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A question related to GDP branch



New Recruit

Sep 2, 2011
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I have a question......Does PAF prefers a candidate having private pilot license for inductions in gdp branch?
never heard of it :coffee:

whats your progress so far ??
m still preparing for mbbs finals :p:
So far my progress is ....I visited an eye-specialist(Captain),he said that my eyesight is -0.75 weak.and I should better forget PAF GDP.But I'm trying really hard to do something good with my eyes.I'm desperate of course but still not going to give up easily.....
well ! we read quite a detailed study on eye last year :-)

i ll recommend that you use vitamin A in recommended doses ! (from a physician)(instead of just vitamin A , i think he will recommend MULTI vitamin tablets)
It will augment your eyesight its a well known fact and that it will save your eyesight from further dropping thru many mechanisms !

try working/reading in environment with ample light ! and wear good SUN glasses when its too sunny.
avoid contact lens :-) avoid too much t.v

monitor your diet (more fish - n white meat poultry etc)
dont hesitate to eat anything thts cooked at home :p: rather prefer them (the vegetables ofcourse)

just dont think it too much yar that your eye sight is weak ! Instead relax daily for a while and do palming for 5 minute. you just sit and place your hands lightly on your eye and so, no light will enter eyes , it will relax them really well !

washing face during ablution (wuzu) for namaz keeps eyes well hydrated !:tup:

---------------------- get a changed habit and get it checked again after a month !
lastly, once your eye sight is around -0.35 , then you ll just need to monitor your diet , and habit of sunglasses and lil t.v !!
hairstyle > no hair should fall on forehead ! it gives stress to eyes

(its my own experience that during the first 2 yrs in mbbs , my eye sight dropped drastically that i had headaches ! :-o
i was like what the hell :p: , just a multivitamin course at that time , and now diet and rest monitoring (and ofcourse not much thinking abt it :p:) has kept my eye sight to PIN point perfection :wave:)

(and ofcourse its not that you re monitoring eyesight to just to get into PAF,, think broad , better health is all you need :tup: )
Thanks a lot brother,I was doing somethings with eyes like use of spectacles,almonds,rose water etc....I'll surely work on your advice....Instead I'm going to implement all that things from now today....Thanks a lot....And how weak was your eyesight?Is that 6/6 now?
i didn get it checked up , but a headache that occurs severely while you do a work giving more input to eyes, then its obviously marked loss , that i had !!
yup its 6/6 now .. or a very low decrease that i dont even guess !!

you know what some people have 6/5 or even 6/4 eyesight :p :p YUP thts a truee reality ,, too rare in number but people with such sharp eyes do exist !!
6/5 would mean that a such a person reads small words at 6 meters distance , which a person of 6/6 eyesight will be able to read at 5 meter (meaning closer to the words by 1 meter) !!!
so thats hyper-normal hehe :p:
Thats really cool:woot:
So can you please tell me my eyesight of -0.75 in 6/6 kind of scale?
I believe One day I will do that 6/6 thing too :chilli:
Thats really cool:woot:
So can you please tell me my eyesight of -0.75 in 6/6 kind of scale?
I believe One day I will do that 6/6 thing too :chilli:

see , that 6/6 thing is basically a "rough estimate" !!! its not the exact thing that where your eyes stand !

EYES have many features like :
*these have sharpness of vision(the range in which vision is harp may vary from person to person)
*eyes perceive colours
*eyes perceive shades/contrasts
*eyes undergo sbrupt movements/reflexes (eg, your eyelids close abruptly when there is a sudden loud noise produced)
*and so on..

so this 6/6 thing from a chart is just a rough estimate of your sharpness of vision ONLY !
this sharpness you may regard as the resolution of your eye :p like a camera has :p .. n is called VISUAL ACUITY !

so, if you eye sight is -0.75 , it means that you either got this number from computerized measurement of eyesight or through the frame-and lens measurements that eye specilists used to have(some still use)

-0.75 is actually, -0.75D where D stand for Diopters !
and it means that you are 'short sighted' by just and just -0.75 D
When you ll stand infront of a snellens eye chart(tht measures in 6/6 thing)(i am talkiing about the chart we had in our hospital) , i think so that you ll have problem reading the 2nd last line ! or may be a ver very lil trouble in 3rd last line !
(those who read 2nd last line are 6/6 , and having 6/6 doesn mean that you are normal, since i told you computerized and (by lenses and frame method) the actuall eye sight is measured !)
(while those who read the very small last line are 6/5 :p :p )
(some charts have another line for 6/4 , and some even have for 6/3 :p :p , and so on the last line its written usually that for how much visual strength it denotes :) )

so, at a stage if -0.75 , there will be a slight or lil more trouble in reading the 2nd last line !
just search in google images Snellen's Chart , and you ll see many versions of it ! The most common one is that is upto 5. thts the last line with 5 written over the line and 36 written on first line .

I am giving this info to you so that you relax :p :bunny: and that i terribly miss that here is no one to give me the information that i need :p lolll :hitwall:
and there is another chart , with small words on it , like a page of book has !
that is for checking the close sight ! and they give you that chart, place it in your arms length and read , and they see how small you can read !
ofcourse those with eyesight weak in POSITIVE.. like +0.75 :p will have trouble reading the book or such chart !gott it ?

You know what, the tests like snellens chart and the book reading (i mean 6/6 thing) is for SCREENING ! that you classify people on the basis of crude results of these charts(>6/6 thing)
once you have got 6/6 people, or nearly 6/6 people separate , then you got for their computerized FINe-TUNE-ASSESSMENT >. :p
Please tell me exactly what you did for improving eyesight...mine is also -.75 and have been told by an army doctor that it cant be reversed......how much time do i need.....im new here..cant pm anyone...
laser can improve your eyesight,,,,,,,,,,, can make it perfect even ,,,,,,,,, consult other doctors,,,,,,,,, dnt worry:agree:

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