forget that India has people that sleep on the streets without dinner. You are still a third world country and will remain one for a long time to come.

India says that make LOC international border and we will deal with our problem, and Pakistan says no, Kashmir MUST be solved. So it is infact Pakistan that has kept the issue alive. Right or wrong ?

So final question, is supporting the Kashmiri freedom struggle in the interest of Pakistan or not ? Is Kashmir more important than Pakistan ?

Make LoC the international border? no.

And Pakistan never 'supported' the freedom struggle in any way except providing moral support. Think I'm wrong? Prove it.

Dont talk to me about hypocrisy....on one end you run off your mouth about ******* democracy and how your country and the US is the leader of the democratic world but when it comes to a certain population and certain part of your country, you guys shy away from it as if you have never heard of self determination. Double standards and hypocrisy reigns supreme everywhere...you and India are no exception..

Ok so now u admit your cliam for Kashmir is as Sam said the pinnacle of hypocrisy. And now you want to justify it by saying India too is. It doesnt change anything.

We dont send our Kids abroad to fight for somebody else's freedom, if we have an agenda we recruity locally u see. Lika a Pakistani to throw a bomb at a Pakistani in pakistan.

I could care less about Kashmir...for me you don't deserve any more or less than we deserve it but who in the hell are you to preach what I can and can't say about Kashmir and its freedom struggle? .

He didnt say you cant preach. Are you going to sop bcoz he says so. He just exposed you naked hypocrisy..

For that matter how in the hell do you represent those picking up a gun and standing guard on India's border since you have never done so?? .

Dont put words in his mouth , he didnt say so.

Extremism is not a creation of Pakistan and it was not created in a vacuum. So while you can blame some for taking advantange of the situation, do not for a second assume that the thousands put under the gun by your brave would be forgotten just because some of those fighting against your might sena happen to be similar to the mindset of people that we are facing makes our fight or support hypocritical.

Well say that to those 90 killed in last 4 days err sorry 117, another 17 were killed today morning.
THat happens everywhere in every culture and in every nation NOT only in Pakistan or in any Muslim state.

Ok so now you have come to a poitn where you admit ' it happens everywhere ',so now i guess you wont have any beef with IA's action against Muslim terrorists in kashmir and NE terrorists in Assam.

Sadly it took the lives of more than 100 soldier's lives in less than 5 days to relaise that.
I actually locked that thread before and only re-opened it at the behest of the original poster who was trying to make a (positive) point about how we are actually all similar etc etc......Unfortunately YOU got there first and turned it into a personal war between you and others...hence it got closed again.

Ohhh hold on. What was personal in what Sam said? Are you such a kid to go and close a thread if you cant argue or dont have a pt to take.Silly!!!
Ohhh hold on. What was personal in what Sam said? Are you such a kid to go and close a thread if you cant argue or dont have a pt to take.Silly!!!

We are discussing another thread........So do not comment on things you are unfamiliar with.....thnx
There isn't an 'obsession' with liberating Kashmir. It's a dream, but not something the average person thinks about all the time. An obsession is someting a person thinks about a lot.

Some fighters might cross over, but we don't really care. If they want to fight you, they are your problem. We won't spend our resources trying to stop them. We have our hands full at our Western border.:

Well you ont use your resources. Who gives them those guns, anti tank mines, training, who gives covering fire when these pigs start to sneak in.

"A big chunk" of Pakistan has not been radicalized. The people you see fighting the government are in a minority. I would say about only 5% of people support these terrorists. And those are the uneducated, poor people mostly from NWFP.:

NWFP...thats a large area dude and is becoming a virtual death zone for your soldies. Have a look at the map, Baluch and NWFP area makes up for almost 50% of landmass.

Pakistan takes no part in the Kashmir movement other than to provide moral support ;) :

Again....and moral support went to far and thats why SSG had to go in LM to neutralise JeM terrorists.

Might I remind you, while India has been developing in 'leaps and bounds', us Pakistani's haven't been sitting around either. Our economy is growing too. Pakistan's politics are infested with mullahs, but they are not as a result of what is happening in Kashmir, they've been around since the 70s. The Kashmir struggle has nothing to do with us, so it hasn't hurt us or benifitted us in any way.:

Well yes your GDP has grown at 6% with a inflation of 7.7%.

Don't forget that India has people that sleep on the streets without dinner. You are still a third world country and will remain one for a long time to come. :

Thats doesnt change anything in Pakistan or does it?

And Pakistan never 'supported' the freedom struggle in any way except providing moral support. Think I'm wrong? Prove it.:pakistan:

Ask those SSGs who died inside LM.
Well you ont use your resources. Who gives them those guns, anti tank mines, training, who gives covering fire when these pigs start to sneak in.

Guns aren't hard to aquire, especially near Afghanistan. Nor are anti-tank mines. One dosen't need much training to hide behind trees and shoot at someone.

Show me proof that the PA gives cover fire to the 'infiltrators'.

Unless you have proof, don't talk.

NWFP...thats a large area dude and is becoming a virtual death zone for your soldies. Have a look at the map, Baluch and NWFP area makes up for almost 50% of landmass.

I said they have support among among apporximately 5% of the total population, and most of their support lies with the Pukhtuns of NWFP. I didn't say ALL of NWFP supports them.

Again....and moral support went to far and thats why SSG had to go in LM to neutralise JeM terrorists.

What the heck does the Lal Masjid standoff have to do with Kashmir? I don't get how you are making this connection.

Well yes your GDP has grown at 6% with a inflation of 7.7%.

The inflation is happening because people have more disposable income and are demanding more goods and services. This is a perfectly normal stage in the development of a country, it shows the country's demand has grown.

Thats doesnt change anything in Pakistan or does it?

No, it dosen't. I'm reminding you that your country is far from becoming a 'superpower'.

Ask those SSGs who died inside LM.

Once again, you are comparing the Red Mosque incident to Kashmir, which makes no sense.

News Update::coffee:

Dozens killed in Pakistan blasts


Police say a remote-controlled bomb was detonated in Hub

At least 33 people have been killed in two separate bomb attacks in Pakistan, officials say.
Twenty-six people are said to have died in the southern town of Hub, 35km (23 miles) north of Karachi, in an attack apparently targeting Chinese workers.

Initial reports said all the dead were Pakistani nationals.

Meanwhile, at least seven people were killed and more than 20 injured in a suicide car bombing at a police college in the north-western town of Hangu.

Police said the attacker blew his car up after guards tried to stop him crashing through the building's gates as recruits went out on parade.

The two explosions, at opposite ends of the country, are not thought to be related.

Truce scrapped

Attacks in the North-West Frontier Province are becoming a daily occurrence, with more than 100 people killed in the past week.

The upsurge in violence began after troops stormed the radical Red Mosque in Islamabad, following a week-long stand off with Islamist militants.

The assault prompted pro-Taleban rebels along the border with Afghanistan to scrap a controversial 10-month-old peace agreement with the government.

There are conflicting reports about the number of casualties from Thursday's attack on the police training facility in Hangu, the largest in North-West Frontier Province.

The city's police chief has said seven people, including six policemen have been killed.

However, journalists report seeing the bodies of at least four civilians, including a child, at the local hospital.

Range of pressures

Abdul Jamil Gichki, a senior official in Hub, said the bomb had been planted in a restaurant.

It had been detonated when a local police vehicle escorting a group of Chinese engineers reached the restaurant.

At least seven people died in Hangu, near the Afghan border

Police chiefs in the area said it was a remote-controlled device.

Seven of the police officers in the vehicle died on the spot, Mr Gichki said.

In the southern Balochistan province, Chinese nationals have become the target of nationalist insurgents, correspondents say.

The rebels are opposed to large federal development projects, many of which are being carried out by Chinese firms.

The BBC's Dan Isaacs in Islamabad says that while these two attacks may have different motives, they reflect the wide ranging pressures President Pervez Musharraf's government faces and the enormity of the task involved in restoring political stability in Pakistan. :hitwall: :disagree: :pdf:

There are 57 member-countries of the Organisation of
Islamic Conference (OIC), and all of them put together have around
500 universities
; one university for every three million Muslims.
The United States has 5,758 universities and India has 8,407. In
2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an ‘Academic Ranking of
World Universities’, and intriguingly, not one university from
Muslim-majority states was in the top-500.

And yes, there is tremendous poverty in India, and so in Pakistan. But the difference is, our governments actually pumps a higher % of GDP in education and healthcare than Pakistan. Whether you like it or not, India has its priorities right. Ofcourse India is still third world. You can't lift a billion people out of poverty with the flick of a button. But its happening, and happening at a fast rate.

Like i said, India got its priorities right.
LOL this is your source? A BLOG???

OMG I'm overwhelmed with tears at how reliable that persons' opinion is. :rolleyes:
Good job. You convinced me that the artilce isn't made up. But it still dosen't say how many universities are in Pakistan. We are talking about Pakistan and India, not the whole Muslim world v India. The 'Muslim world' includes countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Chechnya etc so it obviously skews the results.
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