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A letter to Indian:Why are we here?

We know we have Censorship and we never denied it. And we dont feel any problem on these. All the coutry has their censorship on internet.
So, you are saying a censership in indian preventive measure, and in china is censership???????? What a logic!

its which type of censorship ? I heard Chinese govt don't want its citizen to see AVATAR movie??
. .
thank you .. for telling us ........

First look your self and then make fun of other....... dont throw stones becasue when other show you mirror ..........

Say these to your indian fellow who started these.
That is not Censorship, this is called preventive measure.

Just type "tiananmen square massacre" in Google Images India and also in Google Images China, compare the results and just shut up.

Have ever heard world "ELECTION", search it in BAIDU, because you had already fuc*** Google.

And you got f*** big time by your beloved GOI too !

Bing And Yahoo Censor Indian Search Results – Disgrace

By Alex Wilhelm on December 30, 2009

- UPDATE – We have confirmation of censorship in Yahoo Image search. Unlike Bing, Yahoo is not currently censoring web searches. Screenshot here.

It seems that Bing and Yahoo are bowing to governmental pressure and censoring search results that relate to certain explicit terms.

If you would like to see the ban in action, follow this link and search for “sex. Or, click on this link here, where I have done it for you. As our initial source TechYoYo points out, this means that you can no longer search for “sex discrimination,” as that has a banned word. Test that here.

These changes are coming about due to India’s Information Technology Act (passed in 2000), which did ban pornographic material. It is now being enforced in new ways. We do not at this time have an exhaustive list of what terms are banned, but you can guess the vein that they lie in.

However, as you might have guessed, there is a way around this. Merely head into your account and change your country to any Western nation, and the ban is lifted. Head here to do so.

Easy to hack through, but very annoying to the average user. Comically, SafeSearch in Bing is now forcibly turned on, at all times. If you attempt to change that in your account (if set to India), you see this:

Given that I am sure that that is hard to decipher, the text reads as follows: “Your country or region requires a strict Bing SafeSearch setting, which filters out results that might return adult content. To learn more about SafeSearch requirements in your country or region, see How Bing delivers search results.”

I was unable to test Yahoo, if anyone reading this can corroborate the claims (I have yet to see a denial, but I would appreciate a screenshot), please post in the comments.

Google is the only major search engine that appears to not be blocking certain results in India. However, given their history in China, that could be temporary.

This is a move in the wrong direction. The internet is based on the free and open exchange of information, not on blocked results, and closed pathways. If you can, make some noise about this. Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google need to use their weight to push against such actions. This is a sad day for the internet.
I read the source you quotedfrom the first of your list,Shanghai Surprise China's abuse of human rights is getting worse
this is a book about the third world:then I find what the book said about India-South Asia page,the whole page is at: China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path by John Walsh
:China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path
by John Walsh
Dissident Voice, November 27th, 2009

China's literacy rate is 90.9%; India's is 61%. 95.1% of Chinese males are literate and 86.5% of females (2000 census). But only 73.4% of Indian males and 47.8% of the females can read and write.

What is use of of 90% literacy, if you can't get to read any independent newpaper, just read what government wants to read you through its official newspaper.
I read the source you quoted from the first of your list,Shanghai Surprise China's abuse of human rights is getting worse
this is a book about the third world:then I find what the book said about India-South Asia page,the whole page is at: China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path by John Walsh
:China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path
by John Walsh
Dissident Voice, November 27th, 2009

China's literacy rate is 90.9%; India's is 61%. 95.1% of Chinese males are literate and 86.5% of females (2000 census). But only 73.4% of Indian males and 47.8% of the females can read and write. This last is quite astonishing - less than half the female Indian population can read and write in the 21st century.
The facts on literacy cited above are to be found in that most unimpeachable of sources, the CIA World Factbook, which defines literacy as the percentage of the population over 15 that can read and write. (There is more recent data, which puts the Chinese literacy rate at over 96%, but we can stick with the CIA data since the differences are small.) The India-China comparison is of interest for three reasons. First, India and China are often equated in the Western press as equivalent, both great developmental successes - but they are not the same, as the literacy rates indicate and as we shall see below. Second, these November weeks are the weeks of China and India, with Obama's ill-starred expedition to China and the Indian PM's excursion to the US. Third, the US has been developing India as an ally and surrogate for decades to bring China low, although such a criminal strategy, which would involve untold suffering across Asia, seems increasingly dubious and perhaps downright absurd. (More on that absurd and criminal strategy later). So let us compare the two countries in some more detail.
On the face of it India and China would seem to be quite comparable. China is, after all, the most populous nation on earth, with about 1.3 billion humans, and India is second, with approximately 1.1 billion. China won Liberation by force with Mao's Communist revolution in 1949 and India was "granted" Independence by Great Britain at about the same time, in 1947. At that time India's GDP was estimated to be about twice that of China's. But today China's GDP is about 3.6 times that of India's. The per capita GDP's for China and India are $6000 and $2900, respectively, as estimated by the CIA in 2006. 25% of Indians live below the poverty line whereas 8% of Chinese do. For comparison, 12% of the US population lives below the poverty line - worse than China, but not so bad as India. (Only on the CIA's Gini index of family income inequality does China do worse than India, 46.9 and 36.8, respectively - but China there is pretty much the same as the U.S., with its score of 45.What then puts China so far ahead? The conventional wisdom informs us that it is all due to the reforms instituted by Deng Xiaoping beginning in 1978 and accelerated greatly in the early 90s with Deng's symbolic "southern tour." On that PR jaunt, Deng put his stamp of approval on the export driven economy which had its first Chinese home in the southeastern coastal cities and which has now made China the greatest of the East Asian "tiger" economies, about to surpass the first tiger, Japan, in GDP.
But is this piece of conventional wisdom the whole story? The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) uses three important indices to chart the effectiveness of development. These are the Human Development Index (HDI), the Gender Related Development Index (GDI and the Human Poverty Index (HPI). Each of these is a number between 0 and 1, and the greater the number the better a nation is doing. The third is given as a %, and a higher number indicates less poverty. China and India fare thus:
HDI: China - 0.745 India- 0.595
GDI: China - 0.741 India- 0.572
HPI: China - 13.2% India- 31.4%1

The first of these the HDI is the oldest going back to the 1970s and combines three categories in the measure - long and healthy life; knowledge; and a decent standard of living, this last including GDP. Clearly China leads India in the HDI and the gap was growing at least up to the time of the 2004 report from which these numbers are taken. But most interestingly the gap existed in 1975 when the HDIs for China and India were 0.523 and 0.491, respectively. Recall that this was the year that Mao Zedong died, and the reforms were only a gleam in Deng's eye.
So why the difference? One can only hypothesize about these matters, but this writer would point to one big difference. China by virtue of its Revolution completed Liberation from the Western Imperial powers in 1949. From that point on China could go its own way. It certainly made great mistakes, most notably and tragically in the Great Leap Forward of the 1950s. But there were no longer any strings attached.
And what about India? We can get a good idea from John Pilger's superb essay "Shining India."2 Pilger quotes Nehru writing ruefully on the legacy of empire, "Entangled in its meshes, we have struggled in vain to rid ourselves of this past inheritance and start afresh on a different basis." (Italics mine.) Today Pilger notes that India's burdensome legacy from Imperialism has a new life in the modern imperial cult of neo-liberalism with the US as its new master. And with the suffocating embrace of the U.S. (and Israel) accelerated in the 90s, things have been left pretty much the same.
The dramatic differences between India and China outlined above are not reflected in the mainstream media. There the two countries equated as fast developing and making their mark on the world. Little distinction is drawn between them - except for the relentless reminder that India is the "biggest democracy in the world," just as Israel is the "only democracy in the Middle East. No mention is made of the differences in developmental pathways on the billions of human beings in the two nations. But the bottom line is that India is still very much caught in the clutches of Empire and as a result it is in a sad state in many ways. And Empire will use India mercilessly to maintain its sway in Asia no matter the human cost.

John V. Walsh can be reached at john.endwar@gmail.com.

This let me know:every country has its own problem,when laugh at others is just laugh at front of the mirror

Hahaha, no more comments:tup:
And you got f*** big time by your beloved GOI too !

Bing And Yahoo Censor Indian Search Results – Disgrace

By Alex Wilhelm on December 30, 2009

- UPDATE – We have confirmation of censorship in Yahoo Image search. Unlike Bing, Yahoo is not currently censoring web searches. Screenshot here.

It seems that Bing and Yahoo are bowing to governmental pressure and censoring search results that relate to certain explicit terms.

If you would like to see the ban in action, follow this link and search for “sex. Or, click on this link here, where I have done it for you. As our initial source TechYoYo points out, this means that you can no longer search for “sex discrimination,” as that has a banned word. Test that here.

These changes are coming about due to India’s Information Technology Act (passed in 2000), which did ban pornographic material. It is now being enforced in new ways. We do not at this time have an exhaustive list of what terms are banned, but you can guess the vein that they lie in.

However, as you might have guessed, there is a way around this. Merely head into your account and change your country to any Western nation, and the ban is lifted. Head here to do so.

Easy to hack through, but very annoying to the average user. Comically, SafeSearch in Bing is now forcibly turned on, at all times. If you attempt to change that in your account (if set to India), you see this:

Given that I am sure that that is hard to decipher, the text reads as follows: “Your country or region requires a strict Bing SafeSearch setting, which filters out results that might return adult content. To learn more about SafeSearch requirements in your country or region, see How Bing delivers search results.”

I was unable to test Yahoo, if anyone reading this can corroborate the claims (I have yet to see a denial, but I would appreciate a screenshot), please post in the comments.

Google is the only major search engine that appears to not be blocking certain results in India. However, given their history in China, that could be temporary.

This is a move in the wrong direction. The internet is based on the free and open exchange of information, not on blocked results, and closed pathways. If you can, make some noise about this. Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google need to use their weight to push against such actions. This is a sad day for the internet.

:rofl::rofl: A 3 logic is they just believe what they wanna believe. pity for them.:rofl:
Another thread hijacked by trolls. Sigh. To Indian members, please report all off topic posts and do not reply to them.
. .
I read the source you quotedfrom the first of your list,Shanghai Surprise China's abuse of human rights is getting worse
this is a book about the third world:then I find what the book said about India-South Asia page,the whole page is at: China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path by John Walsh
:China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path
by John Walsh
Dissident Voice, November 27th, 2009

China's literacy rate is 90.9%; India's is 61%. 95.1% of Chinese males are literate and 86.5% of females (2000 census). But only 73.4% of Indian males and 47.8% of the females can read and write.

What is use of of 90% literacy, if you can't get to read any independent newpaper, just read what government wants to read you through its official newspaper.

Please don't use your butt to cover up your face, it won't work,

just admitted your shameful illiterate and move on.

Oh, how about make up some more excuses of why 650 million of

you don't need this basic "Human Right" ?
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg.com
The purpose of the thread has been completely overshadowed. Some people can never change for good. I completely support the thread starter.
People on this forum seem to comment more about the other countries than themselves. Seems like they know everything. Blessed by the almighty or something...

Moderators, I think you got some cleaning up to do.
this is just too much, every thread gets transformed into a 'pissing contest' :disagree:
Please don't use your butt to cover up your face, it won't work,

just admitted your shameful illiterate and move on.

Oh, how about make up some more excuses of why 650 million of

you don't need this basic "Human Right" ?
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg.com

We Indians are illiterate, so I don't understand, how one can cover his face by butt, if you can show us....., u literate......

Last year in General Election, I used my middle fingure to press the button of EVM...
Personal opinion, indian only have 45 millions people can use internet....... Other indian dont have any freedom to use internet even most of them have no freedom to be feed......:blink:

Personal opinion, They can't access to internet, because they can't afford it, or internet is not avialbe for them in most of the villages, UNLIKE china, where many websites are being blocked.
I read the source you quotedfrom the first of your list,Shanghai Surprise China's abuse of human rights is getting worse
this is a book about the third world:then I find what the book said about India-South Asia page,the whole page is at: China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path by John Walsh
:China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path
by John Walsh
Dissident Voice, November 27th, 2009

China's literacy rate is 90.9%; India's is 61%. 95.1% of Chinese males are literate and 86.5% of females (2000 census). But only 73.4% of Indian males and 47.8% of the females can read and write.

What is use of of 90% literacy, if you can't get to read any independent newpaper, just read what government wants to read you through its official newspaper.

Read again, the source is listed by Indian-named "Veer" to prove "Shanghai Surprise - China's abuse of human rights is getting worse (10/02)",but it also has this "China's Humane Development - and India's Tragic Path (11/09)" in the same page by the same Writer
at:Asia Watch

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