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A Tale Of Two Bengals Where Never The Twain Shall Meet

Why on earth should we join a country like Bangladesh when we are doing great as a part of the Republic of India.Our ancestors were proud Indians and so are we.Bengal is nothing without India.Our whole culture and civilization is based on the Dharmic values of Bharat.We were,are and always will be a part of this great nation.I for one will not allow Bengal to get separated from India even if it means i have to fight my fellow Bengali brethren.We have nothing in common with the Bangaldeshis.Our culture is an unique one why has been evolved during the ages.Heck we don't even speak the same language.
Bengalis have a rich tradition and culture and the truth is we are far more advanced than the Bangaldeshis in terms of intellect....:coffee:

r e lungiwala why are you getting angry:rofl:!!We Bengalis don't want to have any kind of relation with Bangaldesh,we are extremely happy to be a part of a great country like India.So why don't you ask your fellow lungi pole vaulters to stop entering into India...:azn:

Some Bangladeshis have wet dreams that West Bengal will separate from India and join Bangladesh. Height of Lunacy!
Rather Bangladesh should join Pakistan and be treated the way they were treated during the East Pak days.
Besto medicino!
You are new here, so you don't know that if you talk so soft here about India/WB then you will be attacked and eventually pushed out of this forum by your fellow countrymen here. 90% of the BD members here are hardliners who talk about conquering India, at least north-east and eastern parts of India, they talk about helping China & Pakistan against India to occupy it, many even want to re-unite with Pakistan. You will be butchered here if you even think once about re-uniting with India or WB. :D

Yes, you are right, our fates are sealed to remain as two different sovereign countries, it cannot be changed now. And with the kind of hatred among most BD members against "Hindus" that I have seen in this forum, I would not take the risk to join them. :-)

I don't know if you are a religious hardliner or not, in case you are not, then it is high time for you to be concerned about saving Bangladesh from "Arabanization" and take steps to retain its liberal "Bangaliyana".

Welcome to PDF. :-)
Firstly, I wouldn't even entertain the idea of merging with West Bengal unless they broke away from India. The second point is, there is no way we Bangladeshis want to expand into Northeast India. The people there are mostly Mongoloid and no way we want their blood mixing up in us. I want us to build a fence all around India so we don't risk mixing with them on the borders. This is the problem I see about Islam. It is too concerned about expansion. I am worried Bangladeshis go to Northeast and try to convert the people to Islam and even marrying some of them and then bringing them back over to Bangladesh, further diluting our genes. Bengalis already have a bit of Paleo-Mongoloid admixture as it is.

I think we should forget about West Bengal once and for all, but perhaps we should keep an open border them only, so some of our deadbeat will move there, as they have been over the last few years.
Firstly, I wouldn't even entertain the idea of merging with West Bengal unless they broke away from India. The second point is, there is no way we Bangladeshis want to expand into Northeast India. The people there are mostly Mongoloid and no way we want their blood mixing up in us. I want us to build a fence all around India so we don't risk mixing with them on the borders. This is the problem I see about Islam. It is too concerned about expansion. I am worried Bangladeshis go to Northeast and try to convert the people to Islam and even marrying some of them and then bringing them back over to Bangladesh, further diluting our genes. Bengalis already have a bit of Paleo-Mongoloid admixture as it is.

I think we should forget about West Bengal once and for all, but perhaps we should keep an open border them only, so some of our deadbeat will move there, as they have been over the last few years.

racism itself is a stupidity. west bengalis are happy in india. they dont want to join BD :D
@DRAY yar dada i have soft corner for west bengalis. but i know you guys not gonna join us.
racism itself is a stupidity. west bengalis are happy in india. they dont want to join BD :D

As far as I am concerned, race is more important than religion. I fear Bangladesh will gradually drift further towards Southeast Asia in terms of genetics, unless we close our borders and be prepared to annihilate them if they ever try to encroach on our lands. We have the awful luck of being situated near the mongoloids of Northeast India and Burma. I've even thought about allowing Chitagong to break away, as many people there show signs of appreciable mongoloid admixture.

I have even considered making Bangladesh less religious so people do not worry about Islamic expansionism. Religious fanaticism can lead to ruins of a nation's genetics.
As far as I am concerned, race is more important than religion. I fear Bangladesh will gradually drift further towards Southeast Asia in terms of genetics, unless we close our borders and be prepared to annihilate them if they ever try to encroach on our lands. We have the awful luck of being situated near the mongoloids of Northeast India and Burma. I've even thought about allowing Chitagong to break away, as many people there show signs of appreciable mongoloid admixture.

I have even considered making Bangladesh less religious so people do not worry about Islamic expansionism. Religious fanaticism can lead to ruins of a nation's genetics.

then you are an idiot. bengalis are not same people. hindu caste system was made for fair skin superiority.

do you know why west bengalis call BDeshis are lower caste converts? coz many bengalis converted to islam

because they couldnt handle brahmins torture. converted to islam for equality
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@DRAY yar dada i have soft corner for west bengalis. but i know you guys not gonna join us.

You know we are Indians first, then Bengalis, then come other identities, and we are not at all hyper about our religious identity. Even I had a soft corner for Bangladesh, I am a Bangal remember? :) That's why during my initial days in PDF I was shocked to see most BD members' response, I had a completely different (and very positive) idea about Bangladesh. Though I still don't view Bangladesh negatively, but I feel that there is an identity crisis going on among Bangladeshis, some consider themselves Bengali first, and some are Muslims first, (and some are Pakistani first :P).

For re-unification of two Bengals; PDF has given me a chance to know common Bangladeshis and their thoughts, and its politics, before joining PDF I would have said that a re-unification would be good if BD joins us, leaving India was never an option for us. But now I would say that it will be good for both of us if we stay separated as two different countries, we are not prepared for more radicals, maybe the radicals are still a minority in Bangladesh, but they are growing.
You know we are Indians first, then Bengalis, then come other identities, and we are not at all hyper about our religious identity. Even I had a soft corner for Bangladesh, I am a Bangal remember? :) That's why during my initial days in PDF I was shocked to see most BD members' response, I had a completely different (and very positive) idea about Bangladesh. Though I still don't view Bangladesh negatively, but I feel that there is an identity crisis going on among Bangladeshis, some consider themselves Bengali first, and some are Muslims first, (and some are Pakistani first :P).

For re-unification of two Bengals; PDF has given me a chance to know common Bangladeshis and their thoughts, and its politics, before joining PDF I would have said that a re-unification would be good if BD joins us, leaving India was never an option for us. But now I would say that it will be good for both of us if we stay separated as two different countries, we are not prepared for more radicals, maybe the radicals are still a minority in Bangladesh, but they are growing.

well written post. even though i am not anti india. but i dont like some ultra hindutvas here in PDF :P

i do want to visit india in the future.
it is personal take on this. i don't think a full merger or confederation (loose union) is as big an issue as East Pakistan having sovereignty then or Bangladesh having sovereignty afterwards. because of the geography there was bound to be SOME difference between the two Muslim regions. but that alone did not even slightly justify separation of United Pakistan and more importantly, it did not justify Indian invasion of E. Pak/Bangladesh
"Some differences" may not justify invasion of East Bengal by India but following points definitely justified it-

1. Mass murders and rapes of East Bengalis, especially Hindus by West Pakistani forces.
2. Huge influx of impoverished East Bengali refugees into India, putting an intolerable strain on India's already overburdened economy.
3. The aerial bombing of Indian airbases by PAF during Op Chengiz Khan which was the immediate cause of 1971 war.

The thing is because of above facts, East Bengal crisis did not remain an internal matter of Pakistan. In fact, Pakistanis themselves involved India into this (read points 2 & 3).
You know we are Indians first, then Bengalis, then come other identities, and we are not at all hyper about our religious identity. Even I had a soft corner for Bangladesh, I am a Bangal remember? :) That's why during my initial days in PDF I was shocked to see most BD members' response, I had a completely different (and very positive) idea about Bangladesh. Though I still don't view Bangladesh negatively, but I feel that there is an identity crisis going on among Bangladeshis, some consider themselves Bengali first, and some are Muslims first, (and some are Pakistani first :P).

For re-unification of two Bengals; PDF has given me a chance to know common Bangladeshis and their thoughts, and its politics, before joining PDF I would have said that a re-unification would be good if BD joins us, leaving India was never an option for us. But now I would say that it will be good for both of us if we stay separated as two different countries, we are not prepared for more radicals, maybe the radicals are still a minority in Bangladesh, but they are growing.


Na Khud hi Mila, Na Visal-e-Sanam
Na Idhar kay Rahay, Na Udhar kay :lol:
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