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A Hindu temple that could fit 200 Taj Mahals in it

This guy does not even look like the average herder nevermind Gujjar we have broad faces strong high noses good height you wanna see Gujjars in India go to Kashmir this guy is some chaprasi LARP.
Looks better than this white Hun Gujjar.LOL
Also, there were 4 bands of White Huns 2 settled in Eastern Iran and Afghanistan respectively whilst 1 in Northern Pakistan and the last in Europe are the Indians also gonna call them as fake as well 🤣
@Maula Jatt

Looks better than this white Hun Gujjar.LOL
View attachment 883984
I mean at his peak shoaib looked better than Larper bhuvi 🤣
@Great Janjua

This guy is Hindu Gujjar. He of course he doesn't look like North pakistani or kashmiri Gujjar as he doesn't have Ghaznavi blood in him.

Not just Hindu Gujjars, Hindu Rors, Jats and Rajput say the samething. They look different because their bloodstream didn't mix with the Afghunis.
View attachment 883976

View attachment 883977
Umh cause they're not natives to the land mate...

They're literally supposed to be central Asian nomad's who over 100s of years have started settling and assimilating into different land and cultures

It's the Indians who have mixed more with natives of their regions to the point they aren't the original one's, maybe couple 100 years ago they were original but at this point they're not

Just like Turks of turkey are not actually Turks

Ancient White Hun ancestors not bloody desert dwellers 4 Bands of White Huns 1 Settled in Iran 1 in Afg 1 In Northern Pak 1 in Europe why would Nomadic warriors want to go live in Rajasthan 🤣
Also, there were 4 bands of White Huns 2 settled in Eastern Iran and Afghanistan respectively whilst 1 in Northern Pakistan and the last in Europe are the Indians also gonna call them as fake as well 🤣
@Maula Jatt

I mean at his peak shoaib looked better than Larper bhuvi 🤣
Just like Turks who are also nomad's settled all over the world from Europe to Centeral Asia, to ME

Same with gujjars and many other nomadic groups


Maybe I am being harsh with calling it laarp but...
They're literally supposed to be central Asian nomad's who over 100s of years have started settling and assimilating into different land and cultures

It's the Indians who have mixed more with natives of their regions to the point they aren't the original one's

Listen up what latest DNA studies says.

All these groups of Gujjar, Jat, Awans, Rajput, Rors both in India and Pakistan etc have Ancient irainian ancestry as the largest chunk in their DNA which suggest they are natives to North and North west India pakistan for 3-4 thousand years or more.

They also have central Asian steppe ancestry but it is smaller than ancient Indian ancestry and much smaller than Ancient irainian ancestry.

So is the case with Brahmin and other Hindu upper castes in North India. Even north Indian Dalits and ST tribals have heavy Ancient irainian ancestry.

All this suggest genetic make up of Indian subcontinent has been settled for past 3-4 thousands year and even prior to it. The inpact of Hun, Synithian or greeks add mixtures is neglegible for all native tribes.
Would you say the samethig about when pagan Mongol invader Halaku khan utterly destroyed Baghdad and annihilated the population? Isalmic civilisation in Arabia could never recover from it again.

Histroy is replete with many such examples of advance civilisations getting destroyed by maruading barbarians.

Hindu native rulers fought off foreign Muslim invaders for 500yrs for them to capture Delhi.
It might come as a surprise to you but most, nay, almost all muslims actually accept their weakness as the reason for the sack of baghdad. Nobody curses halaku khan for being ruthless. He was an invader. We also don't believe modern day mongolians are waging love zihad on muslim women. We accept our weaknesses.
Listen up what latest DNA studies says.

All these groups of Gujjar, Jat, Awans, Rajput, Rors both in India and Pakistan etc have Ancient irainian ancestry as the largest chunk in their DNA which suggest they are natives to North and North west India pakistan for 3-4 thousand years or more.

They also have central Asian steppe ancestry but it is smaller than ancient Indian ancestry and much smaller than Ancient irainian ancestry.

So is the case with Brahmin and other Hindu upper castes in North India. Even north Indian Dalits and ST tribals have heavy Ancient irainian ancestry.

All this suggest genetic make up of Indian subcontinent has been settled for past 3-4 thousands year and even prior to it. The inpact of Hun, Synithian or greeks add mixtures is neglegible for all native tribes.


Iranian ancestory is different from White Hun ancestry look at this map on average even compared to Northern Indian Pakistanis have better DNA diversity which solidifies the theory of 2 Nations.

Indians on a average have more Native Indian DNA than Pakistanis which solidifies that ancient Scythians majority stayed in Modern day Pakistan whilst minority moved towards Ganga basin or northern India

@Maula Jatt
You realise you are the defeated ones... Lol

I don't ascribe to these ridiculous remote genealogical and ancestral associations. I merely stated a historical fact. Those medieval wars have nothing to do with me, as an individual entity.
Destroying Pagan Idols is our God-given right its like when the Hindus pour milk over that ding ling.
Jahil people don't know how to respect other faiths. Yet they expect others to respect them. Post reported.
Destroying remnants of previous rulers is standard practice for new empires and conquerors

No one is saying it wasn't brutal, just that it's history and all conquerors and empires have been soaked in blood

If Indians can attack babri masjid then why complain about Taliban attacking a statue

Yeah but pagan civilization in Indian was beneath us,, full of superstitions and jahilat
Babri Masjid case was in courts since
Destroying remnants of previous rulers is standard practice for new empires and conquerors

No one is saying it wasn't brutal, just that it's history and all conquerors and empires have been soaked in blood

If Indians can attack babri masjid then why complain about Taliban attacking a statue

Yeah but pagan civilization in Indian was beneath us,, full of superstitions and jahilat
Hindus demand for worship at Babri Masjid was denied by British when communal riots took place in 1850. It was subsequently closed for worship to avoid communal riots over it. You are talking about a 50 year court case which was in dispute for 500 years when the original Ram birthplace mandir was demolished by Babar. There are many structures in India which were built by muslim rulers after demolishing temple structures. For example Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar etc. re-used temple stones and there are many examples on you tube.
Not to forget the converted slaves who are brainwashed to defend their own slavery.

May be because the so called slaves firmly and rightly believe that they opted for something that is far better than what they had

Their conviction to defend what they are today makes complete sense
Those are foreign ruling dynasties and they have disappeared without sign.
They were vile towards every Hindustani including native converts.

Those native converts celebrating them outwardly today due to complexes, they too deep inside know the truth and in few decades after Hindu India achieves greatness once in next few decades, they would cease prasing those barbaric invaders.

Disappeared without sign???

There are more than 50 crore (and increasing) muslims in Pakistan, India and BD. That's a lot of signs

Muslims in subcontinent today are proud of what they are and they should be. They have something that is the present and the future of this world unlike you guys

So there is no point in this regular whining that you guys do. It won't change anything
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