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A message from a wife of 2nd pilot whose jet shot down by Pakistan and got crash in Jammu

Gentlemen, those comments are in very bad taste. Moreover, the lady is actually right. Whatever the respective positions of our two countries, there is a very real human cost to this conflict.
I didn't actually mean it that way.
I would never intentionally mock an innocent human being regardless of race or nationality.
I'm horrified my comment was understood in that way.
My unreserved apologies to the forum and to the lady in question.
mi-17 didn't crash.we hit mi-17.it is clear from the events that mi-17 tried to interfere or tried to rescue indian pilot that's why we hit it.war isn't the solution.it feels very bad.bjp should avoid war.
Her husband was a professional soldier, he has left this Vale of tears, my condolences to her and her children, the ones laughing should always remember Mian Muhammad Saab famous saying "dushmann mari tho khushi na bano, sajna no be marna".
Her husband was a professional soldier, he has left this Vale of tears, my condolences to her and her children, the ones laughing should always remember Mian Muhammad Saab famous saying "dushmann mari tho khushi na bano, sajna no be marna".
We should not mock professional soldiers but warmonger policies of their political leadership because they create this hostile environment in which soldiers sacrifice their lives ..Modi need war for political scoring while wife of solider is against war because they( wife and kid) will bear the damage of war for the rest of their lives
I didnt laugh at lady herself but grammar of OP
Gentlemen, those comments are in very bad taste. Moreover, the lady is actually right. Whatever the respective positions of our two countries, there is a very real human cost to this conflict.
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