test us at your own damn peril, Chinese.
i recommend that you don't.
Go turn your pushing into real shoving
Do remember how proud Murica was of Dugout Doug and Murica mighty brilliant occifers and their Ma Deuces and battleships with 16 inch guns and planes and carriers and arty with unlimited ammo and that Muricans will all be home by Christmas as what can China do with single shot bolt action rifles against Murica and the rest of the world including the best from 5Eyes.
Murica prouderer now than back in 1950.
They all ran shitting in their pants and screaming MAMA MAMA south of Parallel in less than 3 weeks
Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.
It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China and China economical might less than sub Sahara Africa.
And now China firepower is a lot more and reach further than Muricans
Murica still wanna rock & roll in addition to phony FONOPs and being self appointed policeman and marshall of the world?
China got 3000+++ Mach 3+ YJ12s YJ18s good enough to burn USA 100,000 ton carriers from end to end , not to talk about taking out USA Burkes and Ticos.
And a whole hosts of other smaller YJs numbered in thousands.
And CM401s
But only before they all realized Murica is bankrupt.
And getting bankrupter.
And caught in their own self inflicted frenzy of back stabbing and front stabbing and side stabbings between the blues, and the reds, and with each other.
We here can munch our popcorn and chips and dip and drink our beer to see Murica going to their sordid ends.
Or seeing Muricans go flying like Armenians
One way or the other.
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