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A question to some Anti Chinese posters


Jul 21, 2009
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This question has been irking me for sometime. I dunno which column I would put this question in , so I have gone for a neutral thread.

Whenever Chinese members start cussing Indians, Indians (me too :D) start calling chinese as communist or commie idiots . They describe how the Chinese brains have been polluted with state fed propoganda and how the Chinese Government clamps down on freedom, liberty etc. they feel that a citizen from a communist regime, has lesser IQ and so on. My question to Most Indians ( i am a patriot to some extent , dont doubt it ) is this,

What if the Chinese turn in to a Democratic Government and they allow freedom of press, civil liberties etc, and still kick our(me included) collective a$$es with their Economic might and still be a posturing neighbour. Would that kick be recieved with open minds and hearts? Just a nagging question! I am an Indian, so lets not jump to conclusions here about my intention for posting this.
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