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Abandoned as a child bride, wife of Narendra Modi hopes he calls

2. This is a clear case of repression against women. Can you imagine what this poor lady and her family has been going through?Her life has been a trauma. And her family must have also been marked in the village/societyfor ridicule.

Not wanting to stay in a marriage is not repression unless the wife wanted a divorce and he refused it just to torture her. In this case their parents put them in a marriage in their teens and one did not stay in it and the other accepted that fate. Its a personal matter and a personal choice. I dont see any repression.
1.That's a poor attempt at defending your PM. The marriage took place under Hindu rites. It is very much intact. I watched in a TV program Faruq Abdullah asking Modi if he was married or not. And he ha said yes. And he has said so in his election application papers.
2. This is a clear case of repression against women. Can you imagine what this poor lady and her family has been going through?Her life has been a trauma. And her family must have also been marked in the village/societyfor ridicule.

okay good for you enjoy and file a case against him
She has been waiting for him all her life even before he became successful but this guy was busy stalking young girls....


We must ban news regarding Modi(Only negative) else Bhakts won't be a happy lot frowning Modiphobia and :blah::blah::blah:
u are mistaking modi for some one else (high and far) who love multiple women ~!
Thank God he is not a Muslim otherwise every newspaper in the West would have reported it and every women right organization would have taken to streets against the Muslim men. No one will bother now, because the guy is a non Muslim, he is a favorite to the US president and may earn India a seat in the Security Council. Who cares if he deserted his wife, killed a few hundred innocent Muslim citizens of India and so on and so forth. HE IS A US ALLY
0nly hundred .. so lame. i thought he killed millions nay billions of muslims. and sir child brides are not legal in this part of world.
Isn't there a law in India against repression of women? In any civilized country Modi would have been prosecuted for the tortures he has caused his wife. Abandoning a wife is a heinous crime. It's strange that people like Arundhati Roy are silent.

A man from the Muslim world saying this is way too high !!

The fact that all whom you call upon are silent indicates lack of substance in the case else the lapdogs would have lapped it up.
Lots of ignorant post being floated here , event the title is misguided , Modi himself was underage when he was married forcefully by his parents and this point is most important one.

If this was a forced marriage, then why didn't he get it annulled as soon as he could?
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