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academia : hands off revolutionary philosophy !!


Jul 9, 2014
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February 26, 2016
Academia: Hands off Revolutionary Philosophy!
by Andre Vltchek

Philosophers have been muzzled by the Western global regime; most of great modern philosophy concealed from the masses. What has been left of it, allowed to float on the surface is toothless, irrelevant and incomprehensible: a foolish outdated theoretical field for those few remaining intellectual snobs.

Philosophy used to be the most precious crown jewel of human intellectual achievement. It stood at the vanguard of almost all fights for a better world. Gramsci was a philosopher, and so were Lenin, Mao Tse-tung, Ho-Chi-Minh, Guevara, Castro, Frantz Fanon, Senghors, Cabral, Nyerere and Lumumba, to name just a few.

To be a thinker, a philosopher, in ancient China, Japan or even in some parts of the West, was the most respected human ‘occupation’.
In all ‘normally’ developing societies, knowledge has been valued much higher than material possessions or naked power.

In ancient Greece and China, people were able to understand the majority of their philosophers. There was nothing “exclusive” in the desire to know and interpret the world. Philosophers spoke to the people, for the people.

Some still do. But that whoring and servile Western academic gang, which has locked philosophy behind the university walls, viciously sidelines such men and women.

Instead of leading people to the barricades, instead of addressing the most urgent issues our world is now facing, official philosophers are fighting amongst themselves for tenures, offering their brains and bodies to the Empire. At best, they are endlessly recycling each other, spoiling millions of pages of paper with footnotes, comparing conclusions made by Derrida and Nietzsche, hopelessly stuck at exhausted ideas of Kant and Hegel.

At worst, they are outrightly evil – making still relevant revolutionary philosophical concepts totally incomprehensible, attacking them, and even disappearing them from the face of the Earth.

Only the official breed, consisting of almost exclusively white/Western ‘thought recyclers’, is now awarded the right to be called ‘philosophers’.

My friends in all corners of the world, some of the brightest people on earth, are never defined as such. The word ‘philosopher’ still carries at least some great theoretical prestige, and god forbid if those who are now fighting against Western terror, for social justice or true freedom of thought, were to be labeled as such!

But they are, of course, all great philosophers! And they don’t recycle – they go forward, advancing brilliant new concepts that can improve life on our Planet. Some have fallen, some are still alive, and some are still relatively young:

Eduardo Galeano – one of the greatest storytellers of all times, and a dedicated fighter against Western imperialism. Noam Chomsky – renowned linguist and relentless fighter against Western fascism. Pramoedya Ananta Toer – former prisoner of conscience in Suharto’s camps and the greatest novelist of Southeast Asia. John Steppling – brilliant American playwright and thinker. Christopher Black – Canadian international lawyer and fighter against illegal neo-colonialist concepts of the Empire. Peter Koenig – renowned economist and thinker. Milan Kohout, thinker and performer, fighter against European racism.

Yes – all these great thinkers; all of them, philosophers! And many more that I know and love – in Africa and Latin America and Asia especially…

For those who insist that in order to be called a philosopher, one has to be equipped with some stamp that shows that the person has passed a test and is allowed to serve the Empire, here is proof to the contrary:

Even according to the Dictionary of Modern American philosophers (online ed.). New York: Oxford University Press:

“The label of “philosopher” has been broadly applied in this Dictionary to intellectuals who have made philosophical contributions regardless of academic career or professional title. The wide scope of philosophical activity across the time-span of this Dictionary would now be classed among the various humanities and social sciences which gradually separated from philosophy over the last one hundred and fifty years. Many figures included were not academic philosophers but did work at philosophical foundations of such fields as pedagogy, rhetoric, the arts, history, politics, economics, sociology, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, religion, and theology.”
In his brilliant upcoming book Aesthetic Resistance and Dis-Interest, my friend John Steppling quotes, Hullot-Kentor:

“If art – when art is art – understands us better than we can intentionally understand ourselves, then a philosophy of art would need to comprehend what understands us. Thinking would need to become critically imminent to that object; subjectivity would become the capacity of its object, not simply its manipulation. That’s the center of Adorno’s aesthetics. It’s an idea of thought that is considerably different from the sense of contemporary “theory”, where everyone feels urged to compare Derrida with Nietzsche, the two of them with Levinas, and all of them now with Badiou, Žižek and Agamben. That kind of thinking is primarily manipulation. It’s the bureaucratic mind unconsciously flexing the form of social control it has internalized and wants to turn on others.”
Western academia is rigidly defining, which lines of thought are acceptable for philosophers to use, as well as what analyses, and what forms.
Those who refuse to comply are ‘not true philosophers’. They are dilettantes, ‘amateurs’.

And those who are not embraced by some ‘reputable’ institution are not to be taken seriously at all (especially if they are carrying Russian, Asian, African, Middle Eastern or Latino names). It is a little bit like with journalism. Unless you have an ‘important’ media outlet behind you (preferably a Western one), unless you can show that the Empire truly trusts you, your press card is worth nothing, and you would not even be allowed to board a UN or a military flight to a war zone.
Your readers, even if numbering millions, may see you as an important philosopher. But let’s be frank: unless the Empire stamps its seal of acceptance on your forehead of backside, in the West you are really nothing more than worthless shit!
After all that I have witnessed and written, I am increasingly convinced that Western imperialism and neo-colonialism are the most urgent and dangerous challenges facing our Planet. Perhaps the only challenges…

I have seen 160 countries in all corners of the Globe. I have witnessed wars, conflicts, imperialist theft and indescribable brutality of white tyrants.
And so, recently, I sensed that it is time to revisit two great thinkers of the 20th Century, two determined fighters against Western imperialist fascism: Frantz Fanon and Jean-Paul Sartre.

The Wretched of the Earth, and Black Skin, White Masks – two essential books by Frantz Omar Fanon, a Martinique-born Afro-Caribbean psychiatrist, philosopher, revolutionary, and writer, and a dedicated fighter against Western colonialism. And Colonialism and Neocolonialism, a still greatly relevant book by Jean-Paul Sartre, a prominent French resistance fighter, philosopher, playwright and novelist…
I had all three books in my library and, after many years, it was time to read them again.

But my English edition of Colonialism and Neocolonialism was wrapped in dozens of pages of prefaces and introductions. The ‘intellectual cushioning’ was too thick and at some point I lost interest, leaving the book in Japan. Then in Kerala I picked up another, this time Indian edition.

Again, some 60 pages of prefaces and introductions, pre-chewed intrusive and patronizing explanations of how I am supposed to perceive both Sartre and his interactions with Fanon, Memmi and others. And yes, it all suddenly began moving again into that pre-chewed but still indigestible “Derrida-Nietzsche” swamp.

Instead of evoking outrage and wrath, instead of inspiring me into taking concrete revolutionary action, those prefaces, back covers, introductions and comments were clearly castrating and choking the great messages of both Sartre and Fanon.

They were preventing readers and fellow philosophers from getting to the core.
Then finally, when reaching the real text of Sartre, it all becomes clear – why exactly is the regime so determined to “protect” readers from the originals.

It is because the core, the original, is extremely simple and powerful. The words are relevant, and easy to understand. They are describing both old French colonialist barbarities, as the current Western neo-colonialism. God forbid someone puts two and two together!

Philosopher Sartre on China and Western fascist cultural propaganda:

“As a child, I was a victim of the picturesque: everything had been done to make the Chinese intimidating. I was told about rotten eggs… of men sawn between two planks of wood, of piping and discordant music… [The Chinese] were tiny and terrible, slipping between your fingers, attacked from behind, burst out suddenly in a ridiculous din… There was also the Chinese soul, which I was simply told was inscrutable. ‘Orientals, you see…’ The Negroes did not worry me; I had been taught that they were good dogs. With them, we were still among mammals. But the Asians frightened me…”
Sartre on Western colonialism and racism:

“Racism is inscribed in the events themselves, in the institutions, in the nature of the exchange and the production. The political and social statuses reinforce one another: since the natives are sub-human, the Declaration of Human Rights does not apply to them; conversely, since they have no rights, they are abandoned without protection to the inhuman forces of nature, to the ‘iron laws’ of economics…”
And Sartre goes further:

“Western humanism and rights discourse had worked by excluding a majority of the world’s population from the category of humans.”
I address the same issues and so is Chomsky. But the Empire does not want people to know that Sartre, Memmi and Fanon spoke ‘the same language’ as we do, already more than half a century ago!
Albert Memmi:

“Conservatism engenders the selection of mediocre people. How can this elite of usurpers, conscious of their mediocrity, justify their privileges? Only one way: diminish the colonized in order to exult themselves, deny the status of human beings to the natives, and deprive them of basic rights…”
Sartre on Western ignorance:

“It is not cynicism, it is not hatred that is demoralizing us: no, it is only the state of false ignorance in which we are made to live and which we ourselves contribute to maintaining…”
The way the West ‘educates’ the world, Sartre again:

“The European elite set about fabricating a native elite; they selected adolescents, marked on their foreheads, with a branding iron, the principles of Western culture, stuffed into their mouths verbal gags, grand turgid words which stuck to their teeth; after a brief stay in the mother country, they were sent back, interfered with…”
It is actually easy to learn how to recycle the thoughts of others, how to compare them and at the end, how to compile footnotes. It takes time, it is boring, tedious and generally useless, but not really too difficult.

On the other hand, it is difficult to create brand new concepts, to revolutionize the way our societies, and our world are arranged. If our brains recycle too much and try to create too little, they get lazy and sclerotic – chronically sclerotic.
Intellectual servility is a degenerative disease.

Western art has deteriorated to ugly psychedelic beats, to excessively bright colors and infantile geometric drawings, to cartoons and nightmarish and violent films as well as “fiction”. It is all very convenient – with all that noise, one cannot hear anymore the screams of the victims, one cannot understand loneliness, and comprehend emptiness.

In bookstores, all over the world, poetry and philosophy sections are shrinking or outright disappearing.

Now what? Is it going to be Althusser (mostly not even real Althusser, but a recycled and abbreviated one), or Lévi-Strauss or Derrida, each wrapped in endless litanies of academic talk?

No! Comrades, philosophers, not that! Down with the sclerotic, whoring academia and their interpretation of philosophy!

Down with the assassins of Philosophy!

Philosophy is supposed to be the intellectual vanguard. It is synonymous with revolution, humanism, and rebellion.

Those who are thinking about and fighting for a much better world, using their brains as weapons, are true philosophers.

Those who are collecting dust and tenures in some profit-oriented institutions of higher ‘learning’ are definitely not, even if they have hundreds of diplomas and stamps all over their walls and foreheads!

They do not create and do not lead. They do not even teach! They are muzzling knowledge. To quote Fanon: “Everything can be explained to the people, on the single condition that you want them to understand.” But “they” don’t want people to understand; they really don’t…

And one more thing: the great thoughts of Fanon and Sartre, of Gramsci and Mao, Guevara and Galeano should be gently washed, undusted and exhibited again, free of all those choking ‘analyses’ and comparisons compiled by toxic pro-establishment thinkers.

There is nothing to add to the writing of maverick revolutionary philosophers. Hands off their work! Let them speak! Editions without prefaces and introductions, please! The greatest works of philosophy were written with heart, blood and passion! No interpretation is needed. Even a child can understand.

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and “Fighting Against Western Imperialism.Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western Terrorism. Point of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.


source - Academia: Hands off Revolutionary Philosophy!


jamahir's comment : @NP-complete , selected this piece specially for you because you support academia as against the natural and 'caste-less' progression of knowledge and revolutionary thought that i was supporting. :)

@Mentee was witness to our talk.

@nihonjin1051 , the article supports my assertion again that much of academia is filled with language that looks unnatural, unnecessary, a match of shuttle-cock to the exclusion of the audience, pompous etc... we must reject such language and remove it... actually this leads to the point of radically changing the modern "education" system which mostly has become a system of collecting actually unnnecessary cards called degrees and doctorates which has use only in securing paid employment in capitalist systems.
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I can't believe that articles like this still get written in the 21st century.

While there is nothing wrong with philosophizing, a little pragmatism goes a long way.

All those gentlemen mentioned as "great philosophers" Nyerere, Castro, Mao, Lenin etc left starving poor and broken down countries in their wake. Their own nationals were more than happy to see them go.

And as for the "whoring and slavish" westerners, while they may well be all that, I don't know or care, let's also give them some acknowledgment, however grudging for bringing about industrialization and modern science without which many of us would still be dying of chicken pox or child birth.
very thought provoking and well knitted thesis----but one should not be surprised at the downright bigotry of our intelligentia and ruling class----especially the think tanks who spearhead these, false and artificial notions of life--with corporate time, energies and money invested in them,they are supposed to be that way--make things complicated, make them sarkari(official) repeat them with new words so folks dont get bored---- and then they have the audicity to talk about the liberal values----its not braindrain we are witnessing,dino-mind drain instead---throw a trap of scholarships in developing countries---get their best parrots,train them,give them some petty incentives-throw them back in their native countries----------suck their resources in the name of progress----thats all folks:enjoy:

no doubt colonialism showered its blessings upon its subjects,but at which price,this question still haunts even many of us.e.g different reactionery organiztions aroud the world---create two stratas out of a single country or culture,further feul their brain cells making them into believe the other one is a daishdrohi-----one simply cannot have an independent thought process,either you are with the sickulars or with the reactioneries,or you die at the hands of both------
i read somwhere that since 1913 almost all of the publishing companies have been bought,like the media groups of today
those who control past control the present and ------:police:
shaitan khabees would not let Adamness prevail on the face of the earth---will persecute anyone who'll try to warn the sheeps about the wolves among them---a fine example is this forum, where folks shamelessly and blatantly cheer the killings of human beings----without pondering over the probablilty ,what if they were born in the enemy country with the enemy religion in their hearts---what if the person died was their loved one----down with the iam a superior cat than thou attitude:sick::tdown:

@Sky lord
Raadha kysay na jalay:lol:
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can the tl;dr of this article be 'I don't understand what you are saying, therefore you are evil' ?
if yes, then I totally agree, power to stupid and ordinary simpletons, lets drag down the smart ones too so that we can have real equality. :)

alright I get it, we need to make knowledge more accessible to common people. We need have more people doing it. Totally agree. Its not a conspiracy that academia are not interested in popularizing their findings, its just that its not really attractive to a lot of people. But Internet is changing that. Lot of videos being made for ordinary folks to understand and get interested in science, philosophy, economics and other subjects.
very thought provoking and well knitted thesis----but one should not be surprised at the downright bigotry of our intelligentia and ruling class----especially the think tanks who spearhead these, false and artificial notions of life--with corporate time, energies and money invested in them,they are supposed to be that way--make things complicated, make them sarkari(official) repeat them with new words so folks dont get bored---- and then they have the audicity to talk about the liberal values----its not braindrain we are witnessing,dino-mind drain instead---throw a trap of scholarships in developing countries---get their best parrots,train them,give them some petty incentives-throw them back in their native countries----------suck their resources in the name of progress----thats all folks:enjoy:

no doubt colonialism showered its blessings upon its subjects,but at which price,this question still haunts even many of us.e.g different reactionery organiztions aroud the world---create two stratas out of a single country or culture,further feul their brain cells making them into believe the other one is a daishdrohi-----one simply cannot have an independent thought process,either you are with the sickulars or with the reactioneries,or you die at the hands of both------
i read somwhere that since 1913 almost all of the publishing companies have been bought,like the media groups of today
those who control past control the present and ------:police:
shaitan khabees would not let Adamness prevail on the face of the earth---will persecute anyone who'll try to warn the sheeps about the wolves among them---a fine example is this forum, where folks shamelessly and blatantly cheer the killings of human beings----without pondering over the probablilty ,what if they were born in the enemy country with the enemy religion in their hearts---what if the person died was their loved one---- down with the iam a superior cat then thou attitude:sick::tdown:

well said. :tup:

@Sky lord
Raadha kysay na jalay:lol:


can the tl;dr of this article be 'I don't understand what you are saying, therefore you are evil' ?
if yes, then I totally agree, power to stupid and ordinary simpletons, lets drag down the smart ones too so that we can have real equality. :)

alright I get it, we need to make knowledge more accessible to common people. We need have more people doing it. Totally agree. Its not a conspiracy that academia are not interested in popularizing their findings, its just that its not really attractive to a lot of people. But Internet is changing that. Lot of videos being made for ordinary folks to understand and get interested in science, philosophy, economics and other subjects.

you didn't get the intention of the article. :)

the author has seen more of the world than most phd's in the world put together. :)
well said. :tup:


you didn't get the intention of the article. :)

the author has seen more of the world than most phd's in the world put together. :)
give me the short version... Was author making a wider point about disconnect between intelligentsia and common folks or was it just a rant against 'the west' due to some random stuff.

Look, even my instinct is, if I am too dumb to understand something, I will think the guy is a show off. but we have been building on knowledge of our ancestors, there will be a point (due to specialization) when we cant understand it all. why should I be jealous that some do possess more intelligence and bring more knowledge to world through research. Who am I to say 'real world knowledge' is better than those who do research?
ordinary greeks did not live with 2000+ years of additional knowledge, did they?
give me the short version... Was author making a wider point about disconnect between intelligentsia and common folks or was it just a rant against 'the west' due to some random stuff.

the intelligentsia and the academia are two separate things, and like the author indicates, are in opposition to each other.

and what random stuff??

Look, even my instinct is, if I am too dumb to understand something, I will think the guy is a show off.

even i took years to simplify many things... please read the article again, it is in simple and direct language.

and i remember that you said a similar thing in my posting of a gaddafi essay ( death to the incapable : until revolution ), so i think it is a ideological blockage for you rather than in direct understanding. :)

but we have been building on knowledge of our ancestors, there will be a point (due to specialization) when we cant understand it all.

ordinary greeks did not live with 2000+ years of additional knowledge, did they?

yes we have been building on knowledge of ancestors and to add to that, quite many things in technology and politics are going back to the simplification of earlier times, plus these being advanced by newer innovations.

but i don't understand how that is relevant to the op... please explain. :)
@Sky lord
Raadha kysay na jalay:lol:

Sorry sir, I don't understand Pakistani. You will have to translate into English if you want me to be able to understand. I assume from the smirk, it's some kind of insult? :-) Ok I am outta here, you guys be children on your own, :tup:

Look, even my instinct is, if I am too dumb to understand something, I will think the guy is a show off. but we have been building on knowledge of our ancestors, there will be a point (due to specialization) when we cant understand it all. why should I be jealous that some do possess more intelligence and bring more knowledge to world through research. Who am I to say 'real world knowledge' is better than those who do research?
ordinary greeks did not live with 2000+ years of additional knowledge, did they?

Well put. It's almost shades of Hypatia again.

Classical Hellenic scholarship was in part brought to an end by ignorant mobs who were jealous of the power of scholars. If our civilization is not to go the same way, we need to protect the scholars and make sure the mobs do not remain ignorant. As you said, the internet really magnifies both - by increasing suspicion based on conspiracy theories and increasing scholarship by disseminating knowledge to those who are smart enough to understand.
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@nihonjin1051 , the article supports my assertion again that much of academia is filled with language that looks unnatural, unnecessary, a match of shuttle-cock to the exclusion of the audience, pompous etc... we must reject such language and remove it... actually this leads to the point of radically changing the modern "education" system which mostly has become a system of collecting actually unnnecessary cards called degrees and doctorates which has use only in securing paid employment in capitalist systems.

Greetings @jamahir

I understand your appraisal of the situation in academia , and perhaps a quiet reflection on the vocabulary utilized in academic publication may seem unnatural to the average reader -- who may prefer to speak colloquially.

Be that as it may in regards to academic dictum and professional dialectic , there is a culture that encourages practitioners to engage in high vocabulary. We must remember that when we engage in research discourse we are engaging in empiricism and contribute to the total body of knowledge , a process that requires practitioner knowledge producers as well as practitioner knowledge consumers to honor and respect the sanctity of the body of lit. Drawing on a critical pedagogy perspective, mentoring is discussed as a praxis of allyship that develops organically within relationships that recognize each person's strengths, provides instrumental knowledge about the academy, provides intellectual stimulation and reciprocal reflection, and is a collaborative endeavor that helps them to resist erasure and insert visibly diverse knowledge systems into people's academic pursuits and responsibilities.

Tho we may differ in ideation , my friend, i respect and honor your viewpoints.


very thought provoking and well knitted thesis----but one should not be surprised at the downright bigotry of our intelligentia and ruling class----especially the think tanks who spearhead these, false and artificial notions of life--with corporate time, energies and money invested in them,they are supposed to be that way--make things complicated, make them sarkari(official) repeat them with new words so folks dont get bored---- and then they have the audicity to talk about the liberal values----its not braindrain we are witnessing,dino-mind drain instead---throw a trap of scholarships in developing countries---get their best parrots,train them,give them some petty incentives-throw them back in their native countries----------suck their resources in the name of progress----thats all folks:enjoy:

What a very colorful, insightful yet poignant appraisal, @Mentee.

How would you endeavor the entire academic system change ? Are there any global systems set in place that may induce procedural changes in terms of publication processes ?
Sorry sir, I don't understand Pakistani. You will have to translate into English if you want me to be able to understand. I assume from the smirk, it's some kind of insult? :-) Ok I am outta here, you guys be children on your own, :tup:
haaaaaa-------for God sake:mad:----bhai,i think you dont watch bollywood movies--lagan daikhi hain?heard its songs?--i was just being sarcastic and no,was not insulting you @Levina d samjhay kuch chunni babo ko :D

What a very colorful, insightful yet poignant appraisal, @Mentee.

How would you endeavor the entire academic system change ? Are there any global systems set in place that may induce procedural changes in terms of publication processes ?
dear sir, its simple ,we kill the elite:D ok apart from joking--------have some raw solutions in my mind,but i think its not the right time to unveil them-----may be @jamahir could provide us with those answers to------
Simple word comes to mind for this writer philosophizing as above 'Attention Whore'

Really i mean, on one hand he says Western intelligentsia has excluded so many, and rues that their approval is needed to prove one's credentials.

If u feel so create your own space, make a band of brothers of the ignored or downtrodden poor left out ' the other intelligentsia'

Look at the examples of one's he wants to dust and re present, they left body counts of which any intelligent person would feel down right humiliated of being a human.
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