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A Radioactive Situation in the middle east

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Not so very long ago, open discussions of a possible Israeli or American attacks on Iran’s nuclear military and civilian infrastructure would have seemed beyond the realm of reality. But in today’s super-heated climate of hysteria and fearmongering over Iran’s nuclear program, talk of launching a war that could engulf the region and create an ecological catastrophe is considered matter of fact.

There is still no hard proof that Iran’s nuclear program is designed to produce nuclear arms. Tehran claims its program, the proudest emblem of national modernization, is entirely designed for energy generation as oil reserves are beginning to decline.

U.S. intelligence and UN inspectors report that Iran is not working on nuclear weapons. But given that its neighbors possess such weapons, why wouldn’t it? Even Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, wondered aloud why Iran would not seek such arms. The United States has recently aided India’s nuclear-weapons program.

Israeli Capabilities and Targets

Israel, according to former president Jimmy Carter, has some three hundred nuclear devices in its arsenal, capable of being delivered by medium-ranged ballistic missiles, submarine-launched cruise missiles and aircraft with standoff missiles. Two of Israel’s three German-supplied “Dolphin-class” submarines carrying nuclear-armed missiles are reportedly stationed off Iran’s coast, providing an invulnerable second-strike capability for the Jewish state. Any Iranian nuclear attack on Israel would result in Iran being vaporized.

Still, Israel’s right-wing Likud Party may actually intend to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, just as Israel attacked Iraqi and Syrian nuclear facilities to preserve its Mideast nuclear monopoly. Whipping up a crisis over Iran also serves to deflect attention from the unresolved question of Palestine and from Israel’s growing social and economic problems.

Israel’s potential target list in Iran is clear. At least twelve major nuclear or nuclear-related sites would have to be struck to seriously damage Iran’s nuclear program, some of which is buried deep underground. Leading targets include the aboveground heavy-water/reactor facility at Arak; reactors at Bushehr (a civilian power reactor relying on Russian-supplied fuel), the new underground enrichment facility near Qum at Fordow, the ore conversion plants near Isfahan, and other facilities at Qazvin, Damghan, Tabriz, Lavizan, Chalus, Darkhovin and Parchin.

As threats of as Israeli attack have grown in recent years, Iran has dispersed, hardened and buried its newer nuclear facilities. The new plant at Fordow, for example, is believed to be buried 260 feet under granite. This may be too hard and too deep for even a brace of U.S. monster thirty-thousand-pound MOP bombs to penetrate or crush. Israel has no aircraft that can carry such a huge load, which was designed for the U.S. B-2 stealth bomber.

Curiously, as war fever grips the United States and Israel, few have raised the question of the enormous dangers involved in bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The Repercussions of an Attack

Destroying Iran’s many reactors and processing facilities could release large amounts of radiation and create radioactive dust storms. Winds would carry this toxic miasma over Afghanistan and its large U.S. military garrison. Dangerous radiation would also extend to Pakistan, western India, Iraq, Kuwait and to the Gulf, where large numbers of U.S. military personnel are based. Equally ominous, radioactive dust could blanket oil fields in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. High-altitude winds would spread radioactivity around the globe, as occurred at Chernobyl in the Ukraine, but at a factor of twenty times or more.

Israeli attacks by air and commando units could damage or delay development of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, but the Jewish state lacks the power to permanently destroy it. Israel also fears some of its pilots will be captured and put on show trial. So Israel is straining every sinew to get Washington to do the job. The Pentagon has estimated it will need to strike at least 3,200 targets in Iran, including nuclear facilities, air and naval bases, military production plants, headquarters, communications hubs, missile bases, Gulf ports, and that reliable catchall, “command-and-control facilities.” And this is just in the first wave of strikes.

Air and missile strikes as well as special forces raids would have to continue for weeks, perhaps months. Air wars generate their own “mission creep” as new targets are discovered or old ones moved around. Power stations and high voltage lines, civilian airports, truck plants, radio and TV stations, intelligence headquarters—all will be added to the hit list.

During the first Iraq war, U.S. forces even destroyed many of Iraq’s sewage-treatment and water-purification plants, leading to epidemics of water-borne diseases. Iran could expect the same punitive treatment.

Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was a war hero and highly decorated officer of Iran’s special forces during the Iran-Iraq War. He was credited with many successful missions deep behind Iraqi lines. Iran’s tough special forces will launch ground attacks on U.S. units and bases in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kuwait and down the Gulf to Oman. Such raids may force the United States to send Marines, then regular ground troops into Iran to forestall attacks.

All wars are unpredictable; a U.S. or Israeli attack on Iran would be particularly so. Iran is a large nation that can take a great deal of punishment: it sustained five hundred thousand dead and wounded in the 1980s invasion by Iraq, which was engineered by the United States and its Arab oil allies. In fact, some Iranian hard-liners have told me they will welcome U.S. ground attacks on their nation.

“America will break its teeth on Iran,” one told me. I heard the same gasconading from Iraqis before the 2003 invasion. But while Iran’s air and naval forces are hopelessly obsolete and would be quickly eliminated, its regular forces, basiji militia and elite units have reasonable power while fighting on the defensive.

Israel, for its part, has been issuing incessant alarms over the existential dangers it faces from Iran, even going so far as to invoke the specter of another Holocaust. Such wildly inflated claims have panicked the world Jewish community and led to war hysteria in North America.

In reality, without nuclear weapons, which it is not believed to possess, Iran has little ability to seriously injure Israel in a war. Iran’s medium-ranged Shahab-3 missiles are inaccurate and carry small warheads. They would likely not be much more effective than Saddam Hussein’s Scuds that were fired at Israel, producing only one fatality—from a heart attack. Israel also has a very effective, multilayered antimissile system built with U.S. aid and linked to U.S. early warning satellites watching Iran. Iran has no air force worth speaking of. The biggest risk Israel faces is an extremely lucky hit by a Shahab missile on its Dimona reactor in the Negev that could release radiation over populated areas.

Iran’s ally in Lebanon, the Hezbollah movement, could shower northern Israel with thousands of unguided artillery rockets. But the last time this happened, during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 2006, Hezbollah fired four thousand rockets at Israel, killing 160 Israelis. Israeli air attacks killed 1,200 Lebanese and Palestinians.

Hezbollah now says that an Israeli attack on Iran will not automatically cause it to launch new waves of short-ranged missiles at Israel. Thanks to generous U.S. help, Israel has also erected an antimissile defense system along its northern border with Lebanon.

So even if Hezbollah joined an Iranian counterattack, Israel’s losses would be tolerable. Attacks on Israeli targets around the world, and perhaps U.S. ones, would be minimal. The alleged Iranian revenge attacks for the murder of Iranian scientists delivered against Israeli diplomats in India, Thailand and Georgia were remarkable for their ineptitude and amateurishness.

Entangling Alliances

The most important result of an Israeli air campaign against Iran would be to draw the United States into a long-running conflict with the Islamic Republic that it neither wants nor can afford. U.S. troops in Afghanistan could even risk being cut off and forced to evacuate by air, leaving much of their matériel behind.

It seems inconceivable that a great world power, the United States, could allow tiny Israel to drag it into a new war in the Muslim world. But this is just what is happening, reminding us of how in 1914 tiny Serbia provoked war between its patron, Russia, and its foe, the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, the best foreign-affairs mind in Washington, called for U.S. warplanes in Iraq to interdict any Israeli air assault across Jordan-Saudi Arabia-Iraq. U.S. aircraft are no longer based in Iraq, but they are close by in Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and at sea in and around the Gulf. They need only target Israel refueling aircraft to block an air assault.

President Dwight Eisenhower would have threatened such a move without hesitation. But in an election year, the less-than-resolute Barack Obama would most likely shy away from such decisive action. Israel also has the ability to provoke a clash with Iran in the Gulf that could lead to a general war.

We should also recall that the main source of rivalry and tension between Israel and Iran is over creation of a Palestinian state. For America’s interests, forceful diplomacy to resolve this obdurate problem and the possible creation of a nuclear-free zone in the Mideast are the logical answers. President Obama promised as much but lost his resolve in the face of the determined pro-Israel lobby.

The United States has lost its last two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is getting entangled in conflicts in East and West Africa and Yemen. All these wars have been paid for by piling-up debt. Starting war with Iran would be easy. But no one knows what Washington’s war aims would be, how to define victory or how to end war with an enraged, vengeful Iran.

A third major conflict, this time with Iran, would further wreck America’s finances and plunge the republic in an Orwellian state of permanent war.

Commentary: A Radioactive Situation | The National Interest
The difference is that Israel won't use those nukes in a first strike (NATO won't allow Israel to use even those 'small' tactical nukes pre-emptively, I'm sure of that).

Iran, with nukes, or without a regular pruning of their nuke bomb program, DOES pose a REAL risk to Israel, and to it's own region.

For starters, if the Saudi's are convinced the Iranians have a nuke bomb (or can make one within 2 weeks), will want a nuke program of their own. Other countries in the region would be next.

Result? Nuclear proliferation, or in laymans terms: nuke bombs stored all over the middle east. Ready to be stolen by islamic radicals.

If I were an alQuada strategist (which I'll never be, because I think terrorism is a counter-productive strategy), then I'd be praying for Iran and Saudi Arabia to build nukes, then steal 'm quietly (one at a time if need be), and organize a multi-nuke strike on for instance the US and Israel at the same time.

I think the above is a VERY real risk of happening within 50 years after we allow Iran to build nuclear bombs, or even to have a civilian nuclear program at all. They can buy their medical isotopes from other countries, and they can put their scientists and engineers on perfecting solar energy collection tech. They sure get enough sun in Iran.

Nuff said.
I have not seen Iran attacking anyone but being attacked by Iraq in the 1980-88 war on behalf of you know whom... So I do not think that if they had the nuclear bomb they would let any entity approach them let alone grab them, see the example of Pakistan. But what you have said is applicable to anyone stockpiling Nuclear weapons.
On top of it all what do you call the European and American nuclear proliferation till the middle east to the hands of an apartheid like regime, and one of the most dangerous, if not the most dangerous regime on earth; please read the latest news coming out from Europe and the US about Israeli propaganda, manipulations and threats to the whole world.
I wonder why rational Iran would be a dangerous country with nukes while all the other irrational ones are not, this defies any logical thought.
And anyhow Iran has decided wisely it is not to go after the atomic bomb, for many reasons; the first one is that it won't need one, 'cause to attack Iran with nuclear weapons is almost the same as attacking the whole middle east, the GCC, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and beyond on that side, and depending on the winds directions it might affect Europe and Israel itself who will likely all receive radio active fallouts _particles transported by the winds_, unlike Japan who had just the perfect position to be nuked in the second WW without much consequences on neighbouring countries or the world at large.
So, my conclusion is that all this talk about Iran getting a nuclear bomb is false, and the real reason is to keep it under total control, in all fields where it seeks its independence, be it in sciences or petrochemicals or weapons to defend its assets like everyone else; so it is clear from the conclusion that one has to buy everything from the US, Europe or Russia all supposedly Christian countries (still controlled by their neo-zionistic churches), or not to get anything at all (sanctions beyond the international laws), if you are a Muslim country. If you doubt this, look at the map and try to find one single Muslim country that does not depend on the Christian west or east !!! but Iran who saw it clearly from past experiences with the West and the East who won't respect their words, contracts or any other agreement unless one is under their total control, that is how insecure they are even with more than 30 000 nuclear warheads in their arsenals, there is nothing more to say... but that China and India too were sanctioned for long periods of time by the same entities, and at least China had succeeded at gaining most of its independence in all fields while India is still trying with no apparent success for so many reasons that are too numerous to list on this post.

They sure get enough sun in southern united states too and they can buy their medication from China for example, so why would they need hundreds or even thousands of nuclear reactors.

Oil is not forever, and indeed Iran has the biggest solar energy plants in the middle east, and huge dams, but with a population of 80 million and hundreds of millions of energy starved neighbours, I think Iran is doing the right thing to develop electricity related nuclear energy for itself and for the energy starved population around it, it will be the oil of the future for Iran to export electricity to those who can not afford building nuclear reactors to produce it themselves.
So what is wrong with it if it is not jealousy from others.
Well, I happen to think Iran's leadership is not only irrational, but dangerous because it supports terror groups.
Nuke bombs stored in Iran/Egypt/Iraq/Saudi-Arabia stand a large chance of even being handed over to terrorists by those governments or guards at the sites where they would be stored.

The only nuke bombs ever detonated in war against humans were 2 against Japan, since then none of the countries that have nuke bombs has used them or let them be used.

Iran, and their neighbors who'd also start up a nuke-bomb program after that, can not be trusted. They're infested with muslim terrorists who are drueling over the idea of having nukes stored in that region, and we've already heard a palestinian commander say that he'd use nukes against Israel the day he received such weapons.

And eh, to the victims' families of civilian casualties made by NATO it may seem that NATO are terrorists as well.
It is however not our *goal* or strategy to kill muslim civilians, our soldiers have instructions to kill only terrorists, but our soldiers do still make mistakes in this field. Our governments have been and will be informed however that this has to stop; we of NATO need to develop smaller-area-of-effect weapons and better detection equipment to determine between civilians and real terrorists, we need to adopt the policy 'let them live when in doubt', and we need to better train our soldiers to understand the culture of any muslim nation we have to invade in the future (i really hope it never comes to that again).
I do believe that the number of muslim civilians NATO kills by accident is dropping. If you want evidence, I'll search for it tommorow.

Terrorists however, love to kill civilians. They claim Allah lets them enter into Heaven with 72 virgins to f*ck for eternity if they kill themselves at the same time as they kill god knows how many innocent civilians, people who have little to no real geo-political influence, nor create any besides yet another hunt for terrorist camps. I will not see Iran with nukes because I don't want any western / Israeli city turned to glass by a terrorist group.
And NATO + Israeli leaderships feel the same way. I suggest you take their statement 'military action is an option to us' ('all options are on the table') very f-ing seriously.

iran: allow nuclear inspectors in, without any restrictions, to delay military action until those inspectors tell us you're building nuclear bombs or parts thereof or production facilities therefor.
iran: allow nuclear inspectors in, without any restrictions, to delay military action until those inspectors tell us you're building nuclear bombs or parts thereof or production facilities therefor.

Fact 1: Iran does allow inspection from all of its nuclear facilities.
Fact 2: As long as Israel refuses to open up its nuclear facilities to the world, you don't have a right even to mention what Iran should do or not, let alone giving it orders.
Fact 3: You have no clue what's going on in ME, so please either stay out of it or at least study on some very basic topics, how about starting with Wikipedia? I couldn't find anything more simple than it.
Fact 4: Listening to 'Mainstream Media' 24/7 messes up people's minds about realities of the world.
Fact 1: Iran does allow inspection from all of its nuclear facilities.

You can store parts for nuke bombs, and production facilities for nuke bomb parts, in any building / basement in your country.
I say all of your country should be accessible for inspection, or we can't believe your claim that your nuclear program is and stays of peaceful nature. So sorry. Stop supporting terrorism and maybe we can believe you sooner in the far future.

Fact 2: As long as Israel refuses to open up its nuclear facilities to the world, you don't have a right even to mention what Iran should do or not, let alone giving it orders.

We of NATO+Israel are making the threat of military force. And we won't use nukes against you, just bombers and drones most likely. I even doubt we're going to 'regime-change' Iran.

You want to inspect our nuke bomb facilities? For what? We already told you we have 'm, even how many we have in some countries, and we have a proven trackrecord of keeping those things very safe and secure. Last thing we want to do is give the terrorism supporters of Iranian government clues about security at nuke bomb facilities of NATO, ofcourse.

Fact 3: You have no clue what's going on in ME, so please either stay out of it or at least study on some very basic topics, how about starting with Wikipedia? I couldn't find anything more simple than it.
I know more about Arab/Persian/Asian dirty little secrets than you'd like me to post here. It would create so much denial work for you.

Fact 4: Listening to 'Mainstream Media' 24/7 messes up people's minds about realities of the world.

So does the propaganda of a state like Iran then.
You can store parts for nuke bombs, and production facilities for nuke bomb parts, in any building / basement in your country.
I say all of your country should be accessible for inspection, or we can't believe your claim that your nuclear program is and stays of peaceful nature. So sorry. Stop supporting terrorism and maybe we can believe you sooner in the far future.

Who are 'we' exactly? And why should we assure 'you'?
I said earlier, if your countries give Iran access to their military bases, Iran will does the same.
This is no colonial era anymore, wake up buddy.There are norms out there. Let's start with Netherlands. Why don't you prove to us that you are not making nukes? you should allow us to make sure you have not stored weapon-grade uranium in any place of your country. Isn't that fair enough?
Who are 'we' exactly? And why should we assure 'you'?
I said earlier, if your countries give Iran access to their military bases, Iran will does the same.
This is no colonial era anymore, wake up buddy.There are norms out there. Let's start with Netherlands. Why don't you prove to us that you are not making nukes? you should allow us to make sure you have not stored weapon-grade uranium in any place of your country. Isn't that fair enough?

Oh, I can confirm .NL stores .US nukes :D
I won't tell you in which area of .NL tho :)

And eh, since Iran can't defeat a military action by NATO+Israel, probably not even one where Israel does go it alone, I don't think you can make that demand (inspection of our nuke/military facilities) of NATO or Israel. I've tried to patiently explain why I and the NATO+Israeli leaderships can't trust the Iranian 'civilian' nuclear program, we honestly believe it creates a very real threat of nuclear attack against one or more of our cities. And I know that the Israelis are especially worried, for justified reason I think.

The only thing I will mention pretty f-ing quickly to the US and Israeli administration is that we still need to aqcuire evidence of nuke bomb parts and production facilities thereof if we do bomb Iran, and that we need to carefully calculate the explosive yiels of each -conventional!- bomb that we need to drop on some nuke / icbm target in Iran, if it comes to that. I really hope it doesn't, which is why i'm being so persistent and arrogant to you Iranians at the moment.
Well, I happen to think Iran's leadership is not only irrational, but dangerous because it supports terror groups.
Nuke bombs stored in Iran/Egypt/Iraq/Saudi-Arabia stand a large chance of even being handed over to terrorists by those governments or guards at the sites where they would be stored.

The only nuke bombs ever detonated in war against humans were 2 against Japan, since then none of the countries that have nuke bombs has used them or let them be used.

Iran, and their neighbors who'd also start up a nuke-bomb program after that, can not be trusted. They're infested with muslim terrorists who are drueling over the idea of having nukes stored in that region, and we've already heard a palestinian commander say that he'd use nukes against Israel the day he received such weapons.

And eh, to the victims' families of civilian casualties made by NATO it may seem that NATO are terrorists as well.
It is however not our *goal* or strategy to kill muslim civilians, our soldiers have instructions to kill only terrorists, but our soldiers do still make mistakes in this field. Our governments have been and will be informed however that this has to stop; we of NATO need to develop smaller-area-of-effect weapons and better detection equipment to determine between civilians and real terrorists, we need to adopt the policy 'let them live when in doubt', and we need to better train our soldiers to understand the culture of any muslim nation we have to invade in the future (i really hope it never comes to that again).
I do believe that the number of muslim civilians NATO kills by accident is dropping. If you want evidence, I'll search for it tommorow.

Terrorists however, love to kill civilians. They claim Allah lets them enter into Heaven with 72 virgins to f*ck for eternity if they kill themselves at the same time as they kill god knows how many innocent civilians, people who have little to no real geo-political influence, nor create any besides yet another hunt for terrorist camps. I will not see Iran with nukes because I don't want any western / Israeli city turned to glass by a terrorist group.
And NATO + Israeli leaderships feel the same way. I suggest you take their statement 'military action is an option to us' ('all options are on the table') very f-ing seriously.

iran: allow nuclear inspectors in, without any restrictions, to delay military action until those inspectors tell us you're building nuclear bombs or parts thereof or production facilities therefor.

I do not know your level of education, but you seem to ignore all the facts and only report what you hear in the news.
Reality is bigger than that, to give you an example, the US and Israel can not dare attack Iran, it is just too powerful for them in any way, air, land or sea, ask or rather read what the American experts know and say... and even if they choose to use the ultimate nuclear option, not one single country in the Area will allow them, just because of the radioactive fallouts, let alone the promesses that Chinees and Russian highest ranking General have made to start WW3 with the States and Europe if Iran is attacked, not for their particular friendship or love for Iran but for the sake of their economies and the world economy, so indeed NATO can call Iran dangerous, you know now why, it is Europe's an American frustrations...
Apart from that the Iranian supremacy in the Persian golf and around it, it can infringe some too heavy losses on NATO that can not be acceptable for Europe and the US, like destroying completely the 5Th US fleet and any other fleet that will show up around. We are not talking about the madness of the thought of invading Iran, NATO will need to have 200 million soldiers to be able to win completely a conventional war against the 20 million (minimum) Iranian Armed forces. So please learn about history, warfare and facts and than talk tough,Netherlands won't stand one day on its own against Iran in the Persian Gulf.
Oh, I can confirm .NL stores .US nukes :D
I won't tell you in which area of .NL tho :)

How about Volkel Air Base for a start? 22 nukes, eh? :rolleyes:

You guys have US + NATO + Israel against Iran, and still are scared as $hit of apparently hollow Iranian threats. Which nuclear nation HAS NOT threatened a nuclear attack against its rivals? I don't recall US/Russia/China or even Pakistan/India ordering each other not to make nuclear weapons, do you?

Grow up, act mature...deal with it.
I do not know your level of education, but you seem to ignore all the facts and only report what you hear in the news.
Reality is bigger than that, to give you an example, the US and Israel can not dare attack Iran, it is just too powerful for them in any way, air, land or sea, ask or rather read what the American experts know and say... and even if they choose to use the ultimate nuclear option, not one single country in the Area will allow them, just because of the radioactive fallouts, let alone the promesses that Chinees and Russian highest ranking General have made to start WW3 with the States and Europe if Iran is attacked, not for their particular friendship or love for Iran but for the sake of their economies and the world economy, so indeed NATO can call Iran dangerous, you know now why, it is Europe's an American frustrations...
Apart from that the Iranian supremacy in the Persian golf and around it, it can infringe some too heavy losses on NATO that can not be acceptable for Europe and the US, like destroying completely the 5Th US fleet and any other fleet that will show up around. We are not talking about the madness of the thought of invading Iran, NATO will need to have 200 million soldiers to be able to win completely a conventional war against the 20 million (minimum) Iranian Armed forces. So please learn about history, warfare and facts and than talk tough,Netherlands won't stand one day on its own against Iran in the Persian Gulf.

Iran has 20 million soldiers? From what source do you get that 'information'?..
And what are 20 million soldier going to do without advanced weapons against advanced weapons?

NATO+Israel would not be able to overcome Iranian defenses (with conventional warfare only)? You're probably in for a surprise then.

Iran has, compared to NATO+Israel, severely outdated military hardware, according to western military websites.
And Russia/China won't be seen beefing up the military hardware of Iran to be able to actually withstand NATO+Israeli military action. Iranians may get some fancy weapons from the Russians, but not enough to be a decisive factor.
How about Volkel Air Base for a start? 22 nukes, eh? :rolleyes:

I've never heard of volkel air base :rolleyes: :no: :P

You guys have US + NATO + Israel against Iran, and still are scared as $hit of apparently hollow Iranian threats.

read this post of mine to understand why I think Iranian nuclear threats aren't hollow at all;

Which nuclear nation HAS NOT threatened a nuclear attack against its rivals? I don't recall US/Russia/China or even Pakistan/India ordering each other not to make nuclear weapons, do you?

I think those nations bothered eachother plenty during the development phase of their nuclear weapons programs.
Now that they got them, they're under considerable constant secret pressure to keep those awful weapons secure.
We of NATO+Israel are saying that we can not trust the countries of Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Iraq or Egypt or any other nation in that region with nuclear weapons, mainly because of the many islamic radicals in those countries, AND the fact that any of those neighbors of Israel would be encouraged to re-try attacking Israel in a coalition if they also have nukes.

Dear muslims, I understand you're jealous of fancy weapons of NATO, but please consider this: if the balance of weapons is near equal, war is much much more likely to erupt. Israel with nukes (and better conventional weapons) against all those Arab neighbors (that the rest of the world keeps at a less capable weapons level) means those Arab neighbors don't dare to attack Israel, saving the entire region from very nasty war.

And you can trust NATO to not let Israel become too evil against their muslim/arab neighbors.
Their 'asymmetrical force' (white phosphoros usage for instance) that they did in 2009 in Gaza cost them so much goodwill in the rest of NATO that in the last round in Gaza (2012), they used pin-point strikes instead, because people like me informed them of the very real need for Israel to practice 'minimal use of force' instead of the opposite ('asymettrical force') because Israeli's would lose the moral highground by validating the victim image Palestinians put out to the world after the use of asymetrical force by the Israelis, and if you lose the moral highground you give your enemies more fresh recruits and other support than you want to.

And if you're wondering what NATO thinks of Pakistan with nukes; they got a point to have nukes as it prevents bigger India from invading smaller Pakistan with conventional war or threatening it with Indian nukes, thus making the Pakistani leadership less worried and much less likely to make stupid military mistakes.
I do advise the Pakistanis to keep a close eye to what people they have guarding their nuclear weapons at all times though (we don't want to see even 1 nuke in the hands of terrorists), but I'm sure the Pakistanis are doing a good job of that so far and I have little doubt they'll continue to do a good job in that regard.

Grow up, act mature...deal with it.

Look, all I'm really doing here is using layman's language to convey the message that NATO+Israeli threat of military action against Iran if they do not allow nuclear inspectors unrestricted access to all of their country soon, is real.
That's the way NATO leaderships are 'dealing with it'.

I don't really see Obama starting/approving a war against Iran, but you're likely to end up with another Republican US administration after the elections in 2016.
And I guarantee you the Republicans are more likely to authorize military action against Iran (especially when by then the US military has had plenty of rest).
I've never heard of volkel air base :p ;)

Not so secret, eh? :P

read this post of mine to understand why I think Iranian nuclear threats aren't hollow at all;

1. Iran does not possess an ICBM, neither they can modify the SLV for delivering higher payloads.
2. Every nuclear explosion leaves behind a "nuclear footprint", i.e. radiated matter which can be analyzed to find out the composition of fissile material and hence identify the reactor that produced it.

Look, all I'm really doing here is using layman's language to convey the message that NATO+Israeli threat of military action against Iran if they do not allow nuclear inspectors unrestricted access to all of their country soon, is real.
That's the way NATO leaderships are 'dealing with it'.

The repercussions of a military action against Iran are simply too high, which NATO/Israel cannot afford.
1. Iran does not possess an ICBM, neither they can modify the SLV for delivering higher payloads.

2. Every nuclear explosion leaves behind a "nuclear footprint", i.e. radiated matter which can be analyzed to find out the composition of fissile material and hence identify the reactor that produced it.

that's nice to know, but the point of NATO+Israeli 'harassment' of Iran is to prevent any nukes from being detonated at all against civilian targets.

The repercussions of a military action against Iran are simply too high, which NATO/Israel cannot afford.

what repercussions? the chinese and russians starting ww3? I don't think so.

Don't decide a NATO+Israel alliance by yourself. Israel is not a member. I don't think any NATO member besides US is going to devote themselves for Israel's interests.
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