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according to pakistan defence-india didnt exist untill 1947.

India didn't exist until 15th of August 1947. Before that India was just a geography ruled by the British empire.
srlsy expected better argument.by that logic,what was india before british came?
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India didn't exist until 15th of August 1947. Before that India was just a geography ruled by the British empire.
You can say that " REPUBLIC OF India " didn't exist before 1947 but as far as India is concern It was their since atleast 1000 B.C....
For some as "India"
For some as "Hindustan"
For some as "Bharat"
For some as "Aryavarsha"
For some as "Hodu"
For some as "Jambudvipa"
For some as Nabhivarsha
some as "Tianzhu".....in short it was land of dreams of that time....
For some as "Aryavarsha"

Correction : It was called ARYA VARTA

IF you really think we're originally of indian ethic.
I pity you.

But yes, Officially and statiscally, You did not exist until 15th August.
Just like Pakistan until 14th August.

This thread, and some users here, Are literally, an insult to the common intelligence of human beings.

INDIA has been in existence for 5000 years
The name was different but the land and civilisation are 5000 years old
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Correction : It was called ARYA VARTA

INDIA has been in existence for 5000 years


I'm talking about the current country, that you are running, at the very moment.
Before that, You were under British control. And before that, Many little empires.

And you, here, are talking about region and its people, In general.

Hinduism is the oldest religion, thats a fact yeah.

Otherwise, the way you're putting it, then we've existed since the time our kind crawled out of the muds.
Difference is that the name India has been used for over 2,500 years. Whereas the name Pakistan and Bangladesh were invented from thin air.

Pakistan not the modern india is the successor state of ancient India/IVC
I'm talking about the current country, that you are running, at the very moment.
Before that, You were under British control. And before that, Many little empires.

And you, here, are talking about region and its people, In general.

Hinduism is the oldest religion, thats a fact yeah.

Otherwise, the way you're putting it, then we've existed since the time our kind crawled out of the muds.

The current country is a STATE ; a Nation state
States are different from Civilisations ; we are proud of the Indian Civilisation

Civilisation comes from the region ; the people and their shared values ; beliefs ; traditions

Civilisational STRENGTH is what keeps you GOING in tough times
as it happened with Hindus and Jews

Pakistan not the modern india is the successor state of ancient India/IVC

IVC was present in the land that is currently Pakistan

But it was not Islamic ; On the contrary the motifs and artifacts resemble
early Hindu customs and traditions
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And we ripped it apart. That's all matters

I cant see your flags on my phone. But if you are an indian and saying that pakistan was created in 1947 and we ripped it apart in 1971 then thats rude and against the logic of PDF. According to PDF logic India was created in 1947 and Pakistan in 1971.
All names were invented from thin air Mr.Genius

Look, you are an ignorant buffoon who simply makes statements. I quoted the books by Megasthenes and Arrian. Others such as Guru Dutt mentioned various sources. There are literally thousands of sources to confirm that fact. But no, Mr. Stannis from LaLa Land has a better idea.

Pakistan not the modern india is the successor state of ancient India/IVC


Because your history books say so?

Watch it. It's an 8 part series about how Pakistani schools and universities have taught lies in the name of Islamization and nation-building.
stupid topic. anybody saying india didnt exist b4 1947 is stupid. ivc culture started in pakistani basins but adopted further east until nearly full india became hindu and spread towards afghanistan. civilization in old india started in pakistan and was spread to current india and bangladesh so bangladeshi still behind in civilization since they were last 2 be civilized by pakistanis. now pakistan muslim majority nation will need 2 spread islamic civilization 2 full india and give them new civilization :lol:
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