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Accidents in Russia

Dude, you're caught. The end.
Caught with what? There are two internet trolls telling me I'm not American because they don't like my politics. Why would I care what some Pakistani trolls think.
Is this supposed to mean anything?

False flagger? Is that a term you learned on this Pakistani forum? Oh dear.

Not even ONE DAY and you were caught as a bullshitter.

Caught with what? There are two internet trolls telling me I'm not American because they don't like my politics. Why would I care what some Pakistani trolls think.

Come clean. Who were you and what were your flags.:rofl:
Caught with what? There are two internet trolls telling me I'm not American because they don't like my politics. Why would I care what some Pakistani trolls think.

I never said anything about your politics. Besides you were doing the white trash stuff.
Why did you write "Your housing bubbles will collapse overnight.".
Isn't that your bubble too?
Not even ONE DAY and you were caught as a bullshitter.

Come clean. Who were you and what were your flags.:rofl:

Pakistani trolls. How boring. You don't have the intellect to debate a topic cogently so you decend into name calling and terciary arguments that have nothing to do with the topic.

Intellectually bankrupt is what we call it. In America. Among educated individuals that is.

I never said anything about your politics. Besides you were doing the white trash stuff.
Oh. Your issues with me stem from my politics. That's for sure. Now you have that boomslng hillbilly to help you out. Cowards.
Oh. Your issues with me stem from my politics. That's for sure. Now you have that boomslng hillbilly to help you out. Cowards.

Are you psycho? What are you talking about? I'm looking at my posts and I don't see anything about me saying anything about your politics.
Not even ONE DAY and you are caught bullshitting. Laying off the NATO stuff, huh ? Name ? Flags ?:rofl:
Are you seriously that delusional?

I was caught with what? You're making no sense. Is gibberish a debate tactic they teach in your Madras's ****?

And as for NATO. When it's a topic of discussion. IL mention it. You've childishly descended into speaking gibberish simply because you're too stupid to think of anything else.

You lost ****
You don't have the intellect to debate a topic cogently so you decend into name calling and terciary arguments that have nothing to do with the topic.

And what makes you think you're any different?

Oh, and to what do we owe the pleasure of having an intellectual on, what you call, Pakistani high school forum? None of my business though, keyboard warrior.

PS. They're right, show your real flags. An American babbling about NATO is too much down the road.
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Are you seriously that delusional?

I was caught with what? You're making no sense. Is gibberish a debate tactic they teach in your Madras's ****?

You were caught bullshitting. Who were you before 'jacksback' and what were your flags ?

And as for NATO. When it's a topic of discussion. IL mention it. You've childishly descended into speaking gibberish simply because you're too stupid to think of anything else.

'IL mention it' ? 'IL' ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!

You lost ****

Name and flags, please.
Are you psycho? What are you talking about? I'm looking at my posts and I don't see anything about me saying anything about your politics.

So why are you still addressing me? I mean if we're all good. What's your beef? You playing cheerleader for the retarded **** for something.

All this started with me discussing politics. You became offended and then you started personally attacking me with that boomslang clown.

Did I miss something

And what makes you think you're any different?

Oh, and to what do we owe the pleasure of having an intellectual on, what you call, Pakistani high school forum? None of my business though, keyboard warrior.

PS. They're right, show your real flags. An American babbling about NATO is too much to resist.
Cowards always try to gang up because they are too weak on their own. Keep it up.

Name and flags, please.

You go first.

Name and flag
I'm assuming you're **** or Saudi.
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You're more than making up for my inability to watch comedy shows due to constrained time schedule. My heartiest congratulations for doing such a splendid job.

What a bunch of cry babies. " oh he's antagonistic, oh he hates NATO, oh I don't want him to be American, even though he speaks perfect English, oh he banged my mom "

Anything else the three stooges want to cry about?

Lol. Two pakis and a Hindu. You truly are a winning team. Not.
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