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A year ago, I was almost killed


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A year ago, I was almost killed
By Raza Rumi
Published: March 28, 2015

The writer is affiliated with the Express group and is an editor at the The Friday Times. Currently, he is a visiting fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, USA. The views expressed here are his own

A year ago, I suffered the fate of thousands of Pakistanis who have been attacked, maimed and terrorised by violent extremism. I was lucky to have physically survived but my driver Mustafa was not. An innocent human life lost but at the end of the day, he made for a mere digit. This is the brutal reality of a country where a mighty state appears unable to protect its citizens.

I was once a civil servant and a mandarin in Pakistan’s powerful administrative service. I ventured into international development and worked for the Asian Development Bank. I had secure careers lined up with attractive promotions and stable retirement plans. I gave up these comfortable options and opted for journalism and public engagement, in the naive hope that public narratives could be changed. I chose a path that would allow me freedom of expression to wade in the murky waters of what is known as ‘public opinion’ in Pakistan.

I cannot complain much as within a few years I had carved my space and engaged with old and new media, happily discovering that there were thousands of other likeminded men and women of my country who agreed that religious extremism and xenophobia masked as patriotism needed to be challenged. Above all, human rights — especially the right to live and worship freely — mattered. But I sensed the limits and the dangers. And on March 28 last year, I did pay a price. Unknown men, later identified by the police as operatives of a Taliban affiliate, the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), tried to kill me. A rather drastic punishment for my views and what I stood for.

There has been a trial of sorts underway. A few men are in jail but the ‘mastermind’ is at large. If the police story and confessions — to be tested in a court of law — are correct, then all the accused, including the mastermind, report to the chief of the LeJ, who has been given bail in all cases. The gentleman in question had confessed to killing people in his interviews. All of this is on public record.

Before the attack, I was warned and threatened, especially on the social media. Unknown accounts told me that I would have to pay a price with my blood. I was called an apostate, an infidel for commenting on the attacks on non-Muslims and Shias. My views on normalising ties with India were taken by some as a sign of being unpatriotic, for perennial hostility with the ‘Hindu’ neighbour is the ultimate marker of our nationhood. This is also a cynical ploy, for what could be more telling than Ms Fatima Jinnah, celebrated as the mother of the nation, also being accused of being an Indian agent when she chose to show dissent in the 1965 elections.

Concurrently, friends and family also insisted that I should not talk about ‘sensitive’ issues. For, if I said don’t kill Shias, then I could be mistaken for being a Shia Muslim. I had to clarify in a television show that I was a Sunni. I find it ludicrous that we have to render such explanations (I saw others doing it as well on television). When I protested and questioned the state’s institutionalised persecution of Ahmadis, I was warned that I could be thought of as being an Ahmadi! Questioning the treatment meted out to marginalised sections of the population is enough for extremists to label you an apostate in the Islamic Republic. I remember that a caller in one of my TV shows attacked me for protesting against the ghastly 2013 attack on a Peshawar church and said that Muslims were also being killed by the ‘Christian’ West!

Is there no freedom in Pakistan to say that the colonial blasphemy law is being misused? Should we let mobs burn pregnant Christian women and Ahmadi families, and attack Christian settlements and churches because there is a mere accusation of blasphemy?

What sort of media reporting and commentary can take place if you can’t raise such issues on the most influential medium, i.e., TV? I do remember the unofficial advisories and the counsel by peers and producers on what not to say on TV. I caved in sometimes and for the times I did not, I guess, was taught a lesson.

I have been away from the country of my birth and my beloved city of Lahore for 11 months. I have lived abroad but never for so long. This has been a forced separation, mainly driven by the fact that those who tried to kill me can easily try it again. There have been threats sent my way directly and indirectly and the extremists have even threatened my murdered driver’s family not to show up in court.

I never knew that in my quest for freedom I would face this dilemma: should I risk my life or let anyone else get hurt? I am neither a suicide bomber nor eager to be ‘martyred’. We have enough martyrs in Pakistan. I certainly don’t want to travel around in bullet-bomb-proof cars (unaffordable to begin with). There are a few friends and foes who accuse me of ‘running away’. This is part of the larger desensitisation and intellectual confusion that permeates Pakistan. I am quite happy to take that opprobrium than face bullets. The bravery of those who question my decision can only be tested if they (God forbid) had to face the situation I am in.

Freedom of expression is invaluable and non-negotiable. I have done enough of self-censorship in my ruptured media career. But I have no plans to give up. I also have no regrets for taking positions. I salute all the hard-working journalists and media workers who perform their duties in difficult situations, especially in Balochistan, Fata and other conflict zones. I will rejoin them one day. Pakistan is part of my identity and will always remain so. For now, I need to feel secure. The right to life, after all, is inviolable.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 29th, 2015.
Before the attack, I was warned and threatened, especially on the social media. Unknown accounts told me that I would have to pay a price with my blood. I was called an apostate, an infidel for commenting on the attacks on non-Muslims and Shias. My views on normalising ties with India were taken by some as a sign of being unpatriotic, for perennial hostility with the ‘Hindu’ neighbour is the ultimate marker of our nationhood. This is also a cynical ploy, for what could be more telling than Ms Fatima Jinnah, celebrated as the mother of the nation, also being accused of being an Indian agent when she chose to show dissent in the 1965 elections.

:tup: :tup:

You decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part obviously, but the entire article has a whole different meaning and message, which, you obviously didn't care for!! There are similar people in similar situation who get killed in India today by the Hindu religious extremists for being Christians or Muslims, etc. So to me, LeJ who tried to kill the OP or BJP / RSS who kill in the name of religion and persecute minorities....is no different. Both India and Pakistan need to focus on interneal religion based terrorism and not get innocents killed by these crazy barbaric religious nut cases. Humans deserve a free mind and spirit and its beyond any religion.

A year ago, I suffered the fate of thousands of Pakistanis who have been attacked, maimed and terrorised by violent extremism. I was lucky to have physically survived but my driver Mustafa was not. An innocent human life lost but at the end of the day, he made for a mere digit. This is the brutal reality of a country where a mighty state appears unable to protect its citizens.

Freedom of expression is invaluable and non-negotiable.

An unfortunate incident that happens way too often in certain countries, including Pakistan, if you speak against the majority religious fraction. India, Pakistan Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, etc, etc. Its a similar story. Getting humans killed in the name of religion or because they speak freely, should be an international crime and should have international / UN based human rights motioning a country who has a certain percentage of these crimes reported or happening per year. Human freedom and liberty, with freedom of speech are indeed invaluable and non-negotiable characteristics of human beings and human life. There shouldn't be ANY compromise on these basic human rights and values, no matter where you live.

Pakistan with respect to this article, has to change, tolerance has to come in and people need to learn to live with each other without violence. The society itself needs to change as they have lost thousands of people to terrorists, including many children who were recently killed in cold merciless blood by barbaric terrorists.

Pakistan's future, its economic growth, stability and security ALL depend on creating a tolerant society. Pakistan as a country has a huge opportunity coming up with respect to growing its economy, without peace and tolerance, this religious mess will make the economic progress disappear very quickly!
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Big deal, I had a gun to my chest two years ago, had bullets fired at me ten years ago. So starting out with "I was almost killed" in a country like Pakistan is a bad avenue to begin with. Everybody has "almost been killed" in Pakistan.
What is important is the suppression of the freedom of speech and more importantly the abuse of law and order against the common man by Very Influential Persons(VIPs)
I want to meet this man!
Hats off to him for being so honest about the situation in Pakistan today. Anyone who skims through his article can sense the patriot in him, who is being suppressed by the militia.
I dont really understand the judiciary system and the Govt of Pakistan. On one side the way Pak govt is vigorously pursuing the mega corruption cases of Musharraf, makes me applaud their system (after all he was the President of Pak not so long back) and on the otherside when I see masterminds of several terrorists attacks at large I wonder if Pakistan is going to be the next Afghanistan.
Raza Rumi is right, it is indeed religious extremism and xenophobia masked as patriotism which is perilous for Pakistan's future. For my own selfish reasons I dont want to see a neighboring country sinking like a Titanic.

Big deal, I had a gun to my chest two years ago, had bullets fired at me ten years ago.

@jamahir I think you were talking about this mod.
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Extremists will always need a victim to discriminate against.

Hindus are already gone.
After Ahmedis and Shias, perhaps Deobandis and Barelevis will turn on each other.
You decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part obviously, but the entire article has a whole different meaning and message, which, you obviously didn't care for!! There are similar people in similar situation who get killed in India today by the Hindu religious extremists for being Christians or Muslims, etc. So to me, LeJ who tried to kill the OP or BJP / RSS who kill in the name of religion and persecute minorities....is no different. Both India and Pakistan need to focus on interneal religion based terrorism and not get innocents killed by these crazy barbaric religious nut cases. Humans deserve a free mind and spirit and its beyond any religion.

comparing rss with lej is the most ludicrous thing I ever read in my life... rss are right wing, but they never took guns or planted bombs to kill anyone.. And stop comparing India with pakistan, and our majority religion with yours.. we don't kill people just bcz they happen to be someone from other religion..!!
Big deal, I had...What is important -
Jealously? Envy? Which is more important to you, Oz, your ego or the battle for freedom? You're letting the first cloud the second.
Big deal, I had a gun to my chest two years ago, had bullets fired at me ten years ago. So starting out with "I was almost killed" in a country like Pakistan is a bad avenue to begin with. Everybody has "almost been killed" in Pakistan.
What is important is the suppression of the freedom of speech and more importantly the abuse of law and order against the common man by Very Influential Persons(VIPs)
i was thinking the same.... never mind pakistan... i was almost killed here in america once....
i don't know much about the guy but I'm sure there is more to the story then he is saying.... nobody would kill him for the things he claiming...
You decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part obviously, but the entire article has a whole different meaning and message, which, you obviously didn't care for!! There are similar people in similar situation who get killed in India today by the Hindu religious extremists for being Christians or Muslims, etc. So to me, LeJ who tried to kill the OP or BJP / RSS who kill in the name of religion and persecute minorities....is no different. Both India and Pakistan need to focus on interneal religion based terrorism and not get innocents killed by these crazy barbaric religious nut cases. Humans deserve a free mind and spirit and its beyond any religion.

Yes I decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part..... cause I am indian, duh...... Regarding BJP terrorism, I would like to say a three letter word---> LOL .... Hindu, Christian,Sikh,Budhist, religious extremists doesnt use assult rifles and doesnt blowup kufirs daily.... And the thread is on Pakistan not India.... Sweet dreams
Yes I decided to cherry pick the "Indian" part..... cause I am indian, duh...... Regarding BJP terrorism, I would like to say a three letter word---> LOL .... Hindu, Christian,Sikh,Budhist, religious extremists doesnt use assult rifles and doesnt blowup kufirs daily.... And the thread is on Pakistan not India.... Sweet dreams

So.....you are an Indian, and you'll ignore religious terrorism in India. But when it happens elsewhere you'll cry fool's tears over it???? Right. How about before commenting on other places, you clean your own house first because it stinks just as bad??
Next, Assault rifles have been used in India, how do you think Indian Army has raped thousands of innocent Kashmiri women, many times in front of their men???
Does burning the ENTIRE village count where Christians were sleeping inside their home and your RSS-BJP Hindu nut cases burnt the entire villages, the Christians who didn't die, actually ran to the nearest jungle and had to hide their families there, so much happened that the Pope called the Indian Prime Minister asking him to stop mass murdering of minorities?
Forgot the Europeans, the Brits and the the President of the US's many statements urging India to protect its minorities??? Well, if Kafirs are being killed by Muslims extremists, the Hindu extremists are killing what they call Kafirs, which are the Christians and Muslims. So between Taliban and BJP - RSS, what's the difference? They BOTH kill others in the name of their religion. So to me, they are both terrorists. You can't cherry pick the ones you hate and support the ones you like. Be a man, call terrorism, terrorism, not Indian terrorists are better and safer at killing others, while the other terrorists are just blatant. That's some craziness in a fogged up head, high on blind patriotism !!
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Freedoms are fought for and won. Yes our battle is hard, however, every day we tolerate an opposing view, we progress a little bit. I must remind prople that the 'blacks' had no rights in America till the 70s, in Australia they were banned, even the aboriginals weren't inluded.

Pakistan is much freer than many regional states, we are making steady progress towards freedoms, democracy and so on. We aren't there yet, but we'll get there.
Jealously? Envy? Which is more important to you, Oz, your ego or the battle for freedom? You're letting the first cloud the second.

Neither. Unlike most I know my value. My ego has little to do with the idea, to put something closer to your heart.. his title of "I was almost killed" is like a Holocaust survivor making the claim "I was the target of Anti-Semitism".
So.....you are an India, and you'll ignore religious terrorism in India. But when it happens elsewhere you'll cry fool's tears over it???? Right. How about before commenting on other places, you clean your own house first because it stinks just as bad??
Next, Assault rifles have been used in India, how do you think Indian Army has raped thousands of innocent Kashmiri women, many times in front of their men???
Does burning the ENTIRE village count where Christians were sleeping inside their home and your RSS-BJP Hindu nut cases burnt the entire villages, the Christians who didn't die, actually ran to the nearest jungle and had to hide their families there, so much happened that the Pope called the Indian Prime Minister asking him to stop mass murdering of minorities?
Forgot the Europeans, the Brits and the the President of the US's many statements urging India to protect its minorities??? Well, if Kafirs are being killed by Muslims extremists, the Hindu extremists are killing what they call Kafirs, which are the Christians and Muslims. So between Taliban and BJP - RSS, what's the difference? They BOTH kill others in the name of their religion. So to me, they are both terrorists. You can't cherry pick the ones you hate and support the ones you like. Be a man, call terrorism, terrorism, not Indian terrorists are better and safer at killing others, while the other terrorists are just blatant. That's some craziness in a fogged up head, high on blind patriotism !!

Indian army rapped women-- > Thats not blowing up 1000s of people daily and thats not even religious extremism, thats a crime and the criminals are counting there days in jail or maybe even dead

Entire christian village burnt down by hindus--> yeah where..??

US pres at least had the guts to visit India and enjoy our hospitality, unlike some country which is an US ally and a dear friend since its formation.... why do you think so??

Terrorism, Rape, Murder are three different crimes... Learn to differentiate
Terrorism, Rape, Murder are three different crimes... Learn to differentiate

One involves Mental and Physical damage to society, The second involves Mental and Physical Damage to Society whilst the latter involves Mental and Physical Damage to society
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