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A very late introduction


Nov 30, 2014
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Syrian Arab Republic
United States
I've been on this forum since November 2014, and if you've ever looked at the Syrian Civil War thread, chances are you've seen a few of my posts. But I did forget to introduce myself. Silly me. :)
For a little background info...I was born in the US (contrary to my flag), BUT I was raised in Syria, so I consider Syria my home country. I am from Aleppo, so obviously if I do get aggressive/competitive sometimes that will explain it. From the ongoing conflict in my home country, I've lost 7 family members in an airstrike, and 2 of our homes got ransacked by pro-government militias. Previous to the conflict, I've lost my grand uncle from a Mukhabarat execution in 1982. Obviously my view point is set in stone just from those incidents.
I'm going to change gears here as I don't want too much of my personal info going on the internet (Mukhabarat have eyes and ears everywhere,) and that's enough sadness for now. I'll just answer the 6 points provided by WebMaster.
What are my interests? Well, I'm interested in politics, Syria, gaming, military hardware, etc. I'm a student for now, but that will change sooner or later. I found Pakistan defence while I was browsing information about the Al-Zarrar. I then moved on to search for Turkish weapons and found you guys again. I kept running into this forum and decided to join. What I find interesting is the diverse amount of subjects you can discuss here, from politics to science to political science. It's really astonishing. I have two routes I could go down the future - go to college in the Engineering field (Computer Science or Mechanical/Aerospace), or join the Syrian military (after the revolution is over.) I would like to do both, but obviously my parents being Syrian, they would disown me if I didn't go to college.
Well, that's my 5-month overdue introduction. That's some actual information about me now. :)
Welcome to PDF. Hope you'll get to learn and we will get to learn more from you, since you can provide an inside view of the situation in Middle-east......something that is priceless.

Just stay clear of the trolls and follow the rules.

I've lost 7 family members in an airstrike, and 2 of our homes got ransacked by pro-government militias. Previous to the conflict, I've lost my grand uncle from a Mukhabarat execution in 1982. Obviously my view point is set in stone just from those incidents.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your loved ones , you are welcomed here :welcome:

I hope to brush my teeth with your knowledge and experience in the future .:-)
Welcome Dr. Thrax , we hope you see whatever form of government you'd like to see in syria , syria is israel's enemy , the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Welcome Dr. Thrax , we hope you see whatever form of government you'd like to see in syria , syria is israel's enemy , the enemy of my enemy is my friend
I want to see Sharia likes Umar's, Abu Bakr's, etc. I want to see something that actually represents the people. And no, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. That rule barely applies in the real world. Houthis are Al Qaeda's enemy, but does that mean that the Yemeni gov't sides with Al Qaeda for example? No. Politics is never that simple.
Always feel Happy to see you here, brother ......................... :cheers:

Nothing is wasted for the Mukminin, the fighting spirit of the opposition Army in Syria is felt also in my heart and all of the Muslim world. Your Misery is mine also. Lets use the situation there as our motivation in our present life. Syria needs many powerful people in the future to build that nation again, and you are the potential one since you live in USA and not in the refugee camp.
I felt very sad reading about the loss of your family members. What right does anyone have to make a playground of other peoples lives? I pray that we get to see a strong and prosperous Syria soon. I feel Syria and Iraq have suffered the most of all Muslim nations; crusades, mongol invasions, etc etc.
And welcome to the forum!
I'd keep a special eye out for your updates on Aleppo.
and if you've ever looked at the Syrian Civil War thread, chances are you've seen a few of my posts.

indeed i have... and i stopped visiting that "civil war" thread because of your grand contributions there.

but... allah, sooriya, bashar o bas. :enjoy:

the fighting spirit of the opposition Army in Syria is felt also in my heart and all of the Muslim world.

i am disappointed in you for saying that, :sad:
Why don't you say that to my dead family members? Wait, you won't be seeing them, you'll be joining your god Assad in hell.

and what about those syrians your family members killed... what is the count just since 2011, leave alone in the 80's... 200,000+?? maybe syrian lion will know...

you are just a nato puppet and propagandist... when the first usa president hangs, you will too.

i have contributed far more than your types will ever.

by the way, you should go to the "freedom and democracy" department in cnn, time or the usa office of bbc and give them your real name and your story... they know how to turn you into a hero.
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and what about those syrians your family members killed... what is the count just since 2011, leave alone in the 80's... 200,000+?? maybe syrian lion will know...

you are just a nato puppet and propagandist... when the first usa president hangs, you will too.

i have contributed far more than your types will ever.

by the way, you should go to the "freedom and democracy" department in cnn, time or the usa office of bbc and give them your real name and your story... they know how to turn you into a hero.
My family members didn't kill anyone, none of my close relatives are rebels. I have distant relatives who are rebels, but not close ones. Way to be disrespectful to the innocent dead, asshole. Your gods the Assad family killed 600,000 people at least. Hafez even killed his own supporters in 1981 and 1982. But obviously you don't know that.
I'm a propagandist? Sure, dead family members is sure propaganda. And NATO puppet? That's a funny joke.
I'm sure you know about my life contributions. What are you, an IT guy? Hahaha.
I don't listen to CNN, BBC, times, etc. I've only quoted BBC ones. Otherwise, I don't use western sources.
Go shove your leftist view up your *** before I shove it in there myself. Along with my foot.
My family members didn't kill anyone, none of my close relatives are rebels. I have distant relatives who are rebels, but not close ones.

what was the ideology of your grand-uncle??

Way to be disrespectful to the innocent dead, asshole.

you are the typical mannerless modern college boy with extra dose of psycho ideas... if not for this war, you in two years would have been some wage-slave.

Your gods the Assad family killed 600,000 people at least.


( no wiki/western-government source, please ).

and what is this about "family"?? there are the gulfi kingdoms ( in this day and age :o: ) passing on their corrupt rule within family and you don't ever mention that.

I'm a propagandist? Sure, dead family members is sure propaganda.joke.

bashar al-assad lost his brother-in-law in the july 2012 bombing... but obviously, he wasn't the holy cow for bbc and co.

I'm sure you know about my life contributions. What are you, an IT guy? Hahaha.

one of my interests is computing ( not "it" ), and i have been designing a microprocessor ( clockl-ess )... and it is a socialist project... i am sure you with interest in computing realize how big that is. :enjoy:

i do my share of political activism ( did so since 2003 )... if this was the 80's, i would have been like carlos. ;)

I don't listen to CNN, BBC, times, etc. I've only quoted BBC ones. Otherwise, I don't use western sources.

obviously, your sources are rt and the north korean kcna... obviously.

Go shove your leftist view up your *** before I shove it in there myself. Along with my foot.

2017 will bring the 100th anniversary of the russian revolution... something that changed the world forever... that is the power of leftist view.
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