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A heartbreaking murdering: 17 year old Nicoletta, murdered by her 22-year-old Pakistani refugee boyfriend


Mar 2, 2018
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Everyone in Greece is talking about the murder of 17-year-old Nicoletta by her 22-year-old Pakistani refugee boyfriend.

The Pakistani, who fled but was caught after the murder, says he killed Nicoletta "because she insulted the Qur'an and wanted her to become a Christian".

This strange prosecution statement was naturally met with a great reaction in some circles in Greece. However, the truth of the matter seems to be different.

There seems to be non-religious reasons behind the murder of a young girl in Greece by her Pakistani boyfriend:

A 17-year-old Greek girl and a 22-year-old Pakistani have been together for 10 months. The Pakistani young man (Ahsan) has been staying at the girl's house for a while with the girl's mother and sister.


Greek girl wants to break up with her Pakistani boyfriend and says "give me back the house keys". But Pakistani Ahsan reacts very harshly to this. In the investigations made by the police, threatening messages from Ahsan were found on the girl's phone.

On the day of the murder, there is a fierce argument between the Greek Nicoletta, who wants to leave Pakistani Ahsan. It is estimated that Ahsan then strangled the 17-year-old girl to death. The young girl's body is found by her sister, who came to the house. Even though the Pakistani man escaped, he was caught later.

The first statements of Pakistani Ahsan, the murder suspect who killed his Greek lover, are religious-oriented: "Nicoletta insulted the Qur'an, she wanted me to become a Christian," he says. However, these explanations are nothing but an effort to base a cowardly murder on religious/ideological reasons.

Greek public opinion is very sensitive about religious-oriented issues. If you combine this with such a brutal murder, even if the truth comes out, it will cause some people to be stuck in an understanding that you cannot convince.

As a matter of fact, from what I've seen on social media, people trapped in this comfortable space of thought are experiencing a wholesale outburst of anger and hatred towards Pakistanis and Asian Muslims more generally.

There have been many sensational events that have damaged the image of the Pakistani state and people and discredited its people. And now, We experienced another one in Greece. Pakistani government agencies and NGOs now need to pursue a proactive policy about its abroad citizens. When I shared my warnings and advice on this subject months ago, some members did not fully understand what I meant. This is not about us, it's about your reputation guys.

PDF's Asia Minor correspondent reported from Istanbul.
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Some Pakistanis just carrying out public relation activities to highlight the key qualities of their nation seen most commonly.

Which includes:
- Faking refugee status
- violence against women
- using religion to cover up a crime
Some Pakistanis just carrying out public relation activities to highlight the key qualities of their nation seen most commonly.

Which includes:
- Faking refugee status
- violence against women
- using religion to cover up a crime
What i don't understand is why it is these semi literate criminal who always get westen Visa. I Know plenty of educated and decent who want to leave Pakistan for studies or work but can't get visa
So what was his plight in Pakistan, the usual tropes of Shia oppression, Qadiani or Baloch?
What i don't understand is why it is these semi literate criminal who always get westen Visa. I Know plenty of educated and decent who want to leave Pakistan for studies or work but can't get visa
That is the biggest question but part of it I believe is that these people are desperate enough to try hook or crook.
Educated decent people will try the legal way more often than not

Everyone in Greece is talking about the murder of 17-year-old Nicoletta by her 22-year-old Pakistani refugee boyfriend.

The Pakistani, who fled but was caught after the murder, says he killed Nicoletta "because she insulted the Qur'an and wanted her to become a Christian".

This strange prosecution statement was naturally met with a great reaction in some circles in Greece. However, the truth of the matter seems to be different.

There seems to be non-religious reasons behind the murder of a young girl in Greece by her Pakistani boyfriend:

A 17-year-old Greek girl and a 22-year-old Pakistani have been together for 10 months. The Pakistani young man (Ahsan) has been staying at the girl's house for a while with the girl's mother and sister.


Greek girl wants to break up with her Pakistani boyfriend and says "give me back the house keys". But Pakistani Ahsan reacts very harshly to this. In the investigations made by the police, threatening messages from Ahsan were found on the girl's phone.

On the day of the murder, there is a fierce argument between the Greek Nicoletta, who wants to leave Pakistani Ahsan. It is estimated that Ahsan then strangled the 17-year-old girl to death. The young girl's body is found by her sister, who came to the house. Even though the Pakistani man escaped, he was caught later.

The first statements of Pakistani Ahsan, the murder suspect who killed his Greek lover, are religious-oriented: "Nicoletta insulted the Qur'an, she wanted me to become a Christian," she says. However, these explanations are nothing but an effort to base a cowardly murder on religious/ideological reasons.

Greek public opinion is very sensitive about religious-oriented issues. If you combine this with such a brutal murder, even if the truth comes out, it will cause some people to be stuck in an understanding that you cannot convince.

As a matter of fact, from what I've seen on social media, people trapped in this comfortable space of thought are experiencing a wholesale outburst of anger and hatred towards Pakistanis and Asian Muslims more generally.

There have been many sensational events that have damaged the image of the Pakistani state and people and discredited its people. And now, We experienced another one in Greece. Pakistani government agencies and NGOs now need to pursue a proactive policy about its abroad citizens. When I shared my warnings and advice on this subject months ago, some members did not fully understand what I meant. This is not about us, it's about your reputation guys.

PDF's Asia Minor correspondent reported from Istanbul.

Blasphemy is good tool to get rid of personal disputes, blame victim for blasphemy, get rid of [capital] punishment, and every one will be supporting you in country like Pakistan

He forget this formula will not apply in Europe.
He is dreaming govt of Pakistan will help, if he blame the victim for blasphemy.
EU nations should stop providing refugee status to Pakistanis.. Pakistan is not at war nor starving
Human trafficking is a big business now in Pakistan and Many families have been ripped apart from agents
It is good thing turkey started building a wall at iran border to stop the inflow of illegal
EU nations should stop providing refugee status to Pakistanis.. Pakistan is not at war nor starving
Human trafficking is a big business now in Pakistan and Many families have been ripped apart from agents
It is good thing turkey started building a wall at iran border to stop the inflow of illegal
Most people on refugee claim remain in a queue for their case to be adjudged for several years. The due process that is expected from international rules on how a refugee claim is to be processed will always allow for a window that refugee applicants can exploit.
Looks more like a high druggie than even a refugee……probably were into drugs and shit like that

Laws need to be changed fir sure
If he was greek it wouldn't be news.
No,they would mention it,trust me.

@dBSPL I was going to post this,but then I thought some people here would think I only post bad things about Pakistan.

The guy had some 4 IDs with him and gave the authorities 4 different names when he got in Greece. That's what the news said.

They said,he had requested asylum but was rejected. He went to tell her that he wanted to leave the country,they had some fight,I think he said she said something bad about a friend of his,he killed her,took his stuff,took her phone and went north. Another Pakistani identified him and called the police and they arrested him in FYROM.

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