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Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom

@RIWWIR @Verve @war&peace @Reddington @ghazi52 @Shane @newb3e @Areesh @OsmanAli98

We need to perform a clininal bodylanguage analysis to have a comparative benchmarkt between Pak visit and Ganga visit.. i.e. head of states... also Our Chief and their chief visiting D.C.

@ghazi52 YoungPak, please, upload pics of modi with trump and his wife and of Our PM... in that there is one fundamental story...

I am looking forward to clinical, unbiased analysis... it is important, please!

My two cents. I have gathered the following, from this visit and the way Trump and US have received IK and his entourage:

1) It seems that US has, once again, realized the significance of Pakistan, in a regional context, particularly with reference to Afghanistan, but also extending to South Asia, Iran and Middle East. Consequently, a change in US attitude towards Pakistan.

2) I have a hunch feeling that Feb 27 have played quite some role in raising the stature of Pakistan, particularly in the eyes of US and Russia.

3) Not withstanding the importance of India and its state-to-state relations with US, I don't think that Trump, at a personal level, very much likes Modi and the likes.

4) My guess is that Trump has developed some strong liking for IK, at a personal level. It may be that their personalities have something in common. Both have remained sort of playboys, during a significant part of their lives. Both are blunt, candid, outspoken and somewhat undiplomatic and unconventional, in their dealings. Both somewhat shun official decor and protocols.

These are some of my thoughts, though, we must appreciate that ultimately it is the community of interests between two states, which play a key role in their relations.
@RIWWIR @Verve @war&peace @Reddington @ghazi52 @Shane @newb3e @Areesh @OsmanAli98

We need to perform a clininal bodylanguage analysis to have a comparative benchmarkt between Pak visit and Ganga visit.. i.e. head of states... also Our Chief and their chief visiting D.C.

@ghazi52 YoungPak, please, upload pics of modi with trump and his wife and of Our PM... in that there is one fundamental story...

I am looking forward to clinical, unbiased analysis... it is important, please!

My Take on his trip is that whosoever decided to schedule Arena one Public address before meeting with POTUS if deliberate was a master stroke, it's difficult to fill it to capacity for such occasions. My info says there were still thousands who couldn't make it inside due to capacity issues and were accommodated outside. Dr. Abdullah and Zulfi must be congratulated for managing it perfectly.

No one should take POTUS as dumb he is a shrewd businessman and a showman, must have got intel briefing about his public address, its easy to understand if a PM can have such a following in a third country he must have strong following in Pakistan as well. US needs Pakistan now more than any other time, incumbent Govt of Pakistan is taking the right steps some of them not very popular but taking them nonetheless.

He is an international celebrity there is no doubt about it, he doesn't need stick-on notes for talking point, English is as good as it gets. Not overbearing in people to people interaction thus he got more attention than was expected, body language of first couple speaks volumes about it.

On another note real negotiations are being held elsewhere.
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When united states needs somebody they will do anything to please them and get the job done it a US tradition in imternational history.

However this time its a bit different, imran khan is a credible leader , Pakistan is seen as a strong nation . pakistan is talking from a position of strength. Feb 27 also helped.

Pakistan doesn't owe anything to united states imfact its the other way around united states ows billions to pakistani armed forces.

India failed in afghanistan.

India chose to keep russia a close partner instead of gravitating into united states military purchases.

India is scared of china.

India in next 20 years won't have the backbone to step up against china.

United states has Accepted CPEC and trade links with pakistan.

India is seen as a rouge country with human rights violations against its own citizens of kashmir and North eastern states.

India is seen as a hurdle for peace in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has changed from terrorist sympathetic country to a non violent, peace loving forward lookomg country.

Pakistani civilians , government and armed forces all think and work the same way and follow same ideology for the short and lomg term future of pakistan.

Pakistan is needed by the Arabs to keep balance.

Pakistan is respected by iran for being there in time of need and not joinimg enemies of Iran even though iran was not a good friend to pakistan.

Russia respects pakistan and wants to see pakistan helping in afghanistan china central asia regions.

Russia needs pakistan to keep india on its heels and in check regarding military purchases.

China sees Pakistan as a vital strategic gateway and a friend indeed.

So the geopolitics and geo strategy is on pakistanz side once again...

If we pakkstaniz can improve on ourselves and follow imran khan and Mohammad Ali jinah's ideals .

Then pakistan shall be among best cointries of the world very soon in a few decades, countries like Turkey, Germany , canada UK south korea.

In sha Allah God willing. All we need to do is be good human beings. Say no to courption and support imran khan with full hearts!
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