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A man of some of the people, Modi

luckily Pakistanis will never elect Fazaullah to Primiership, but sadly India is about to get a Terrorist as its Premier..

go back to the title again.

Now suddenly India's internal issues become yours? I think you should poke ur issues in ur nation, not ours! Some 3000 sikhs were massacred in 1983 (2000 people more than in 2002). How many Pakistani Muslim give a damn to this?
You can sympathize with ur home grown terrorist. Go make a deal with fazullah, and make him stay in a bungalow near military bases !
congress is also a hindu majority party, it claims to be secular on cover only.

It still makes not a good excuse for terrorist modi to become elected premier of nuclear india with hyper war monger hindu majority !

You've sever comprehension problem.... read again.

He is proud man who save thousands of people from atrocities followed by a trouble free and prosperous rule. It's an image contrary to belief of some people on Pakistan and hard to digest.
Right now Pakistan is danger to world's peace, not just region's peace. Again, introspect first,

we are not electing a terrorist, we are fighting against terrorists, while its India who is electing a terrorist to its prime minister slot.
Modi is a terrorist and he is a danger to the region's peace. what Im really curious about is how you guys are okay with a terrorist getting elected?

Pakistan with Pakistanis like you is threat for WORLD PEACE and safety!!
We tried Non terrorist Prime minister to deal with Terrorist states but they failed. So now we have change the tactic and choosing terrorist to lead the country. Tit for tat. What say??

Modi has created fear in mind of so many rats inside and outside India. These rats are not planning to run away with tail between two legs.

so you are admitting that if a terrorist is elected who butchered his own people(a minority), will also be able to wage war against Pakistan? is that your plan to elect a terrorist?
we are not electing a terrorist, we are fighting against terrorists, while its India who is electing a terrorist to its prime minister slot.
Now suddenly India's internal issues become yours? I think you should poke ur issues in ur nation, not ours! Some 3000 sikhs were massacred in 1983 (2000 people more than in 2002). How many Pakistani Muslim give a damn to this?
You can sympathize with ur home grown terrorist. Go make a deal with fazullah, and make him stay in a bungalow near military bases !

we are fully aware of Sikh massacre,
we are fully aware of discrimination of untouchables,
we are fully aware of freedom movements against hindu hegemony.
we are fully aware of muslim massacre.

the point is hindus are okay with electing a terrorist as their premier, why are you okay with a terrorist getting elected?

This is the problem man,you always sees everything through the eyes of religion.Religion,religion religion.
Thats what has brought you and your country to its present situation.

thats the ground reality, which you are unable to see. crushing minority is okay with you guys.
we are fully aware of Sikh massacre,
we are fully aware of discrimination of untouchables,
we are fully aware of freedom movements against hindu hegemony.
we are fully aware of muslim massacre.

the point is hindus are okay with electing a terrorist as their premier, why are you okay with a terrorist getting elected?

thats the ground reality, which you are unable to see. crushing minority is okay with you guys.

Then y u support the congress responsible for Sikh massacre? Reason is simple. Sikhs arent ur brothers.! They are not muslims. India is our country, and we dont need lessons from ur nation on whom to select our premier. Its a democracy, and average voters are not fools.
If people elect Modi, its not ur concern. First cry a river for Shias, Ahmedis, Hindus, Christians and other muslims in ur country. The number of people killed (minorities alone) will cross the number of people killed in 2002. Nobody is justifying the violence, its just it is India's issues, and we Indians do not see religion in everything.
People in glass houses should not throw stones.!

And prove me Modi is a terrorist! In India no one can fool the Supreme Court! India is not Pakistan!
lets talk about Modi , the terrorist you are okay with getting elected as premier of a nuclear india and hyper war mongering hindu majority?

There are so many things I may like or feel strongly against. I alone do not matter.

The essence of democracy is that the majority rules. Luckily , its for a pre determined time after which the ruling group goes back to the people with is performance card.

Modi's performance card in his state is excellent. The people as seen by the results of the recent state elections do not get carried away by sops. The seek improvement in their lives , standards of living and so many issues. The BJP has done very well in MP & Chattisgarh & thats what has got them back in the chair.

Modi being a terrorist is your view and you are entitled to it. Indians do not feel that way - they want results.

In any case the Gujarat riots are possibly the only one where the accused have been put under the scanner by the people, the courts & the opposition. Guilty have been punished too.

The same cannot be said of the Congress for what they did in 84. This may not bother you since it was the Sikhs who were targeted not Muslims.

Lastly, in my opinion all politicians are wily customers - the nation seems to be heading to selecting one who has a good track record.
No answer by modi-terrorist supporters so far... shame !
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