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A year ago, I was almost killed

One involves Mental and Physical damage to society, The second involves Mental and Physical Damage to Society whilst the latter involves Mental and Physical Damage to society

My neighbour was murdered yesterday, does it mean the murderer is a terrorist..??
My neighbour was murdered yesterday, does it mean the murderer is a terrorist..??

Do you feel terrorised by the fact that your neighbour was murdered? Or are you just fine and dandy with the whole idea?
I am terrorised by snakes, is the snake a terrorist..??

If the snakes express intent was to create terror, it is. If a murderer killed specifically to make a statement.. hence terrorist. If a Rapist carried out his act.. it involved terrorising the woman.. creating Mental and Physical torture for that person.. and their society.
Disappointed to read comments of an old member of this forum like @levina. Rest of the Indian 'patriots' are just even not worth replying because of their inherited stupidity.

For those who are so concerned about pathetic Pakistan are reminded of an equation: When there is a rise, there is a fall AND vice versa, Don't worry this titanic needs to be sunk to re-emerge.

@Oscar are you talking to a wall Sir?
If the snakes express intent was to create terror, it is. If a murderer killed specifically to make a statement.. hence terrorist. If a Rapist carried out his act.. it involved terrorising the woman.. creating Mental and Physical torture for that person.. and their society.

Alright... if you say so....
Terrorism like war is use of violence for political purpose without following rules of war.

Comparing that with rape or murder or burglary or identity theft is ludicrous. Neither the genesis nor the solution are comparable.

Also some false flag pakistanis are trying to debate India here as a knee jerk reaction. Their denial is typical.
My views on normalising ties with India were taken by some as a sign of being unpatriotic, for perennial hostility with the ‘Hindu’ neighbour is the ultimate marker of our nationhood. This is also a cynical ploy.
That unfortunately is Pakistan's narrative. Mind you I'm not speaking about the ordinary Pakistani but the Establishment and the terror organizations running riot with official help. These are the real rulers of Pakistan.

The fact is that the Establishment will never want peace with India. If there is, then the PA will never be able to rule the roost. They'll lose their importance in society and the power and pelf that goes with it. They need an enemy, and India is the convenient whipping boy.

Then there are terror organizations masquerading as 'welfare' organizations when in fact they are the PA's private armies - the strategic assets used to fight their proxy war against India. If there is peace, the donations/contributions amounting to millions of rupees that organizations like the JuD etc get in the name of Kashmir would then dry up leaving them with little or no money to fund the terror activities of their armed wing - the LeT.

So peace between India and Pakistan is a mirage. With our ideologies at opposite poles, it's unlikely that the twain shall ever meet.
Disappointed to read comments of an old member of this forum like @levina. Rest of the Indian 'patriots' are just even not worth replying because of their inherited stupidity.
Oh bro!
pls dont get disappointed by what i say...i'm just a member on this forum and my opinions should not matter to you. Or because its a Pakistani forum you think I should stop calling a spade a spade?
I want to meet this man!
Hats off to him for being so honest about the situation in Pakistan today. Anyone who skims through his article can sense the patriot in him, who is being suppressed by the militia.
I dont really understand the judiciary system and the Govt of Pakistan. On one side the way Pak govt is vigorously pursuing the mega corruption cases of Musharraf, makes me applaud their system (after all he was the President of Pak not so long back) and on the otherside when I see masterminds of several terrorists attacks at large I wonder if Pakistan is going to be the next Afghanistan.
Raza Rumi is right, it is indeed religious extremism and xenophobia masked as patriotism which is perilous for Pakistan's future. For my own selfish reasons I dont want to see a neighboring country sinking like a Titanic.


@jamahir I think you were talking about this mod.

Are you the same as in pic...???
Oh bro!
pls dont get disappointed by what i say...i'm just a member on this forum and my opinions should not matter to you. Or because its a Pakistani forum you think I should stop calling a spade a spade? Would that make me a xenophobe?

No you can carry on beating about the bush as per your intrinsic wishes. The freedom this forum provides t Indians is actually plausible. You are most welcome :-).
No you can carry on beating about the bush as per your intrinsic wishes. The freedom this forum provides t Indians is actually plausible. You are most welcome :-).
I did not beat around the bush...my post was very straightforward.
Pakistan is in shambles, economy is struggling and the political system is notoriously corrupt and unresponsive,nobody can deny that. According to some reports in 2014, taliban forces occupy almost 30% of Pakistan.
Unfortunately for Pakistan it has always been in the center of every storm, whether it was US-soviet tiff or post 9/11 wars.
The issue is.... that no matter how ineffective the regime is, massive foreign aid which is pumped by major powers and their allies, defuses any pressure on political elites to launch effective domestic reforms (that could promote sustained growth and higher standards of living within the country).
Add to it that excessive war-making efforts 've drained Pakistan’s limited economic resources.
As I said earlier that for my selfish reasons I want the Pakistani middle class to wake up from their deep slumber, and unmask those who use religious extremism and xenophobia to propagate hatred in the country. Let there be peace!
The religious extremism in your country effects my country too,I gave you my honest opinion...you can take it or ignore it.
Just by reducing my freedom of speech on this forum you wont be able to change much.
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So.....you are an India, and you'll ignore religious terrorism in India. But when it happens elsewhere you'll cry fool's tears over it???? Right. How about before commenting on other places, you clean your own house first because it stinks just as bad??
Next, Assault rifles have been used in India, how do you think Indian Army has raped thousands of innocent Kashmiri women, many times in front of their men???
Does burning the ENTIRE village count where Christians were sleeping inside their home and your RSS-BJP Hindu nut cases burnt the entire villages, the Christians who didn't die, actually ran to the nearest jungle and had to hide their families there, so much happened that the Pope called the Indian Prime Minister asking him to stop mass murdering of minorities?
Forgot the Europeans, the Brits and the the President of the US's many statements urging India to protect its minorities??? Well, if Kafirs are being killed by Muslims extremists, the Hindu extremists are killing what they call Kafirs, which are the Christians and Muslims. So between Taliban and BJP - RSS, what's the difference? They BOTH kill others in the name of their religion. So to me, they are both terrorists. You can't cherry pick the ones you hate and support the ones you like. Be a man, call terrorism, terrorism, not Indian terrorists are better and safer at killing others, while the other terrorists are just blatant. That's some craziness in a fogged up head, high on blind patriotism !!
Stop your brain farts for a change. Grow up and try talking sense.
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