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A Homeland for Indian Muslims

Easy for you to say sitting in Pakistan.

Add to the military the non-military opposing population. Check the numbers. The RSS itself has a few million in membership. It will be a genocide. You want that ??

A similar thing happened in Germany against the Jews. It took a World War and a new country to turn them into a power.

Talk practically and not like some emotional idiot.

You should do one thing. Go to Syria and join Assad's forces fighting all those international terrorists.

Post on PDF from Syria. Let us see your courage. :-)

lols why would i join asad forces or even sunni forces they are fighting for land not a fight to free muslims from oppression!
lols why would i join asad forces or even sunni forces they are fighting for land not a fight to free muslims from oppression!


1. There are Sunnis among Assad's forces and foreign allies. Take the Palestinian group PFLP for example.

2. Assad's opponents are not some romantic freedom fighters. They are terrorist proxies who have been supplied and supported by NATO for the last nine years.

1. There are Sunnis among Assad's forces and foreign allies. Take the Palestinian group PFLP for example.

2. Assad's opponents are not some romantic freedom fighters. They are terrorist proxies who have been supplied and supported by NATO for the last nine years.
exactly its i political war not war for Islam!

in india Muslims are beging oppressed and insha Allah they will fight for freedom and Pakistan will help them!
exactly its i political war not war for Islam!

That is wrong.

The terrorists in Syria are from groups like Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda who believe that their form of religious beliefs are how Islam is to be seen and followed.

And the Muslim supporters of Assad believe that their Progressive understanding of Islam is how Islam is to be seen and followed.

It's a religious conflict.

in india Muslims are beging oppressed

I agree.

nd insha Allah they will fight for freedom and Pakistan will help them!

Pakistan can help Indian Muslims by making Pakistan into a Progressive welfare state and then there can be more cross-border collaboration. Unless Pakistan betters itself how can it help Indian Muslims ??
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That is wrong.

The terrorists in Syria are from groups like Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda who believe that their form of religious beliefs are how Islam is to be seen and followed.

And the Muslim supporters of Assad believe that their Progressive understanding of Islam is how Islam is to be seen and followed.

It's a religious conflict.

I agree.

Pakistan can help Indian Muslims by making Pakistan into a Progressive welfare state and then there can be more cross-border collaboration. Unless Pakistan betters itself how can it help Indian Muslims ??
if hindu extremist rape lynch and burn Muslims Pakistan will help them!
What is wrong with Sociology ?? It leads to understanding of what are the different issues in society and what can be the possible solutions or developments. The learners also get to know of experiments and experiences in other societies.

Some of the "research" that gets done in the shithole by jholachapps


Tell me why should my money be used to fund this?

Close down JNUs and Jadhavpurs or make them pay full fees.

About the "Maggi" poster you presented, there is no context to know more about it.

It is a lecture being given by sociology professor in a university. That one is a private university but I am sure this is the kind of things that are taught to freeloaders
Some of the "research" that gets done in the shithole by jholachapps


Tell me why should my money be used to fund this?

OK, many of these studies were superfluous but Kanhaiya's would have returned some usable knowledge.

Close down JNUs and Jadhavpurs

And set up more branches of the useless 600-acre campuses of Lovely Professional University and Amrita University ??
2 Terms of Modi (Maybe 3 for sure)- should not be the reason to break your home- If you love something you would fight for it.- Yes India does need a new generation of Leaders who can be inclusive and diversity is the key- The best way forward is revamp the constitution. India can not function like every other democracy its a very unique country and has to have leaders who can think outside the box- Have a "whats the solution" approach and not keep looking at everything as an issue-Yes everyone cannot be made happy (No Hindu/Christian/Muslim/other relions- Law- Its should be an universal- Indian Law fair to every citizen in the country)- Government forms should do away with Caste/Religion-etc on all forms as mandatory requirements as a start.
I am sorry.

But Muslims have never got their due in India.

Even before Modi. Modi just convinced us that even liberals hate us. Nothing more.

We all had questions. Whether this nation truly deserved our allegiance.
Well, think about it. This nation keeps its military in a state it claims - the only state that was Muslim majority BY SHEER BRUTE FORCE.

Morality took a backseat long back. We were too blind to see it.

The only realistic solution is to divide India on Muslim non Muslim lines and be done with it. Others may give utopian solutions like -
i. jamahir solutions - I wont waste my time there. nobody with a half decent brain should take them seriously.
ii. secular India - who will enforce secularism? Then again, why should we not have our own laws? Advocates of secularism are shrill when crying for the UCC. No thanks. Plus we have experience of the past 70 odd years.
iii. Hindu rashtra - mar jaon - thats better
iv. Islamic rashtra - ideal, but this is utopian as well. The vast majority of the Hindu population is blinded by hatred to see the benefits. Even judging historically, the Muslim period was the Golden age of the subcontinent, but expecting Hindus to accept it and welcome it would be too much.
I am sorry.

But Muslims have never got their due in India.

Even before Modi. Modi just convinced us that even liberals hate us. Nothing more.

We all had questions. Whether this nation truly deserved our allegiance.
Well, think about it. This nation keeps its military in a state it claims - the only state that was Muslim majority BY SHEER BRUTE FORCE.

Morality took a backseat long back. We were too blind to see it.

The only realistic solution is to divide India on Muslim non Muslim lines and be done with it. Others may give utopian solutions like -
i. jamahir solutions - I wont waste my time there. nobody with a half decent brain should take them seriously.
ii. secular India - who will enforce secularism? Then again, why should we not have our own laws? Advocates of secularism are shrill when crying for the UCC. No thanks. Plus we have experience of the past 70 odd years.
iii. Hindu rashtra - mar jaon - thats better
iv. Islamic rashtra - ideal, but this is utopian as well. The vast majority of the Hindu population is blinded by hatred to see the benefits. Even judging historically, the Muslim period was the Golden age of the subcontinent, but expecting Hindus to accept it and welcome it would be too much.

Kashmir is never going to leave the Indian Union- Whichever Government comes- So thats non-negotiable.
India will never be divided again. I dony support a Hindu or a Islamic Rashtra- Both have their flaws- The only option I see (My opinion ), is UCC.
Kashmir is never going to leave the Indian Union- Whichever Government comes- So thats non-negotiable.
India will never be divided again. I dony support a Hindu or a Islamic Rashtra- Both have their flaws- The only option I see (My opinion ), is UCC.
Ah. The cat is out of the bag.

Just as I expected.

Hence my hope for a separate nation. This is not a demand. I am in no position to make demands in down under. But I hope Muslims are able to get a nation for their own.

Only then they can defend their way of life and live as per our own laws and customs - without needing validation from Sanghis, Hindus or liberals.

I don't mean any offence to you personally. But this relationship is not meant to last. I have grudgingly come to this conclusion.
I am sorry.

But Muslims have never got their due in India.

Even before Modi. Modi just convinced us that even liberals hate us. Nothing more.

We all had questions. Whether this nation truly deserved our allegiance.
Well, think about it. This nation keeps its military in a state it claims - the only state that was Muslim majority BY SHEER BRUTE FORCE.

Morality took a backseat long back. We were too blind to see it.

The only realistic solution is to divide India on Muslim non Muslim lines and be done with it. Others may give utopian solutions like -
i. jamahir solutions - I wont waste my time there. nobody with a half decent brain should take them seriously.
ii. secular India - who will enforce secularism? Then again, why should we not have our own laws? Advocates of secularism are shrill when crying for the UCC. No thanks. Plus we have experience of the past 70 odd years.
iii. Hindu rashtra - mar jaon - thats better
iv. Islamic rashtra - ideal, but this is utopian as well. The vast majority of the Hindu population is blinded by hatred to see the benefits. Even judging historically, the Muslim period was the Golden age of the subcontinent, but expecting Hindus to accept it and welcome it would be too much.

Such solutions are irrelevant as long as the masses are oppressed, with no hope of justice.

Consider society to have advanced, when the poor or the oppressed firmly believe that if they are wronged, they will have a fair day in court, and the state will side with them.

India will never get there, regardless of the ideology or the form of government, because the moral compass of the country is absolutely f&&&&d up.
Ah. The cat is out of the bag.

Just as I expected.

Hence my hope for a separate nation. This is not a demand. I am in no position to make demands in down under. But I hope Muslims are able to get a nation for their own.

Only then they can defend their way of life and live as per our own laws and customs - without needing validation from Sanghis, Hindus or liberals.

I don't mean any offence to you personally. But this relationship is not meant to last. I have grudgingly come to this conclusion.
Listen- There was no cat in the bag- I have always stood fast on my opinion- Muslims and Hindus have the same rights as an Indian- The key word Indian.- Muslims already got a separate nation(TNT).
I am sorry that you feel this way- Hopefully your hurt and disappointment with the GOI changes with time and effort.
Such solutions are irrelevant as long as the masses are oppressed, with no hope of justice.

Consider society to have advanced, when the poor or the oppressed firmly believe that if they are wronged, they will have a fair day in court, and the state will side with them.

India will never get there, regardless of the ideology or the form of government, because the moral compass of the country is absolutely f&&&&d up.
Not the country.

Forget the grouping you are trying to conjure. It does not exist.

There are only Hindus. With their 'way of life'. And minorities primarily Muslims who are the eternal villains.

The moral compass of the Muslims have not gone astray. Grouping the whole 'country' to have lost morality is incorrect.

Listen- There was no cat in the bag- I have always stood fast on my opinion- Muslims and Hindus have the same rights as an Indian- The key word Indian.- Muslims already got a separate nation(TNT).
I am sorry that you feel this way- Hopefully your hurt and disappointment with the GOI changes with time and effort.
See. You are a decent person.

But you and us are not the same nation. We were never meant to be.

Religion, for instance and culture are some of the core values that make us - us. We are not - at least I am not in a position to forsake that.
I wonder if the Mods here would have let a thread advocating separatism of Pakistan to run for 33 pages over several weeks ? :coffee:
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