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abhinandon celebration in full swing in India

Sure sure. A mob needed to beat up an injured ejected pilot. And a battery of army chaps needed to arrest him. Why so scared of 1-1 fight?

what would this out of shape unfit pilot who could not even run and surrendered 1/4 away to villagers and froze like a goat from their scream would do to a 13 year old kashmiri teenager? NOTHING lol


How do these pathological liars explain to their brain washed citizens that

2 R-77 recovered
1 R-73 with tail section stuck to pylon
1 R-73 with serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory was also recovered

so then how did abhi shoot down F-16?
Faith does such things to people. This has not changed for more than a 1000 years.
what would this out of shape unfit pilot who could not even run and surrendered 1/4 away to villagers and froze like a goat from their scream would do to a 13 year old kashmiri teenager? NOTHING lol

He looks pretty resolute to me. Even when answering questions in enemy territory he did not flinch or come across as morose. And why would he? He chased his enemy back into their own territory. The previous day, no Pak pilot chased any Indian back. They should have, that's their job.

I don't doubt the bravery or patriotism of any Pak soldier.
Look at this Pak PoWs from Kargil -

Now compare their body language to the body language of Abhinandan. The difference is stark to me.
He looks pretty resolute to me. Even when answering questions in enemy territory he did not flinch or come across as morose. And why would he? He chased his enemy back into their own territory. The previous day, no Pak pilot chased any Indian back. They should have, that's their job.

I don't doubt the bravery or patriotism of any Pak soldier.
Look at this Pak PoWs from Kargil -

Now compare their body language to the body language of Abhinandan. The difference is stark to me.

ask the jordanian pilot what he was going through when he was captured by ISIS captive.... on the other hand abhi knew he was on SAFE hands and nothing harmful would happen to him!!! but look at his easy surrender, he did not even attempt to escape... he froze their like a goat.

IAF never even entered PAK terrotory like PAF did on 27th. IAF Mirages used Spice standoff weapons from safe distance and ran away after entering few KM of Pak territory which only takes few seconds and PAF intrudes Indian sovereignty on daily bases....

Btw, being a coward you are..... you yet again dodged my question..

both R77 recovered
1 R-73 with tail section still stuck to pylon recovered
1 R-73 with serial number recovered that can be traced back to IAF inventory

If all missiles recovered then how the fok did he shoot down an F-16???
it depends on the faith, if you are are being taught and believe moon is square then its time for you to chose another faith.
Faith is faith.. is blind. You don't need faith to know that the moon is not round. You need facts.
ask the jordanian pilot what he was going through when he was captured by ISIS captive.... on the other hand abhi knew he was on SAFE hands and nothing harmful would happen to him!!! but look at his easy surrender, he did not even attempt to escape... he froze their like a goat.

IAF never even entered PAK terrotory like PAF did on 27th. IAF Mirages used Spice standoff weapons from safe distance and ran away after entering few KM of Pak territory which only takes few seconds and PAF intrudes Indian sovereignty on daily bases....

Btw, being a coward you are..... you yet again dodged my question..

both R77 recovered
1 R-73 with tail section still stuck to pylon recovered
1 R-73 with serial number recovered that can be traced back to IAF inventory

If all missiles recovered then how the fok did he shoot down an F-16???
You are right .. by virtue of being on P0K you are in indian territory daily.
You said its fact.. I never brought in any religion. You brought in Hinduism what can I do..

you sound like a telemarketer scam artist... make up stuff to confuse senior citizens into selling useless services that they dont need. :lol:

btw. i said some Hinduism can be faith but not facts..
Varāha (Sanskrit: वराह, Varāha, "boar") is the avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu who takes the form of a boar to rescue goddess earth.

tell me whats "factual" about this fiction?
Ok let me tell you why its fact.. this is part of the dashavataram.. this is the 3rd avatar. The one before was matsya avataram. So the philosophers questioned how life formed and may have figured out initially it started in water as fish and then amphibious as a turtle and then lower land mammals like varaha or boar.
millennia later we study about evolution theory and natural selection of species. This is about ancient people questioning and searching for what is life how and why..

you sound like a telemarketer scam artist... make up stuff to confuse senior citizens into selling useless services that they dont need. :lol:

btw. i said some Hinduism can be faith but not facts..
Lol like Zakir naik.. he would have been proud
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