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A letter to Indian:Why are we here?

No offense but many Indian member seems to be here to give reference of news papers from thousands miles away just to create trolls and disrespect Pakistan and China. I would not like to name. You know them better than me.

Kindly and closely follow the comments of some of our pakistani and chinese members.. there will be little difference in their apporach with the many indian members who join here for the sake of pakistan or china bashin..!!!!
you are trolling.

I don't hate india or indians. In fact I respect the people of india and the land of india.

there are a few misunderstandings we should address first:

there should not be a unified country called india, there is no such country in history, UK cooked it up and it has never been a better time to reverse the error and let the people living on that land to deciade whether they still want such a unified "india".

secondly, I don't hate the people living on the land of india. I hate the regime in New Delhi which denied indians' rights to develop itself.

now back to the core issue of this thread:

do you have reliable power supply for the entire Mumbai and New Delhi?

no troll please, just answer the question.

My friend, I have the same opinion on china and I want to debate it and know the truth.
India was a single entity in its history if you go through the history of India. I dont want to give u any links as I would like you to study about the history of India yourself. there are many sources for this.

I agree that at the time the Brits came to India, we were divided, thats how they actually took advantage of it.
I myself am from karnataka previously known as Mysore region. Our state was the first to annex to India voluntarily which lies in south India. I can assure you that 99.99% of my fellow people from my state feel that we are INDIANs first. I can also assure you that its the same case in North India also as I worked there for 4+ years. Come to any major CITY in India you will find people from all the states living together. There are issues in my country though, it is rapidly changing.
I also think that we should be diciding about what our country should be, not by somebody else, same goes for you people in china.

Coming to the reliable power, yes I agree power is a problem. India was nearly bankrupt in 1991, it has grown pretty quickly afterwards. Power is being adressed seriously now.
I come from a remote village in western ghats, where there are only 3 houses present. My house got power in 1994. I myself can see the the enormous growth in my own house. we could have not dreamed of a car in 1990's now we for 1 house have 4 in total, this is the story of all the 3 houses in my village.
Here villages are also growing rapidly.

There are some -ve's in my country, as does in any other country.
Given few more years of developement you will see India +vely, the pace may be slower than china, but surely it will, provided there is no WAR.

Only thing that I wanted to say to you is try to look at the otherside of the coin also
1.you are trolling.

I don't hate india or indians. 2In fact I respect the people of india and the land of india.
there are a few misunderstandings we should address first:

3.there should not be a unified country called india, there is no such country in history, UK cooked it up and it has never been a better time to reverse the error and let the people living on that land to deciade whether they still want such a unified "india".

4.secondly, I don't hate the people living on the land of india. I hate the regime in New Delhi which denied indians' rights to develop itself.

5.now back to the core issue of this thread:

do you have reliable power supply for the entire Mumbai and New Delhi?

6.no troll please, just answer the question.

1. Ahem ahem .. those who live in houses made of glass shouldn't pelt stones at others.

2. Thank you

3. Do you think its not the people of India who have decided for it to stay the way it is. :P

Well the fact is most people will not understand what India is and especially those who are living under anarchy. India is a thought , an ideology and not a mere landmass. You need to know its people to know India , reading about it will not suffice. You need to travel to see what its like to be here. India is a place like which there is no other place in the world. Its a world on its own. Its as if its a model for the world trying to show that how so many different religions,languages,ideologies etc etc can exist peacefully.

Its a place where the new norms seemlessly blend with the old traditions. Where on diwali there are Chinese lights all around the home, but the earthen lamps have there place as well. My friend you are too bitter , too myopic to realise what India is.

Having said all this India doesnt have everything going well for itself and I would like to say it has its fair share of problems, but the beauty of India is that everyday you see people fighting those misreabable conditions with a smile . Their diligence to improve while being happy the way they are.

4. We the people of India choose our government and have the right to critique or to shower accolades on it. You talking here like a third person makes me feel that you are a moron who doesnt know the reality and is shooting in the dark.

5. Is that the real issue of the thread. I beg to differ. Reread the first post.

6. No troll please. Get LOST or post something sensible
you are trolling.

I don't hate india or indians. In fact I respect the people of india and the land of india.

there are a few misunderstandings we should address first:

there should not be a unified country called india, there is no such country in history, UK cooked it up and it has never been a better time to reverse the error and let the people living on that land to deciade whether they still want such a unified "india".

secondly, I don't hate the people living on the land of india. I hate the regime in New Delhi which denied indians' rights to develop itself.

now back to the core issue of this thread:

do you have reliable power supply for the entire Mumbai and New Delhi?

no troll please, just answer the question.

I too have a question for you:
I can shout from the rooftop the worst things that come to my mind about the leaders of my country since I enjoy freedom of speech. I can take the PM of India to court if I have sufficient cause. I can practice my religion in the manner of choice since it is constitutionally protected. All this without fear of jail.
Can you?

This thread started off very reasonably, but you had to bring 'China vs.India'.
I too have a question for you:
I can of my country since I enjoy freedom of speech. I can take the PM of India to court if I have sufficient cause. I can practice my religion in the manner of choice since it is constitutionally protected. All this without fear of jail.
Can you?

This thread started off very reasonably, but you had to bring 'China vs.India'.

May be I can answer
first "shout from the rooftop the worst things that come to my mind about the leaders",even 500 years ago in feudal society,people can talk about leaders of our country too,"People just like water, government like the boat,Water not only can carry a boat but can also overturn it"one emperor of China said.
About religion,my mom believed in Jesus, each Wednesday, Friday and Sunday night they come together to read the Bible, singing hymns, Sunday morning there is a larger gathering in the church of the town.
But they do not know the Catholic, Orthodox faction ,they just simply read the Bible to interpret the inside truth , and know nothing about Pope , for there is no Pope in the Bible.
And in our town there is also a store selling incense, sculpture of buddhism.More interestingly,sculptures about the Immortal of Taoism and the *Buddha of Buddhism are ofen peaceful placed together in one table.
Kindly and closely follow the comments of some of our pakistani and chinese members.. there will be little difference in their apporach with the many indian members who join here for the sake of pakistan or china bashin..!!!!
Lets count how many threads started by Pakistani's to bash indians, And how many threads strated by Indian to bast Chinese and Pakistanis. YOu'll get the answer.
Dear friend of the forum:
Why do we come to this forum? Chinese people come to this forum in order to understand more info of India and Pakistan, the Indians should post more about the situation of India to us, enable us to understand the real today's India, India's landscape, economy ,military and general lives of ordinary people, as well as pictures of life around you, your military point of view; but contrary, the Indians often quoted the Western media to tell us what happened around us, which is very ridiculous, we understand more of the truth of the things happened around us than Indian that you do not need to tell these to Chinese people. You often post such like :things happened in China, the PLA want to do.... You often tell Chinese how the Chinese people think about, then we know that :Is that me or happened in other country:coffee:?No other use only raise arguments .
Indian only quote the expression of the Western media, ignorant of matter that the editor of the media has never been to China, but simply guess things happened in China according to their own habit in their office thousands miles away.
Shall you tell us more about your own country!
Personal opinion :china:

You should advice your Chinese friends/members like
Shchinese, Sino - Indus friendship, Communist and grey boy - 2.
Who are here just to troll, post off topic, rant and deliberately derails each and every thread.

If you remove the replies of above members and the replies of Indians in their response you will find defense.pk as a wonderful platform and the standard of the forum sky rocketing.
You should advice your Chinese friends/members like
Shchinese, Sino - Indus friendship, Communist and grey boy - 2.
Who are here just to troll, post off topic, rant and deliberately derails each and every thread.

If you remove the replies of above members and the replies of Indians in their response you will find defense.pk as a wonderful platform and the standard of the forum sky rocketing.

Veer, control yourself, i know it might not be your fault, but at least

save the last bit of dignity for yourself please,

You are doing your shameless open............. on the forum again;
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg.com:smitten::pakistan::china:
Lets count how many threads started by Pakistani's to bash indians, And how many threads strated by Indian to bast Chinese and Pakistanis. YOu'll get the answer.

Also count, number of threads derailed by chinese and pakistani members by bringing in non-military issues like poverty, *****, caste, religion,etc into military issues and compare them with similar ones by Indians.
Also check how many threads have been running on just a single statement made by General Kapoor with twisted meanings...
You will get your answer!!:undecided:
you are trolling.

I don't hate india or indians. In fact I respect the people of india and the land of india.

there are a few misunderstandings we should address first:

there should not be a unified country called india, there is no such country in history, UK cooked it up and it has never been a better time to reverse the error and let the people living on that land to deciade whether they still want such a unified "india".

secondly, I don't hate the people living on the land of india. I hate the regime in New Delhi which denied indians' rights to develop itself.

now back to the core issue of this thread:

do you have reliable power supply for the entire Mumbai and New Delhi?

no troll please, just answer the question.

This is perfect example, all the member can see and judge yourself is this thread is to discuss about power supply in Mumbai and Delhi?

This person is here for trolls and if we reply him in his language and expose him or his facts you will accuse us.

If Shchinese's rants and trolls are not trolls then what is?
you are trolling.

I don't hate india or indians. In fact I respect the people of india and the land of india.

there are a few misunderstandings we should address first:

there should not be a unified country called india, there is no such country in history, UK cooked it up and it has never been a better time to reverse the error and let the people living on that land to deciade whether they still want such a unified "india".

secondly, I don't hate the people living on the land of india. I hate the regime in New Delhi which denied indians' rights to develop itself.

now back to the core issue of this thread:

do you have reliable power supply for the entire Mumbai and New Delhi?

no troll please, just answer the question.

Best post
. :tup:

:china: :china: :china:
Dear friend of the forum:
Why do we come to this forum? Chinese people come to this forum in order to understand more info of India and Pakistan, the Indians should post more about the situation of India to us, enable us to understand the real today's India, India's landscape, economy ,military and general lives of ordinary people, as well as pictures of life around you, your military point of view; but contrary, the Indians often quoted the Western media to tell us what happened around us, which is very ridiculous, we understand more of the truth of the things happened around us than Indian that you do not need to tell these to Chinese people. You often post such like :things happened in China, the PLA want to do.... You often tell Chinese how the Chinese people think about, then we know that :Is that me or happened in other country:coffee:?No other use only raise arguments .
Indian only quote the expression of the Western media, ignorant of matter that the editor of the media has never been to China, but simply guess things happened in China according to their own habit in their office thousands miles away.
Shall you tell us more about your own country!
Personal opinion :china:


Appreciate the sentiments & theme of your post. It is refreshing to read such posts.

Posting of information is restricted to the forums listed in the Home page. We therefore are expected to post articles etc relating to the subject mentioned therein only.

As far as India is concerned, ' India Defence' is the only column available. Being a military forum, posts here are expected to related to subject relating to or close to military matters or those relating to security.

As regards the rest, we Indians & pakistanis love to hate each other when we are in the sub continent. Outside, we are good friends.

All in all , a pleasurable experience with its ups & downs.
Personal opinion, i think Indian people has more freedom to access any information around the world than chiness people in china. :)


Personal opinion, indian only have 45 millions people can use internet....... Other indian dont have any freedom to use internet even most of them have no freedom to be feed......:blink:
Also count, number of threads derailed by chinese and pakistani members by bringing in non-military issues like poverty, *****, caste, religion,etc into military issues and compare them with similar ones by Indians.
Also check how many threads have been running on just a single statement made by General Kapoor with twisted meanings...
You will get your answer!!:undecided:

Hahaha, you can count, and you will find most of them are started by indian.:tdown: And indian make every thread related china to become a flamming thread. You can check that by youself.
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