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Abu Zolfiqar has passed away. RIP

Sad News!! He was so young!!

May your soul rest in peace..

We didn't have many interaction for the fact that I seldom post amongst the usual chaos that goes around. But I do read a lot. Although I may not have agreed with many of his POV for obvious reasons (Specially w.r.t. Kashmir issue), he came across as a fierce patriot and a good human being with clear thinking. My deepest condolence for his family & friends at this difficult time. RIP my fellow PDFian... Sad day for PDF!
Known him since more than 7 years on this forum. Had disagreements but he never lost cool or backed up.

You were a true patriot Abu/Ali.
You didnt deserve to go down like this.

You will be remembered.And you will be missed.

Rest in Peace.

Yours truly Dothead
Known him since more than 7 years on this forum. Had disagreements but he never lost cool or backed up.

You were a true patriot Abu/Ali.
You didnt deserve to go down like this.

You will be remembered.And you will be missed.

Rest in Peace.

Yours truly Dothead

Ha, you're not too bad yourself Sparky.
I'm in Texas and can't get a flight at this time to go to his funeral.

Me and @B06 want to send flowers to his funeral on behalf of defence.pk.

We can contact a local floral shop and get it delivered.

If you guys need money, I got you.

@WebMaster @Horus

Make it happen guys.

Remember boys, we Pakistanis take care of our own.

In your card please do mention his username. Those left behind need something to cling onto to properly grieve.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

This is a sad day, a big loss. He was a great person, very helpful and energetic and a always a pleasure to read. It was an honor knowing him here on the forum. He will surely be missed.

May his soul rest in peace and may Allah give Sabr to his family and friends.

@Spring Onion you knew him off the forum? Can you confirm if he was in US with family? I mean was he living there with his family or was there in US for work/studies and his family is here in Pakistan?

@Proudpakistaniguy @Syed.Ali.Haider @Musalman anyone else???

From some of his posts it seems that his parents were in Pakistan at least back in 2012.
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Interestingly he worked for three years at a company founded and run by Indians.

How internet persona and real life is often at odds.

Never seen him troll Indians or hate them.
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