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A Mosque in Pakistan that pays homage to Osama bin Laden

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Feb 21, 2014
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New Delhi:The Lal Masjid, in the heart of Islamabad, is back in the news for paying tribute to the slain Al Qaeda leader and world's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden.

Lal Masjid has long been a barometer of militant Islam in Pakistan. In the 1980s it funneled fighters into the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. In the '90s its leaders made an awe-struck pilgrimage to visit their hero, Osama bin Laden, at his farm outside Kandahar.

According to a report in the New York Times, the cleric of the mosque has just inaugurated a library dedicated to the memory of the dreaded terrorist.

"If Pakistan truly has freedom of expression, then we should be able to express our love for our heroes," said Maulana Abdul Aziz, the chief cleric of the Lal Masjid, sitting in a room with the sign "Martyr Osama bin Laden Library" on the door.

"And we love Osama bin Laden," Aziz concluded.Aziz's controversial statement and the mosque's resurgence comes at a crucial time when the country is battling militancy and is in the middle of a national debate over whether to negotiate with the terrorists.

The report says that clerics of the mosque "which has burnished its credentials as a citadel of Islamist revolt" are exploiting the government's failure to offer an alternative vision of Pakistan's future.

Seven years ago, the mosque was under in the throes of a pitched battle with the authorities.

Aziz who tried to escape the siege under the cover of a burqa, was captured and paraded by the intelligence services on national television. The cleric's brother and his elderly mother died in the firefight.

After the siege was over, Aziz was charged with murder, abduction, arson and terrorism. The court had blamed even former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf for the incident.

Yet within a couple of years, the mosque was reconstructed with generous donations and Aziz was back in business.

If Pakistan truly has freedom of expression, then we should be able to express our love for our heroes," said Maulana Abdul Aziz, the chief cleric of the Lal Masjid, sitting in a room with the sign "Martyr Osama bin Laden Library" on the door.

Freedom of expession ...huh,What about blasphemy law?
been there offered many jumma prayers but osama bin laden library ??:o: thats weird reading it for the first time and no Pakistai media has published this crap as far as i know..
when Musharraf did operation against them .. our stupid media exaggerated the issue and took side of these extremist .. up to this date i would noon league guys cursing musharraf for this operation ...
Freedom of expession ...huh,What about blasphemy law?
If I, with or without any valid reason,in front you, call your mother ,,,,,,,,would that be"freedom of speech".That`s where Law of Bleshphemy comes in.
If I, with or without any valid reason,in front you, call your mother ,,,,,,,,would that be"freedom of speech".That`s where Law of Bleshphemy comes in.

Yes, somehow you can call my(hindu, christian) mother anything but i cant abuse your muslim mother , was that the law you were talking about.Good law.
You can name, whatever you like,a building constructed with your own money.Just like your HOUSE.
Yes, somehow you can call my(hindu, christian) mother anything but i cant abuse your muslim mother , was that the law you were talking about.Good law.
Try to understand what I am saying it`s very simple,NO ONE,and i repeat NO ONE should abuse or show disrespect to any thing,person or belief held holy or sacred by any one else.If you did that ,because you believed in freedom of expression the other person or persons might react differently.Some might ignore you and other might give you `physical`answer.And according to Pakistani constitution Blasphemy Laws includes All the prophets of TORA,BIBLE,BUDDHA,RAM , NANAK, POPES and others.And now stop being childish.
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Now nation take Maulana Abdul Aziz a local lunatic ....no one pay any attention anymore...
Try to understand what I am saying it`s very simple,NO ONE,and i repeat NO ONE should abuse or show disrespect to any thing,person or belief held holy or sacred by any one else.If you did that ,because you believed in freedom of expression the other person or persons might react differently.Some might ignore you and other might give you `physical`answer.

The thing that you are talking about is itself freedom of expression.expression. Criticism is one man's inalienable right,should it be taken away because it hurts someone belief, Yes...but only in the rarest of rare cases and only when it comes under hate speech.If we go by your logic, i cannot offer genuine criticism or concern on any topic, because someone will hold it sacred to them.
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