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Abandoning status as "Islamic Republic"

What direction do you want Pakistan to follow?

  • Secular

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education is key once people are literate and educated everything else including extremism will improve pakistan literacy rate is amongst the worst in the subcontinent .
The biggest cause of extremism in our country is lack of education and the quality of education which is given in our institutions.almost every school and madrasa has its separate syllabus(except for some), no check and balance what soever intensively dividing our children and making us weak, core values of Islam like Muslim brotherhood is just a dream nowadays.
and they don't have time for a family of murdered Ahmaids, Shias, Chrisitans, Hindus,
why so much bit** crying on killing of Ahmaids, shias, christians and hindus? arent people dying in other countries? does it mean they need to abandon their ideology or change their country's name? arent sunni not dying in this country everyday? or sunnis are children of a lesser God and their blood doesnt count?
. .
why so much bit** crying on killing of Ahmaids, shias, christians and hindus? arent people dying in other countries? does it mean they need to abandon their ideology or change their country's name? arent sunni not dying in this country everyday? or sunnis are children of a lesser God and their blood doesnt count?

Because its the Sunnis killing everyone else. Sunnis kill hindus, Sunnis kill shias, Sunnis kill ahmadis, Sunnis kill christians and yes Sunnis kill Sunnis. Damn Sunnis, they ruined Pakistan.
Because its the Sunnis killing everyone else. Sunnis kill hindus, Sunnis kill shias, Sunnis kill ahmadis, Sunnis kill christians and yes Sunnis kill Sunnis. Damn Sunnis, they ruined Pakistan.

Sunni muslims form the majority of Pakistan its is our nation
Sunni muslims form the majority of Pakistan its is our nation

Then Pakistani Sunnis should get a grip on the Sunni Problem, i.e. TTP, LEJ, LEM, Ahrar, Jundullah, Al Badr etc. All these are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistanis. Act like Pakistan is your nation and control your rogue militants.
Then Pakistani Sunnis should get a grip on the Sunni Problem, i.e. TTP, LEJ, LEM, Ahrar, Jundullah, Al Badr etc. All these are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistanis. Act like Pakistan is your nation and control your rogue militants.

if you dont like the majority of Pakistanis then why should we care about you
if you dont like the majority of Pakistanis then why should we care about you

Are you denying the serious problem for Sunnis that I have highlighted? My likes and dislikes do not even account for anything. The real question is, when will Pakistani Sunnis grow up and stop blaming other minorities for the sh!t Pakistan is in today.
I don't know much about ottoman history. From what you are telling it seems to me that the clerics at that time were not well equipped with knowledge of the Quran. Nowhere in the Quran we are forbidden to study science. Those who think so are just ignorant who follow some mufti's written more than Quran.

Reminds me of the observation that
"95% of the BMW drivers gives the rest a bad reputation".
. . .
The biggest cause of extremism in our country is lack of education and the quality of education which is given in our institutions.almost every school and madrasa has its separate syllabus(except for some), no check and balance what soever intensively dividing our children and making us weak, core values of Islam like Muslim brotherhood is just a dream nowadays.

I disagree, its easy to blame education but you still have educated people like one involved in Safora incident. Education is nothing when one cant get past red lines drawn to discredit reality because its a frowned upon thought process.

Problem with Pakistan and rest of Muslim world is intolerance and inability to accept change. How do madrassas (den of all evils) come in picture when a 3rd class movie literally grabbed 1.4 billion people by the balls? So offended Pakistan of all countries banned youtube to do what again? Deprive its citizens of a great educational platform.

No one said you have to watch it, but no one expected a world wide protest over something this silly and in middle were your "educated" people. You should see how much western countries ridicule their own religion because to them its not a basis to hurt others.

Just please list me 1 item that is done proper way as prescribed in religion in Pakistan? Not a single thing and every opposite thing, yet this is such an intolerant society that I can imagine people reading this would want to punch me because I am taking them out of their comfort zone.
I don't think people like hafeez sayeed, and the Military whose economy and power play runs on religion will allow it anyway.
Another turd of wisdom from our eastern neghbours who know shit but have to comment

why so much bit** crying on killing of Ahmaids, shias, christians and hindus? arent people dying in other countries? does it mean they need to abandon their ideology or change their country's name? arent sunni not dying in this country everyday? or sunnis are children of a lesser God and their blood doesnt count?
Because they are humans and have feelings too we have places where its wrotten
Ham marziyon say karobar nahe kartey how different is it from Donald Trump,s ideology?
And thats what confuses me...

Do you know what is the meaning of being secular???
It doesnot stop or even hinder anyone from practicing ISlam fully in anyway..
It just states that a state does not have a religion cuz its responsibility is to govern and not preach

It is the states responsibility to ensure that Muslims live under Islamic law if the country is an overwhelmingly Muslim majority nation.

Why do u value country over religion? Where is this notion that valuing country over everything (nationalism) is something admirable , coming from? The very notion of nation-state first emerged in the west. Its coming from the west which has a superiority complex regarding their culture just like the pre-islamic pagan arabs who judged people based on tribes and ethnicity. Why do u believe it any way? Is it because you think that since the west champions it , it must be something good? Their beliefs and cultural standards doesn't even have a foundation. Such beliefs are nothing but conjecture and as such inherently flawed. But islam is based on firm foundation. U value the religion/way of life send by the Creator of the heavens and the earth. How crazy it is to be believing in something else other than what the Creator of the heavens and the earth revealed. What a sad state of affairs you people are in.

Your understanding of secularism means that u don't even have an iota of idea abt secularism. Secularism was born out of apathy towards religion. It was born because of liberalism's tussle with christianity. Liberalism has all the features of a new religion. It has its own set of beliefs , methodologies , and laws and even sects/groups. Secularism is governance with laws derived from liberal socio-political beliefs. It doesn't separate religion from state , rather it replaces all religion with liberalism which rules the state. Secularism is the epitomization of tyranny .

Also by espousing secularism you are mistakenly conflating islam with Christianity (which was corrupted my man over time). Can you contemplate that , you are actually questioning the fact that Islam is a divinely revealed religion? Due to your ignorance abt Islam , you are mistakenly viewing the muslim world from a liberal western perspective and coming to absurdly wrong conclusions.

Islam doesn't allow separation of religion from state. And calling islamic laws draconian , is blasphemy. DO u have the conscience , knowledge , and understanding to even contemplate that?

Your inferiority complex and ignorance is glaring here. DO u question these notions of gender equality , religious freedom , labor rights etc? or just accept them at face value because its coming from the west? Why do u take these notions as something good? Muslim countries can never ever compete with western countries in these indicators until or unless muslims give up Islam and that's exactly what the west wants. All these western notions of rights , freedom and equality is based on western beliefs of liberalism and thus antithetical to Islam. Western notions of human rights blatantly oppose Sharia. It is not only antithetical to Islam but is antithetical to every other non-western societies and culture. These western beliefs r based on conjecture and flawed societal norms of the west. You r actually judging your country and society based on their standards , terms and conditions without even realizing that. You are an epitome of intellectually colonized liberal.

It also proves that you are ranting against islamic laws based on sheer ignorance. U have made up your mind that u like western values of liberalism and now trying to force your beliefs on the whole country. Now that's intolerance and extremism coupled with ignorance. Why should your beliefs and values rule over the rest?

If u r referring to the western imposed reforms of mid 19th century (tanzimat reforms) , then that was one of the primary factors of the collapse of the ottoman empire. If you force a lion to eat grass it will die.

Ataturk banned Azan in arabic , changed your script to latin, banned the fez and closed madrassas. The whole world knows it.

Jinnah was a human and thus would inherently make mistakes and he having good views of ataturk was one such mistake. Even so unlike ataturk , he was pragmatic and tolerant enough to realize that secularism doesn't work and as such he didn't want secularism in such a diverse country like PAK. History is proof of that.

Islamic political forces never ever ruled PAK. PAK has always been ruled by secularists who also turned out to be ruthless dacoits and corrupt zealots. Islamic law in PAK is only on paper while in reality its a secular state..................a good example of secular muslim state i must say.

DO u realize that the laws you quoted are Islamic laws based on Quran and Sunnah. These laws are ordained by Allah (swt) as a mercy to mankind. No sane muslim would dare slander Islamic law if he/she has a conscience and the most basic knowledge about his/her religion.

And are you putting "western human rights" as an argument against Islamic law ? :blink: You should know that "Universal declaration of human rights" is antithetical to islam. What makes western values universal? Why do u even consider that universal? The only answer can be that you have accepted western values as your own i.e you have been converted to liberalism mind , body and soul.

Btw this liberal imperialism of "universal human rights" is one of the reasons why , the west dare poke their noses into affairs of muslims , carpet bomb lands and do regime change. IF u believe in western human rights , you should have no problem changing anti-terror laws as per EU demands and allow the secular PKK pillage turkey.

What would you call an mathematician who does not know and also doesn't believe when told that 2+2=4? Btw don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying that you are not a muslim.

Agree with almost everything you said. Nice to know someone else here has some knowledge on the subject.
May be its time for you to abandon Pakistan and move abroad. If you cant take the heat then get out of the kitchen ! Cartoons coming out of woodworks !
i voted others but this intolerance is the reason he is against the IR concept. NO one should be kicked out for his thoughts. All thoughts are welcome and are healthy.

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