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A Sword for Hussein

Is he still alive?

Yes, he is. Some recent and old (rare) photos of him...

Azam in Jordan's Air Force headquarters:


Saiful Azam in Jordanian Air Force Academy:

His Hawker Hunter:

See that little boy near the cockpit? He's Prince Abdullah, now King of Jordan:

Saiful Azam (third from left) at PAF's Sargodha airbase. With him are Chinese-made F-6's:

Saiful with his wingman, Lt. Ihsan Shurdom. Lt. Shurdom later rose to the rank of COS of RJAF, serving from 1983-1993:

RJAF Commanders

Azam receiving the Sitara-e-Jurat award (Pakistan):

Note: I do not own any of these images. Images distributed by Air Power of Bangladesh.
this is stupidity at its best.
Israel is a reality to stay. When Arabs can match themselves by 1% of Israeli accomplishment then we may have some matter to discuss. Buildin towers and casinos with oil money is not called progress.
Perhaps you didn't understand what I was trying to say. Nothing to take away anything fomr Saif bro.

Let me give an example.

You post 10 guards to protect a bank.

The bank gets burned down and you lose 100 million dollars.

Then one of the guards comes to you all smiles and gives you a penny that he "saved" from those 100 million dollars.

Would you then in the right mind, start showering this guard with tamghas, medals, and chamchas?


saving a penny out of 100 million dollars is no act of bravery. you will kick that guard out for dereliction of duty.

Now you can say Saif was no true "guard" he was just there to "train the guards", or something like that. But that will further dilute your story.

shooting down an Israeli plane or two while the ENTIRE arab airforce is destroyed or disabled, is like dancing for a penny while losing 100 million dollars.

Hope you get it this time.

Remember this a defense forum, so you got to come back with a better description from a well fought war.

Thank you.

1. After Pakistan joined Baghdad Pact /CENTO/ RCD and owing to Pakistan's pro-West stance in the Suez War, the Arabs had become quite anti-Pakistan. All efforts by Pak diplomacy failed to make a dent in this attitude. Then came the 1967 War. And Saif shoots down the Israeli aircraft, rated better than the Huinters. In all the years of Arab-Israeli conflict none had achieved anything nearing this feat of Azam. This was the first victory that the Arabs experienced in their long struggle against the Israelis. RJAF had won the air war over Jordan.

2. In an instant the Arab attitude towards Pakistan changed totally. Roads, squares, avenues, schools, villages, etc began to be named after "Saif". Arab mothers began naming their newborn Saif.

3. In a Pak Forn Ministry file FM Ayub wrote: "What Azam has achieved in minutes our Forn Ministry failed in years." This was the turning point for Pak-Arab relations.

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