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‘Aalishan Pakistan’ goes to India

Modi Led BJP government should look very closely at economic co-operation with Pakistan and approach this caution. There is no need to follow UPA's mindless foreign policy. 20 years down the line there might be a situation revenue generated by Indian consumers will be funneled to fuel aggression against India. Providing a massive market like India to a traders in pakistan needs to have some heavy duty strings attached which should provide India some leverage on foreign and political policy.
Modi Led BJP government should look very closely at economic co-operation with Pakistan and approach this caution. There is no need to follow UPA's mindless foreign policy. 20 years down the line there might be a situation revenue generated by Indian consumers will be funneled to fuel aggression against India. Providing a massive market like India to a traders in pakistan needs to have some heavy duty strings attached which should provide India some leverage on foreign and political policy.

I think the Pakistanis are already finding that this government is less keen on trade ties than the previous UPA government. Nobody in this government seems to be too bothered about whether the Pakistanis give MFN status or not,, certainly no major functionary is pushing for it in the same manner as the previous government did.
RSS is a nationalistic organisation to protect our culture and heritage from wahabi primitive beings and other mleccha types that is why it was founded!
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Is this a good strategy? We are an agricultural nation. Who will Pakistani farmers sell crops to if Indian food products sell for cheaper?
In this age of globalization and free trade, nations specialize in what they do best. India has a comparative advantage over us in food production. Meaning they can produce it for lesser cost. So we will leave food production to them and our people will specialize in which we have a comparative advantage.
Free trade with India will make Pakistanis lose jobs in agriculture sector but they will gain jobs in other areas in which Pakistan has an advantage.
If you want more about it start a new thread.
We dont care your opinion about RSS.They are powerful,voluntary ,true secular ,full of pure patriotism .And they proved it in last election by helping BJP to secure absolute majority.

No more off topic here.End of the conversation.

Realized the off topic posts but continued to violate rules.

Enjoy the infractions guys, and those sent on vacation! :D

There will be zero tolerance to unnecessary trolling and India vs Pak. Learn to stick to the topic.
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In this age of globalization and free trade, nations specialize in what they do best. India has a comparative advantage over us in food production. Meaning they can produce it for lesser cost. So we will leave food production to them and our people will specialize in which we have a comparative advantage.
Free trade with India will make Pakistanis lose jobs in agriculture sector but they will gain jobs in other areas in which Pakistan has an advantage.

There are millions of farmers who are going by the profession their great-grand parents did. How will they specialize in completely different thing? They've spent their entire lives learning the methods of farming from their parents.
Wait till they are attacked by pure Indians of RSS.
No ones cares a fig for these assholes who think they are God's own Hindu angels. Some of these turds were arrested and put in the cooler yesterday while trying to disrupt the event.

What amazes me is how come these yahoos have time for all this? Don't they have any work? Are they unemployed hoards who have nothing else to do? If so, how do they earn a living? How do they feed their families, without an income? Do they get a regular stipend from the RSS and other fringe organizations? Is that enough to survive in a city like Mumbai?

There's a new temple constructed a little distance away run by the RSS which is creating chaos with loud sound from their speakers 8 hours a day and they have threatened anyone who complains. They care a fuk for the police or the civil administration who had asked them to lower decibel levels.

They have even threatened the guards of the colony to shut up or face their 'lathis'! After all, the RSS has become a power centre today and they have been emboldened thinking they now rule this country and a license to create mayhem as they think they are above the law of the land.

So much for their 'discipline'. They are nothing but a bunch of vile, aggressive extremists.
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I think the Pakistanis are already finding that this government is less keen on trade ties than the previous UPA government. Nobody in this government seems to be too bothered about whether the Pakistanis give MFN status or not,, certainly no major functionary is pushing for it in the same manner as the previous government did.

In my opinion candy floss diplomacy is the worst method to resolve issues between to countries which have incredible underlying hostility. Unless the hostilities cease, there is no point in bilateral trade relations.
There are millions of farmers who are going by the profession their great-grand parents did. How will they specialize in completely different thing? They've spent their entire lives learning the methods of farming from their parents.
Maybe a million farmers will find things difficult. The younger ones will find it easier to change professions. But 180 million Pakistanis will be better off by getting cheaper food. The vast majority will benefit.

Realized the off topic posts but continued to violate rules.

Enjoy the infractions guys, and those sent on vacation! :D

There will be zero tolerance to unnecessary trolling and India vs Pak. Learn to stick to the topic.

Dear sir but the very second post in this thread by our esteemed @Horus was OT/flame bait and trolling combined together !
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