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A Secret Chinese Underground Ballistic Missile Garrison Not Too Far From Leh

Nothing to celebrate pakistanis... India does have missiles too and most of the terrain in Himalaya make sure its Man vs Man missiles gonna do shit... India has 4 million mil and para mil largest on the planet I dont see India in fear or any danger...
India has 4 million mil and para mil largest on the planet I dont see India in fear or any danger...
The panic in Indian defence circles is unrelenting ,below is a narration from a retd IA Colonel who unearthed an Underground Chinese Missile Garrison located very near to the capital Leh, across the LAC.

for what inside Indian Defense Circles ???

"This Chinese threat is underground, a missile garrison not too far from Leh.
The People's Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF), formerly the Second Artillery Corps, has a modern up-and-running missile storage facility barely 250 km from the Ladakh capital.

250 Kms from Union of India - Territory Ladakh - Leh Sector means Chinese Rocket Force Regiments might be using Upgraded 130 Kms Unguided Rockets or Guided 290 Kms Ballistic Missiles !!!!

India Today's OSINT desk has delved into satellite images, as latest as July 11, for a fair understanding of this secret arsenal.

What is so secret about Chinese Arsenal ???? Indian Armed Forces Central Command Headquarters Experts Panels are already aware about the Chinese Capabilities as well as the Locations of the Deployments of Chinese Military !!!


Its location is close to the Southern Xinjiang Military District (SXJMD), which was raised in 1950 and has been reorganised many times over but retained the same areas under its command -- Aksu, Kashgar, Yarkand, and Khotan.

Have Chinese Military raised these Military Districts over Afghan and Indian Military Camps.

Here seems we can discuss about the History of Multiple Rockets Launch Systems such as Smerch which are Unguided Rockets !!!!!

The area opposite Ladakh, including occupied Aksai Chin or Eastern Ladakh, came under the Southern Xinjiang Military District when Tibet was occupied by China in 1950s and 1960s.
SXJMD, also referred to as Saidullah military training area, lies within the Indian-claimed Jammu and Kashmir state as per the Ardagh Johnson Line proposed during the British Raj.
Chinese Military even Claims that Parts of NePala also comes under Tibbat !!!! Chinese Military is Quite Sincere here !!! Tibbat is having a Beautiful History of Arya Dynasties !!!

Strategically, the location provides additional enforcements for the PLA in the event of emergencies because of their presence at the training base.
The underground missile facility, dug out in the Karakoram mountains, is almost three-five km inside the highway connecting Tibet with Xinjiang.

Chinese are working for thier Colonies on the Hindu Territories !!! And Chinese Military doesnt deny that !!!

Here are 14 underground tunnels that start at three km south of the road and continue up to two km ahead.
And then there are 12 tunnels on the west of a rivulet, which possibly store operational missiles.

Two other tunnels on the eastern side are connected with various roads, indicating they are administrative and command-and-control tunnels.
The facility has a line of poles probably for electricity supplies to the underground storage tunnels.

Those Chinese Tunnels are visible similar like of the Iranian Ballistic Missiles Facilities !!!

Various signatures and other facilities around these tunnels suggest that this facility can store at least 24 missiles, with their tractor-erector launcher (TEL) and other support vehicles.

The analysis of satellite images over the last two decades indicate that most support facilities are located near the G209 highway.
There is a large garrison with high-bay garages at the road head. There are other garages for support vehicles.
There are at least eight high-bay garages possibly used for checking out vehicles before deployment.

Chinese Military Equipment is all open and Visible just closing the opening of those Tunnels these Chinese Ballistic Missiles will be neutralised !!!

Recently, a new heliport, possibly for the SXJMD aviation brigade detachment, has been built to provide air-defence support to this facility.

Chinese Military is aware about Indian Armed Forces Satellites Jamming Capabilities !!! ChineseMilitary is going for old methods of Unguided Rockets !!!
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250 Kms from Union of India - Territory Ladakh - Leh Sector means Chinese Rocket Force Regiments might be using Upgraded 130 Kms Unguided Rockets or Guided 290 Kms Ballistic Missiles !!!!
They have also long range guilded 400 km range like WS- 2C AND E

Deen and Dharma in Heart makes the Enemy to Scare !!!

Winning War by being on the Truth Matters for Each and Every Single Soldier !!!

They have also long range guilded 400 km range like WS- 2C AND E

Chinese Ballistic Missile Inventory starts and ends where !!! Indian Armed Forces Central Command Headquarters are Aware !!!

Chinese Satellites are within the Range of Indian Armed Forces !!!

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