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A Tale Of Two Bengals Where Never The Twain Shall Meet

I predict at least 25 % vote with PK, 2% with India, 73% with Bangladesh alone in a new reforandum, if conducted among Bangladeshies, right now.

Your guess?

I have changed my mind. I don't think we should reunite with West Bengal. Bangladesh is doing well on its own..

u used to think to be united with W.B?!

Ask them if they want to join us cutting relation with Bharat Mata? Then we would understand how serious they are to form a country on the basis of Bengali ethinicity, I mean aper-oper Bangla!
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I think, culturally at least, we are drifting further and further apart from West Bengal. It's sad but I suppose best for all concerned.
why is that "sad"?

and we have not really been drifting apart at all..sadly. Bengal Muslims did find some political leverage since the start of 1900s after decades of Hindu domination. but the Hindus, having lost estates and other interests in East Bengal in 1940s, made sure to use the formation of East Pak in 1947 to finalize their political and cultural grip of the Bengal Muslims. the Hindus had the advantage of ruling over the East Bengal Muslims for decades from mid 18th century almost up to 1940s, and high illiteracy among Bengal Muslims was also an advantage for Hindus. it was since 1947 that Bengal Muslims were made to adopt all kinds of Hindu culture as their own and destroy age-old Muslim culture they cherished. historically it was Hindus that developed the supposed Bengali meme, which was always historically associated with Hindus. and so only a Hindu could be a "proper Bengali". the Muslims in Bengal on the other hand came from many places and thus their culture was considered different; it was considered "Muslim".

the way politics is playing out in BD, this longtime thrust of Indian/Hindu socio-political and cultural grip is possibly going to get stronger
In 1947, when Partition divided “British India” into a Hindu-dominated “new” India and Muslim-dominated Pakistan, Bengal was carved into two pieces: Hindu-dominant “West Bengal” of India and Muslim “East Bengal” (or East Pakistan). The Bengali “East Pakistanis” had almost nothing in common with the Urdu-speaking Punjabis who ruled them from Islamabad more than 1,000 miles away. Thus, this ill-conceived arrangement was doomed to fail.
how were Punjabi Muslims "ruling from Islamabad" when there were more Bengali or Mohajir or Pushtun prime ministers and presidents, and Islamabad was not even a functioning capital until late 1960s? what about the Sindhi-Mohajir dominated Karachi which was the capital for so long? or what about the fact the federal legislature was based in Dhaka? in any case Bengal Muslims have more in common with Punjab Muslims, than NE Indians have in common even with West Bengal and Orissa people.

enough of these pathetic lying Indians
I have changed my mind. I don't think we should reunite with West Bengal. Bangladesh is doing well on its own. If we can get the lower classes in Bangladesh to stop reproducing like crazy and maintain our population at current levels, and also keep our growth levels at current levels for many years to come, then I think can reach a stage in a couple of decades where the standard of living for many Bangladeshis will be at very respectable levels by world standards. I think, culturally at least, we are drifting further and further apart from West Bengal. It's sad but I suppose best for all concerned.

You are new here, so you don't know that if you talk so soft here about India/WB then you will be attacked and eventually pushed out of this forum by your fellow countrymen here. 90% of the BD members here are hardliners who talk about conquering India, at least north-east and eastern parts of India, they talk about helping China & Pakistan against India to occupy it, many even want to re-unite with Pakistan. You will be butchered here if you even think once about re-uniting with India or WB. :D

Yes, you are right, our fates are sealed to remain as two different sovereign countries, it cannot be changed now. And with the kind of hatred among most BD members against "Hindus" that I have seen in this forum, I would not take the risk to join them. :-)

I don't know if you are a religious hardliner or not, in case you are not, then it is high time for you to be concerned about saving Bangladesh from "Arabanization" and take steps to retain its liberal "Bangaliyana".

Welcome to PDF. :-)
I totally support you. I also wish you become more closely aligned with Arabs/Turks/Pakistanis or any other Islamic ethnicity that you are comfortable with. May you purge all Hindu influences in your culture and country.
So what will you call Dhaka for a start? :azn:

how were Punjabi Muslims "ruling from Islamabad" when there were more Bengali or Mohajir or Pushtun prime ministers and presidents, and Islamabad was not even a functioning capital until late 1960s? what about the Sindhi-Mohajir dominated Karachi which was the capital for so long? or what about the fact the federal legislature was based in Dhaka? in any case Bengal Muslims have more in common with Punjab Muslims, than NE Indians have in common even with West Bengal and Orissa people.

enough of these pathetic lying Indians
True Bengali Muslims have more in common with Punjabi Muslims. I suggest once the RAWAMI government is gone, you should try to create a loose confederacy with Pakistan again - that will soothe thousands of nationalists in both the countries. I am not saying a full merger, but a loose union. You can also go for a total merger, once again becoming East Pakistan. Let the people vote :) What say?
I totally support you. I also wish you become more closely aligned with Arabs/Turks/Pakistanis or any other Islamic ethnicity that you are comfortable with. May you purge all Hindu influences in your culture and country.
So what will you call Dhaka for a start? :azn:

True Bengali Muslims have more in common with Punjabi Muslims. I suggest once the RAWAMI government is gone, you should try to create a loose confederacy with Pakistan again - that will soothe thousands of nationalists in both the countries. I am not saying a full merger, but a loose union. You can also go for a total merger, once again becoming East Pakistan. Let the people vote :) What say?
it is personal take on this. i don't think a full merger or confederation (loose union) is as big an issue as East Pakistan having sovereignty then or Bangladesh having sovereignty afterwards. because of the geography there was bound to be SOME difference between the two Muslim regions. but that alone did not even slightly justify separation of United Pakistan and more importantly, it did not justify Indian invasion of E. Pak/Bangladesh
I predict at least 25 % vote with PK, 2% with India, 73% with Bangladesh alone in a new reforandum, if conducted among Bangladeshies, right now.

Your guess?

u used to think to be united with W.B?!

Ask them if they want to join us cutting relation with Bharat Mata? Then we would understand how serious they are to form a country on the basis of Bengali ethinicity, I mean aper-oper Bangla!

There was never a serious attempt to create a country on the basis of Bengali ethnicity, Bangladesh was initially created as East Pakistan SOLELY on the basis of religion by dividing Bengal, later demand for separation from West Pakistan became strong because of the mis-governance and deprivation of East Pakistan by the West Pakistani leaders. Bengali ethnicity was just an after-thought.

And yes, we were always Indians, and we will always remain Indians, no doubt about it.
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it is personal take on this. i don't think a full merger or confederation (loose union) is as big an issue as East Pakistan having sovereignty then or Bangladesh having sovereignty afterwards. because of the geography there was bound to be SOME difference between the two Muslim regions. but that alone did not even slightly justify separation of United Pakistan and more importantly, it did not justify Indian invasion of E. Pak/Bangladesh
Good, we are making progress. So like I said, once the RAWAMI govt is gone, undo the 'Indian Invasion', redraw maps and God bless you. :tup:

Also please do answer - what name have you thought for Dhaka? There are many many others, but let's start with the capital.
@khair_ctg - I am waiting :coffee:
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it is personal take on this. i don't think a full merger or confederation (loose union) is as big an issue as East Pakistan having sovereignty then or Bangladesh having sovereignty afterwards. because of the geography there was bound to be SOME difference between the two Muslim regions. but that alone did not even slightly justify separation of United Pakistan and more importantly, it did not justify Indian invasion of E. Pak/Bangladesh

Here, neki kar dariya mein daal. :)

Another Pakistani stuck with Bangladeshi identity....................!!
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No uniting stuff any more. Even we won't accept it as the same state. Once division is done, no more change. Only way BD can unite is joining the union of India that too as a separate state.

No bengali sentiment any more! EVen if by chance BD is accepted in India, first job will be too wash off the radicals and make it secular.
No uniting stuff any more. Even we won't accept it as the same state. Once division is done, no more change. Only way BD can unite is joining the union of India that too as a separate state.

No bengali sentiment any more! EVen if by chance BD is accepted in India, first job will be too wash off the radicals and make it secular.

Why should BD join India or India would be willing to take them back? There was a reason for separation and that reason is getting stronger with time. BD won't be able to contain radicals going forward. In fact we need better fencing on the border. :)
No uniting stuff any more. Even we won't accept it as the same state. Once division is done, no more change. Only way BD can unite is joining the union of India that too as a separate state.

No bengali sentiment any more! EVen if by chance BD is accepted in India, first job will be too wash off the radicals and make it secular.
Why on earth should we join a country like Bangladesh when we are doing great as a part of the Republic of India.Our ancestors were proud Indians and so are we.Bengal is nothing without India.Our whole culture and civilization is based on the Dharmic values of Bharat.We were,are and always will be a part of this great nation.I for one will not allow Bengal to get separated from India even if it means i have to fight my fellow Bengali brethren.We have nothing in common with the Bangaldeshis.Our culture is an unique one why has been evolved during the ages.Heck we don't even speak the same language.
Bengalis have a rich tradition and culture and the truth is we are far more advanced than the Bangaldeshis in terms of intellect....:coffee:

you want Bangladeshis to wear lungis to dhotis, malaun?
r e lungiwala why are you getting angry:rofl:!!We Bengalis don't want to have any kind of relation with Bangaldesh,we are extremely happy to be a part of a great country like India.So why don't you ask your fellow lungi pole vaulters to stop entering into India...:azn:
it is personal take on this. i don't think a full merger or confederation (loose union) is as big an issue as East Pakistan having sovereignty then or Bangladesh having sovereignty afterwards. because of the geography there was bound to be SOME difference between the two Muslim regions. but that alone did not even slightly justify separation of United Pakistan and more importantly, it did not justify Indian invasion of E. Pak/Bangladesh

You don't think a full merger or confederation (loose union) is as big an issue! Are you high? If any political leader even give slightest hint about confederation or loose union their political career will be ruined.
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