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Abhinandan was released on massive Indian pressure of war: Ayaz Sadiq Claims

I have written before and will reiterate. India will not treat Pakistani or Chinese pow like this. Its against our ethos. Even when we had 90000 of you in 71 or scores of you in kargil.
I dont expect the same from you as we are different societies. You do what you do, we will do what we do.
India initiated one war in 71 and we know the result.
The other conflicts result we know .
1947 was not against Indian army as Indian army was not present in kashmir at the time of Pakistani attack. When the army came , you guys ran back very fast or srinagar would be with you. Arguments based on lies have zero value.
Wow , early morning and already this video is very popular on Indian channels. And we have hundreds of channels. Its displaced bihar elections as the top news.

Lmao, Pakistan won in all wars against India on Western front since 7x india couldn't achieve a clear victory against a much smaller enemy. Pakistani forces outfought numerically larger indians....and when india faced its equal in size China, it literally got arse r@ped. Your military record is laughably bad.

Even your own ex-military officers accept it :lol:

Indian analyst accepting india never won against Pak.png

Regarding 71 war, that too was WON by Pakistan when the war is seen in Hindu-Muslim background (the whole reason of partition to begin with).

First off, 71 was more of a civil-war between two Muslim groups. Indian army helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) against another Muslim side. I don't really count civil wars for much....but if we go by Indian sources and narrative (which I don't believe btw), even in 71---superior Pakistan military utterly cucked Hindus.

In Islamic-Hindu context (not just Indo-Pak), 71 war was complete Islamic victory over Hindus. It created a new Muslim-state on world map and decimated Hindus in East Bengal who were living there for 1000+ years.

According to Indian scholars/researchers:2.47 MILLION Hindus went unaccounted for during 71 war and refugee crisis etc. Pakistan had decided to liberate Bangladesh on its own even before the war began (Henry Kessinger confirms it). But before we did that, we sent in our military and DECIMATED Hindus forever. Hindus went from 22% of Bangladesh to 8% today, largely because of Pakistani military offensive.

Afterwards, 34k Pakistani troops came out unscathed due to Shimla agreement (93k number includes civil administration as well, police, and everything....highly so inaccurate)----whereby Pakistan even kept the Indian territory it gained as a result of Pakistani victory at Chamb sector offensive.

So all in all: Pakistan decided to give independence to Bangladesh (as confirmed by Henry Kissenger himself). But before we did so, we went in----decimated Hindus in their millions, our military action caused Bangladesh to become 90% Muslim today, we did not pay any price for our strategic military decimation of Hindus, and instead got to keep Indian territory in critical Chamb sector as well.

Sounds like a strategic victory to me, tell me with a straight face its not? :D We decided to give Bangladesh independence on our own and before we did so----we reduced Hindus from 20% to near 10% in a matter of few months via our expeditionary force. You did not even punish a single Pakistani officer for their actions in Bangladesh.

Not only Bangladesh, Pakistan also played a critical role in decimating Soviet Union in Afghan War (Soviet helped india at the UN in 1971), and hence bringing 4,000,000 sq km land into Islamic control. Pakistan's this achievement alone is bigger than ANY Hindu achievement geopolitically for past 5000 years. You couldn't even save Hindu monarchy in Nepal (a small country surrounded by you). China-backed Communits over-threw it---world's only Hindu Monarchy in Nepal in 2006 and you couldn't do jack about it? :lol:

You were, are, and will always remain our inferiors when it comes to war-fighting ability and spirit

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Ayaz Sadiq as usual talking what his Indian paid stooge NawaZ told him too. All Indian media outlets are now quoting ayaz sadiq with sensational headlines.
It was eventually PMLN's fate to end up as BJP's tout in Pakistan. What a disgrace. The fact that there's literally no N-league leader / follower who can even bring themselves to dissuade from these statements tells you a lot more than just Ayaz Sadiq's statement on the floor of the house.
Both airforces have stand-off weapons and platforms to employ them, difference is, we came the next day with the enemy being forewarned. We came in numbers and in daylight, suppressed air defences, shot down interceptions and made our marks at standoff ranges while also capturing strike footage.

No matter what you claim about Balakot strike, PAF’s display was way more impressive and more successful.
I agree...I never thought pak would attack india the way it did on feb 27..i remember me posting on my FB on feb 26 that Pak wouldnt do air attack on india as we would be prepared expecting an attack.
But it turned out we were so relaxed..unprepared...more than calling it pak's skill and competence , I would call it irresponsibile and recklessness on indias part.
Of course we have to give credit to pak for the info they gathered about indian airforce capabilities.
Lmao, Pakistan won in all wars against India on Western front since 7x india couldn't achieve a clear victory against a much smaller enemy. Pakistani forces outfought numerically larger indians....and when india faced its equal in size China, it literally got arse r@ped. Your military record is laughably bad.

Even your own ex-military officers accept it :lol:

Indian analyst accepting india never won against Pak.png

Regarding 71 war, that too was WON by Pakistan when the war is seen in Hindu-Muslim background (the whole reason of partition to begin with).

First off, 71 was more of a civil-war between two Muslim groups. Indian army helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) against another Muslim side. I don't really count civil wars for much....but if we go by Indian sources and narrative (which I don't believe btw), even in 71---superior Pakistan military utterly cucked Hindus.

In Islamic-Hindu context (not just Indo-Pak), 71 war was complete Islamic victory over Hindus. It created a new Muslim-state on world map and decimated Hindus in East Bengal who were living there for 1000+ years.

According to Indian scholars/researchers: 2.47 MILLION Hindus went unaccounted for during 71 war and refugee crisis etc. Pakistan had decided to liberate Bangladesh on its own even before the war began (Henry Kessinger confirms it). But before we did that, we sent in our military and DECIMATED Hindus forever. Hindus went from 22% of Bangladesh to 8% today, largely because of Pakistani military offensive.

Afterwards, 34k Pakistani troops came out unscathed due to Shimla agreement (93k number includes civil administration as well, police, and everything....highly so inaccurate)----whereby Pakistan even kept the Indian territory it gained as a result of Pakistani victory at Chamb sector offensive.

So all in all: Pakistan decided to give independence to Bangladesh (as confirmed by Henry Kissenger himself). But before we did so, we went in----decimated Hindus in their millions, our military action caused Bangladesh to become 90% Muslim today, we did not pay any price for our strategic military decimation of Hindus, and instead got to keep Indian territory in critical Chamb sector as well.

Sounds like a strategic victory to me, tell me with a straight face its not? :D We decided to give Bangladesh independence on our own and before we did so----we reduced Hindus from 20% to near 10% in a matter of few months via our expeditionary force. You did not even punish a single Pakistani officer for their actions in Bangladesh.

Not only Bangladesh, Pakistan also played a critical role in decimating Soviet Union in Afghan War (Soviet helped india at the UN in 1971), and hence bringing 4,000,000 sq km land into Islamic control. Pakistan's this achievement alone is bigger than ANY Hindu achievement geopolitically for past 5000 years. You couldn't even save Hindu monarchy in Nepal (a small country surrounded by you). China-backed Communits over-threw the world's only Hindu Monarchy in Nepal in 2006 and you couldn't do jack about it? :lol:

You were, are, and will always remain our inferiors when it comes to war-fighting ability and spirit

What kind of defeatist mentality is this...? You are happy cos your country was defeated..? Lol..!
In that case, hypothetically, if tomorrow India dismembers Sindh out of Pakistan, you would still be happy that at there are now 4 Muslim majority states in Indian subcontinent...!!?
It means no matter how badly pak military does in war you will keep clapping and singing praises for them.
As for this statement by Mr Nawaz, he is saying the truth. When entire country and every member of PDF was saying not to release Abhinandan so quickly your PM released him in just 2 days stating better relation with India, I had said then itself that this is due to pressure of war from India but no one was paying attention.
Truth always comes out, Kargil or 27 feb, truth comes out eventually.
The whole incident was documented and sources in US, Pakistan and even new dehli had accepted the fact that Pakistan was ready to retaliate.
Opposition claims in a political crisis time don't mean anything.
such a long post ? you can say all those things in one sentence .
" pakistan never surrendered"

Pakistan 'surrendered' in a civil war after decimating Hindus of the region permanently. Sure

As always, a strategic victory for Muslims over weakling Hindus who were more concerned with optics than actual de-facto result on the ground, civilizationally speaking

What kind of defeatist mentality is this...? You are happy cos your country was defeated..? Lol..!
In that case, hypothetically, if tomorrow India dismembers Sindh out of Pakistan, you would still be happy that at there are now 4 Muslim majority states in Indian subcontinent...!!?
It means no matter how badly pak military does in war you will keep clapping and singing praises for them.
As for this statement by Mr Nawaz, he is saying the truth. When entire country and every member of PDF was saying not to release Abhinandan so quickly your PM released him in just 2 days stating better relation with India, I had said then itself that this is due to pressure of war from India but no one was paying attention.
Truth always comes out, Kargil or 27 feb, truth comes out eventually.

Lol, its embarrassing for indians I know, so you have strawman my argument. Only defeatist mentality is indians who have been losing for a 1000 years and now getting shrunk further.


71 War Strategic Perspective 2.png

who wrote this piece mocking pak army ? :D :D :D

Forget random pieces (mine and yours) hardly read by anyone. Worry about how GLOBAL AUDIENCES laughed, mocked, and humiliated indian military defeat at the hand of superior Pakistan military :lol:

ALL neutral sources confirm no target hit.png
Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg
India lost dogfight to Pak.png
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured 2.jpg
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
No building hit--Reuters (IAF failed miserably).jpg


And now China is cucking weakling indians and have overtaken 1000 sq km of indian claimed land and indians just peed their pants and ran away as always :lol:

1000 sq km land surrended to PLA.png
NY Times saying Pak Humiliated India.jpg
Russia Today Laughing at India blowing up its own helicopter.jpg
Mother fuckers, why pakistanis has the highest numbers of traitors as compared to any other nations in the world? why ?

Brother in my private conversation with another member I said the same exact thing. I said, no other nation has produced more traitors than Pakistan in 70 years.

Sometimes I feel you and I (along with a handful) were born twins.
Requoting the events of Indian threat of launching the missile attack and Pakistan's response of attacking the India 3 times the force ..... nothing extraordinary or unknown fact just usual PML-N BS propaganda to score brownie points against IK and Army of Pakistan .....
This statement was supported by Imran Khan too in the parliament.
Now give me a negtive ratting postingg Imran Khan speech being on topic as you are the best at it. Even his statement is BS for you.
Start accepting the truth if you really want to improvment.
pakistani politicians will keep throwing mud on each other always . abinandan was captured in war not in love . we were at war that day .
Bro.. this statement was supported by Imran Khan in assembly. I posted a link in my previous post. Yes ...agreed! That day both countries were at war or in a war like situation. it could be happened anything that day but some sane minds worked both sides.
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