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Abandoned as a child bride, wife of Narendra Modi hopes he calls

Well, We aren't speaking of his Prophet-hood but yes we are speaking of him being a public figure, and again yes there are/were cheap shots/criticism of Prophet Mohammad but they have been refuted appropriately. Now speaking of Mr Modi, I wouldn't speak of his professional life and will limit is to his personal life as this thread is more relevant to it.

Firstly Modi's marriage can never be termed as child marriage as he was well over 17 years and some sources state that he was 18 and this is what Indian law states

"16 with parental consent. If any partner(s) engages in marriage at a younger age, (s)he can ask for the marriage to be declared void. A recent recommendation by the Law Commission aims to equalize the marriage age for males and females to 18. Official policy automatically declares marriages under 16 as "null and void", while marriages at the age of 16 or 17 are "voidable""

Source: http://lawcommissionofindia.nic.in/reports/report205.pdf

And as other PDF Posters state, I repeat the same, Modi could have legally gone out the marriage but instead he chose to not acknowledge his wife until recent times and is yet to give her any of her deserved due....

Second is him snooping and hounding a young woman through his henchmen. And what did his supporters aka BJP and company come up with is a weird explanation to cover it up, Well the lady's father wanted Modi to "protect" her, so state machinery was illegally exploited. Wow this rampant illegal surveillance as always was overlooked and is forgotten... And it never looked like protection by going through the conversations but more like hounding her....

Aah! Did you mean Saraswati and Brahma:undecided:?
So,now you're taking cheap shots at our religion but then again what can we expect from a guy who has deliberately put the picture of that "mass murderer" and "zealot" Tipu in our avatar just to mock the Dharmic members in this forum.Well,as a fellow citizen i must warn you to stop posting anti-Indian and anti-Govt. posts here or you'll be soon picked by by one of the Govt. agencies on account of treason:coffee:!!
So,now you're taking cheap shots at our religion but then again what can we expect from a guy who has deliberately put the picture of that "mass murderer" and "zealot" Tipu in our avatar just to mock the Dharmic members in this forum.Well,as a fellow citizen i must warn you to stop posting anti-Indian and anti-Govt. posts here or you'll be soon picked by by one of the Govt. agencies on account of treason:coffee:!!
You need to take a look at the previous posts as to who started it, I was just responding. So look before you leap. And just because you call someone mass murderer doesn't make him one. I have been a member of PDF for 3 years and never was I banned for trolling or mocking. Anti-Government posts doesn't necessarily mean Anti-Indian and I don't think I ever posted anything wrong at least the rational among the PDF do realize that and since the Constitution grants me the right to expression and I am free to use it....
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You need to take a look at the previous posts as to who started it, I was just responding. So look before you leap. And just because you call someone mass murderer doesn't make him one. I have been a member of PDF for 3 years and never was I banned for trolling or mocking. Anti-Government posts doesn't necessarily mean Anti-Indian and I don't think I ever posted anything wrong at least the rational among the PDF do realize that and since the Constitution grants me the right to expression and I am free to use it....
See unlike a certain Abrahamic faith we don't go around killing people who make fun of our faith and our God.You're extremely lucky that you live in a country where the majority of the population follow the Dharmic religion otherwise you would have been lynched by an angry mob by now if you made such comments on a certain faith in a certain neighboring country of ours.This is the beauty of our culture and religion,we forgive even those d*ckheads who make fun of our culture and faith.I am sure that we are certainly the most liberal minded folks in the entire world:coffee:!!
abandons his wife but goes head over backwards to accommodate obama

says a lot about his morals and values (lack thereof)

You are in no position to give lectures about Morals & Values & the marriage is illegal
You are in no position to give lectures about Morals & Values & the marriage is illegal

i guess in india it's normal to marry people and then abandon them....you all have your own distinct and oh-so-enviable narratives i suppose
i guess in india it's normal to marry people and then abandon them....you all have your own distinct and oh-so-enviable narratives i suppose
From did u get this rubbish garbage,please quote the source. Yes earlier there were child marriages not know
What about Imran Khan who abandoned his first voice & latter married a Australlian
i guess in india it's normal to marry people and then abandon them....you all have your own distinct and oh-so-enviable narratives i suppose

Mr think tank becuz it was a Child marriage it is not recognized or even Legal
Simple as that

I'm surprised she wants to have anything to do with Modi after the Gujarat massacre.

well considering some leaders have massacred millions of their own people & they still had wives,why would you be surprised
Why did not she call him all these years? Now all of a sudden mujay piya ki yad stati hai.

Jashoda ben met Modi on 1st january 1987 last time. Modi never met her after that. Modi did not participeted in any marriage of his family member. Only went twice to his home town. Once at the time of the death of his father and once when his mentor was ill and on the fast to die, modi went there to persue him to drop his fast. some of Modi's teacher forgot him but modi remember all of them respect them.
See unlike a certain Abrahamic faith we don't go around killing people who make fun of our faith and our God.You're extremely lucky that you live in a country where the majority of the population follow the Dharmic religion otherwise you would have been lynched by an angry mob by now if you made such comments on a certain faith in a certain neighboring country of ours.This is the beauty of our culture and religion,we forgive even those d*ckheads who make fun of our culture and faith.I am sure that we are certainly the most liberal minded folks in the entire world:coffee:!!

:lol::lol: Self trumpeting....! Aren't you? Well we are able to see quite a bit of liberal tolerance on this forum on a daily basis in the form of Sakshi's and Saadhvi confessions
:lol::lol: Self trumpeting....! Aren't you? Well we are able to see quite a bit of liberal tolerance on this forum on a daily basis in the form of Sakshi's and Saadhvi confessions
Hey,just look at the bright side in this case.At least people like Saakshi Maharaj don't go around and put bounties on the head of any random person on the pretext of mocking their religion unlike the members of a certain Abrahamic faith.Heck even a few days back,one of your own co-religionist from U.P. announced a reward of Rs.51 crores to the terrorists who attacked the Charlie Hebdo office;).This clearly shows that we are perhaps the most liberal people in this planet or else you already would have been :azn:dead by now for making those sick jokes on Sanatan Dharma!!
NEW DELHI — She’s waiting for him, as she has been all her life. But when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi dined with Barack and Michelle Obama at a glittering banquet Sunday night, his wife wasn’t by his side.

Modi, 64, kept his teenage marriage a secret for decades during his political ascent and only last year admitted that his wife exists.

The wife, Jashodaben Chimanlal Modi, is a retired teacher who lives in a small town in Modi’s home state of Gujarat. Although she had not heard from her husband in years, she says she still hopes to join him one day in the capital as his spouse.

“If he calls me, I will go,” she said in an interview. “I hear all his speeches on TV. I feel very good when I hear him speak. I want him to fulfill all his promises to the people. That’s my prayer to God.”

Narendra Modi, the son of a man who sold tea in a railway station, comes from a lower caste called Ghanchi. He and his wife were promised to each other as young adolescents in keeping with the traditions of their community. They were then married in a small ceremony when she was 17 and he was 18.
“He was very young,” said Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, the author of the book “Narendra Modi: The Man, the Times.” “The exact nature of the ceremony we don’t know. Nobody who has spoken about it is willing to talk. There would have been a ritual that joined them together as man and wife, but they would not have lived together. The family said that the two of them never cohabitated.”

Child marriage was and remains common in India, although it is technically illegal. More than a third of the women who married as child brides live in India, an estimated 240 million, according to the U.N. Children’s Fund.

Narendra Modi left shortly thereafter to wander in the Himalayas with little more than a change of clothing in his rucksack, Mukhopadhyay said. A devout Hindu, Modi was contemplating religious life. Instead, he returned to Gujarat and became a volunteer, or “pracharak,” in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, a Hindu nationalist group. The young workers, pracharaks, are discouraged from marrying or maintaining close family ties.
“He joined RSS without divulging he had been married,” Mukhopadhyay said. “Without it he could not have become a pracharak. They had to be unmarried. Questions would have been asked.”

Modi never returned to his wife but never divorced her, even as he became the high-profile chief minister of Gujarat and, last year, India’s premier. He never publicly spoke of his wife, and journalists who sniffed around on the topic as Modi’s fame grew were privately discouraged from doing so.

Jashodaben Modi saw her husband only once when he was chief minister, at a ceremony at a local temple, according to her brother, Ashok Modi. She lives with her brother in the small town of Unjha, in the northern part of the state.

“He had come to the [goddess temple] for a prayer. They did not speak. They did not even say a word to each other. They just met for five seconds,” the brother said.
The prime minister only officially acknowledged his wife’s existence when he filed his affidavit in April as a candidate for Parliament in the town of Vadodara. His family said at the time that the couple had married as teens because of the customs of the time and that the union was never consummated.

During the election, the wife disappeared for a time, reportedly on a “barefoot pilgrimage,” in her husband’s honor. After he became prime minister, she was assigned an official security detail. But it has not been a happy experience.

Nearly a dozen guards watch her around the clock and follow her in a shiny car as she takes auto rickshaws and public transportation, they say. When she visits friends or relatives, they have to cook for the guards, she said.

“The security travels in an air-conditioned car. But my sister takes buses, trains and auto rickshaws. What kind of justice is this? Should a prime minister's wife not get a car?” her brother asked.

In November, Jashodaben Modi filed an official request under India’s right-to-information act asking for information about who assigned her the guards and what their duties were supposed to be, saying she was “scared” of them.

“I am the wife of the prime minister of India,” she said in the affidavit. “The security personnel tell me that they should be welcomed like guests. Which law makes provision for the same or which portion of the protocol prescribes this?”

The police eventually responded to her request, saying that the security comes from the local intelligence service that is exempt from the right-to-information law. The family is appealing.

Meanwhile, she subsists on a small pension from her time as a teacher. She keeps a small photo of her husband tucked in her prayer book and spends long hours in solitude.

“I wake up at 5 a.m. I pray at home. I go to the temple. My life is spent in prayer now,” she said.

Her brother says she gets depressed from time to time.
“When she feels dejected, we try to lift her mood,” the brother said. “We say, ‘The morning will come soon.’ We try to tell her that he will call her one day, soon. She has full faith that he will call her to him.”
This report will be a nice PR for Modi.
Hey,just look at the bright side in this case.At least people like Saakshi Maharaj don't go around and put bounties on the head of any random person on the pretext of mocking their religion unlike the members of a certain Abrahamic faith.Heck even a few days back,one of your own co-religionist from U.P. announced a reward of Rs.51 crores to the terrorists who attacked the Charlie Hebdo office;).This clearly shows that we are perhaps the most liberal people in this planet or else you already would have been :azn:dead by now for making those sick jokes on Sanatan Dharma!!
Don't worry, That's not far away.... We are already able to see that these nutcases are heading in the right direction. And you can thank the good stars of certain posters over here on PDF who get away even after making disparaging comments about a eminent personality of Islam... Now please stop with your self-trumpeting, it simply doesn't add up....:p:
Don't worry, That's not far away.... We are already able to see that these nutcases are heading in the right direction. And you can thank the good stars of certain posters over here on PDF who get away even after making disparaging comments about a eminent personality of Islam... Now please stop with your self-trumpeting, it simply doesn't add up....:p:
Well,there are some fringe elements who might have made some disparaging comments about Islam or any other religion in this forum but i can assure you that i am simply not one of them.I didn't make a single outrageous comment about any other religion since the day i joined this forum and the reason behind this is that my religion teaches me to respect all the other faiths because we believe that all the faiths lead to the same Supreme Lord.My loyalty lies to my nation only and all those who are devoted to our Motherland in the same manner are my compatriots irrespective of their caste,creed or religion.Period!!
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