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A rough ride to capital...!!

Who do you think will win the next national election?
PTI has chances, lets see how USA intervenes.

Or its too early?
Political parties can never take it easy, they are always awake and willing to pounce on opportunities.

When is it scheduled for anyway?

I think the 2nd (or is it 3rd?) fully democratic transition of power will do a world of good for Pakistan.

Democracy doesnt do good unless the leader is good. lets see.

Wrong, my friend.
Theek hay janab, aap behtar jaantay hain :-)

PML(N) is the most immature political party of Pakistan.
They are in power currently, i doubt it that an immature party can come and stay in power.

It has never learned from past experiences.
i would agree with you if a coup happens and they lose power.

Just take a look at the methods employed by PML(N) to prevent protests in Islamabad.
These are the methods of a party which is one step ahead of PTI.

Also, take a look at its ministers.
Were u expecting chai wala look-alike ministers.

On the other hand, PPP learned a lesson from its past experiences. It would have handled the current situation in a much better manner.
I agree, PPP and Zardari are one level top and ahead of PML(N), i said that already
@Sarge your ranking of mature leader shows ranking of corruption in which Ganja was crossed zardari
Political maturity being gauged through corruption, i dont think so

On a lighter side.
:-) Is corruption that easy ? and top of it all, doing corruption openly :-) Ofcourse not.

Political "experience" and corruption are directly proportional :P
PTI supporters will kill me now as i said PML(N) is politically mature than IK and PTI :-)
PTI supporters will kill me now as i said PML(N) is politically mature than IK and PTI

I don't get why that should be perceived negatively by them. Political "maturity" is more a bad thing than a good thing in my eyes...it means you know how to promote stability/order etc through promoting the necessary sleaze, nepotism and corruption. This always favours status quo and established elite rather than change and reform....which tend to come from political outsiders/inexperience/newcomers....because such people care about on the ground results (which stem from why they entered political arena in first place in many cases) rather than dynasty preservation etc. I see it in India all the time to large degree....a good amount of churning is happening now compared to before.

Thats why political arena must always have a good balance of every position represented so the (hopefully) informed, educated electorate can best choose what the country needs at a particular moment. Unfortunately Pakistan electorate is not that well informed I feel (like many if not most states in India too) and there is not enough choice. There need to be a few more Imran Khan like people but even newer and more "dynamic"....and electorate need to stop voting for same old power blocs as directed by whoever their local feudals decide to choose.

I guess in a way it stems from fact that Pakistan never had a serious land reform....so feudal-serf structure is very much intact and democracy functions more like a figurehead monarchy more than anything. Something needs to change here.
I don't get why that should be perceived negatively by them. Political "maturity" is more a bad thing than a good thing in my eyes...it means you know how to promote stability/order etc through promoting the necessary sleaze, nepotism and corruption. This always favours status quo and established elite rather than change and reform....which tend to come from political outsiders/inexperience/newcomers....because such people care about on the ground results (which stem from why they entered political arena in first place in many cases) rather than dynasty preservation etc. I see it in India all the time to large degree....a good amount of churning is happening now compared to before.

Thats why political arena must always have a good balance of every position represented so the (hopefully) informed, educated electorate can best choose what the country needs at a particular moment. Unfortunately Pakistan electorate is not that well informed I feel (like many if not most states in India too) and there is not enough choice. There need to be a few more Imran Khan like people but even newer and more "dynamic"....and electorate need to stop voting for same old power blocs as directed by whoever their local feudals decide to choose.

I guess in a way it stems from fact that Pakistan never had a serious land reform....so feudal-serf structure is very much intact and democracy functions more like a figurehead monarchy more than anything. Something needs to change here.

Had i said that political maturity enables a politician to be a master tactician of corruption.....the would have said that IK is better off being politically immature then, haha :-)

Kher its all fun and games regarding politics. i am in a light mood so just having fun. Heading out to enjoy with family, will reply your content in a serious manner some other time. expecting lots of angered quotes also upon return, lol :-) take care, have a good day :-)
@Sarge In which world do you live sir where pml-n is not corrupt. And its all international and Jews conspiracy against pious MIAN NAWAZ SHAREEF and Panama Papers where all bought off to print wrong info against them and his family is so poor that they travel on Honda 70 cc which they bought on easy installments and they have never visited England let alone own MAYFAIR apartment and have foreign companies. And they never use police for their protection and political benefits and spending million on just walls to upgrade them all is wrong and misconception.
@Sarge In which world do you live sir where pml-n is not corrupt. And its all international and Jews conspiracy against pious MIAN NAWAZ SHAREEF and Panama Papers where all bought off to print wrong info against them and his family is so poor that they travel on Honda 70 cc which they bought on easy installments and they have never visited England let alone own MAYFAIR apartment and have foreign companies. And they never use police for their protection and political benefits and spending million on just walls to upgrade them all is wrong and misconception.

Where did he say PML-N is not corrupt?
It's just like dictatorship in Pakistan.
Where are the courts of Pakistan?
It's just like dictatorship in Pakistan.
Where are the courts of Pakistan?
Pakistani courts trying to free themselves from the web of corruption and influence of rich gangster politicians....who defend there leader corruption as duty...
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