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A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

Well I slightly disagree on that point, most dalits have converted to CHristianity in AP. So there is not much tension b/w them.

But yes the converted Dalits have now come in conflict with OBC/BC groups & UC groups

And in the North East, the trebles who are converted to Christianity, they come under? Recent Assam Masscare had all trebles belonging to Christianity , happened just before Christmas, extremely sorrowful :(
India always had (naturally) a native culture and mode of worship. The way of worship evolved over centuries...till it was clubbed together and called 'Hinduism'. Some texts and also other people from the Indian Renaissance call it the Sanatan Dharma or simply Dharma if you please.

For example, we are Shaivites, as most Kashmiri Hindus are. The Hindutva line is that of the primacy of the native over the foreign. I don't know the source of it, but perhaps this comes from RSS 's own idea of Swadeshi, a policy that it follows to this day - often being at odds with Modi's FDI proposals. :D So anyway, you can call us fire worshippers, or Shaivites - but in the end the collective identity has remained - 'Dharmic'. So this IMO is a more apt term - 'India was originally Dharmic or home to Indic religions'. I understand the the 'India is Hindu' may not necessarily mean to exclude those not following the Hindu faith, but it helps if we understand the context.

I do not understand.

What's wrong with claiming that India was always Hindu?

Both culturally as well as spiritually?

Because it makes the converts uncomfortable? Does it make them question their new faith or believe in it any less?

Then what is the problem?

You do realize that India is a secular state because it is Hindu? Because the Hindus wanted a secular state, because the Hindus protected a secular state. Because if one billion Hindus wanted any different, it WOULD have been different? Regardless of what academicians cried at the top of their voices from atop their soapboxes and ivory pulpits?


GARV SE KAHO HINDU HAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And in the North East, the trebles who are converted to Christianity, they come under? Recent Assam Masscare had all trebles belonging to Christianity , happened just before Christmas, extremely sorrowful :(

Not exactly from what I have heard from a resident of Asom, it is more of an inter-tribal conflict b/w the Bodos & the adivasis & not a religious one.
But yes the adivasis who were slaughtered were Christians.

Can any Assamese verify my statement : ???? @jaunty Sir, @halupridol Sir.
Not exactly from what I have heard from a resident of Asom, it is more of an inter-tribal conflict b/w the Bodos & the adivasis & not a religious one.
But yes the adivasis who were slaughtered were Christians.

Can any Assamese verify my statement : ???? @jaunty Sir, @halupridol Sir.
But those adivasis are covered under, OBC or ST?

Just to clarify, I was not getting historically anal. Call it Sanatan Dharma if you want.

Call it Magic Mushrooms.

Point is we (Indians) need to come together and recognize we are one people. With a similar lineage and history and culture and heritage.

Hindutva gives us that. It is ancient and yet secular. Our nationhood is modern. Many say a legacy of colonial rule. But the fact is that we were always one people. So what if there were countless kingdoms? Do we not see multiple states, and still new ones being formed, personal fiefdoms, even today? Does it stop us from recognizing ourselves as one people?

That comes from our shared land and history. That does not come from a faith. But we cannot separate our faith from our land and our people, when all of them have been so closely wound together for thousands of years. Its a fact of life, and denying it just to be politically correct is lessening ourselves and making us apologists to foreign ideals, untrue to what makes us Indian in the first place.

The Congis want to call it Bharatiyata. Why? What is wrong with Hindutva?
Well I slightly disagree on that point, most dalits have converted to CHristianity in AP. So there is not much tension b/w them.

Referring generally, not just A.P. The figures for christians in A.P. is a big mystery because they are officially about 1.5% though the actual figure is claimed to be much higher (around 9% claimed I think) because they supposedly lie about their religion. This was actually the basis for Jagan Reddy thinking that he might pull off a victory because of the silent Christian support. didn't happen, so the claim may not be all it is made out to be. It might well be true & they might have supported the TDP anyways inspite of religion but it certainly makes it more difficult to get a clear understanding of.
Not exactly from what I have heard from a resident of Asom, it is more of an inter-tribal conflict b/w the Bodos & the adivasis & not a religious one.
But yes the adivasis who were slaughtered were Christians.

Can any Assamese verify my statement : ???? @jaunty Sir, @halupridol Sir.
yes bro,,,,its not religious n no need to address me as sir
these monsters deserve death,,,,,,,
one thing i want to convey is the fact that i find it disgusting how national media covered the whole incident,,,,,seems tht peshawar is way too close n we r far away from rest of the country,,,,
there has been a lot of violence in NE,,,,,but it never got air time on national news,,,,when 2012 riots were going on,,,,i was amazed by the response of media,,,,,,,i thought,things have changed,,,,,,ppl r aware.
but like a frnd of mine told me(while i was vehemently opposing him) that concern(media/politics) was due to the fact tht muslims were being affected n they were a vote bank.
now hate it whn bodos r portrayed as evil,backward tribals on media,,,,
another thing,,,,,Christian missionaries have nothing to do wid this incident.
While I understand & share your feeling on increased state intervention in what should be a private affair, I have revised my position to some intervention being unavoidable especially in rural areas. Jehovah's Witness missionaries (they bothered my mother till she told them firmly that she didn't believe the world was coming to an end & would they please take their nonsense elsewhere...:lol:) in Bangalore & other metros may get some smirks (even those convinced to convert are no problem) but conversions in rural areas & the methods used (99% of conversions are coerced with the use of both direct & indirect allurements) have the potential for a serious law & order problem. Constitutional niceties don't much play a part there. (Case in point - the church deliberately asks its converts from the scheduled castes to lie about their religion on official documents in A.P. to continue to milk reservation benefits, true of other places too. A conflict is brewing both locally with other non-converted SC's as well as nationally with aggressive Hindu groups). A certain amount of state intervention may well be necessary. How that should take place needs to be debated. Head in the sand approach will simply not make this problem go away.

To a certain extent, I agree; there has been great irresponsibility among those preaching in both Christian and Muslim circles. If they had restrained themselves, and done only what was decent when seeking to preach their faith, nobody would have minded. Their approach, and their very questionable methods, have - not exactly created this monster about to rush out at them, but opened the doors of its cage.

And in the North East, the trebles who are converted to Christianity, they come under? Recent Assam Masscare had all trebles belonging to Christianity , happened just before Christmas, extremely sorrowful :(

@Screambowl please get your facts right. You sound almost hysterical now. Please check Halupridol's post later. There is no religion in the matter. None of the 'trebles' (are you sure you went through school?) were Christian.
please get your facts right. You sound almost hysterical now. Please check Halupridol's post later. There is no religion in the matter. None of the 'trebles' (are you sure you went through school?) were Christian.
. The attacks happened during preparations for Christmas; most of the militants as well as tribal victims were Christians.[8][9]
source is wiki, and this time wiki is not wrong

The Christian, Muslim and Judaism god is the same one, just different names.
So the same god sends 3 different messenger to spread his message.
Either must be fukcn stupid message or all 3 of them got their shit confused that they could not deliver.

Why did he needed to send 3 messengers? Did no one of them was capable? Why did he not send them earlier? OR later in history? It's not like there was no problems earlier or their is no problem now. Why does not he send his 4th one now because i would say the humanity is in dire need of one.

So dont offer your prayers to only some, among 33 millions. Big bang alone is a proof of power source from single entity.

Did I say, it has to be him?

We cant know this :D
So you think it MIGHT NOT be allah? Ooooh damn, man. I would say you are not man of faith then. You can't be a muslim i guess.:woot:

Just to clarify, I was not getting historically anal. Call it Sanatan Dharma if you want.

Call it Magic Mushrooms.

Point is we (Indians) need to come together and recognize we are one people. With a similar lineage and history and culture and heritage.

Hindutva gives us that. It is ancient and yet secular. Our nationhood is modern. Many say a legacy of colonial rule. But the fact is that we were always one people. So what if there were countless kingdoms? Do we not see multiple states, and still new ones being formed, personal fiefdoms, even today? Does it stop us from recognizing ourselves as one people?

That comes from our shared land and history. That does not come from a faith. But we cannot separate our faith from our land and our people, when all of them have been so closely wound together for thousands of years. Its a fact of life, and denying it just to be politically correct is lessening ourselves and making us apologists to foreign ideals, untrue to what makes us Indian in the first place.

The Congis want to call it Bharatiyata. Why? What is wrong with Hindutva?
I love your avatar.
You are confused. You denied affirming my question in other post and now you are denying again. Dude, that is double negative.
Tell me, Is allah, or is he not?

I can do that all, you can ask me all night? :p: If you want to believe in one god. Believing in Allah isnt impossible.
It makes more sense than anything.

And I cant tell here all what I feel, so better leave it.

And asking too much religious and making fun will get you banned :nono:
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