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A Ghost From India Haunts me Still by David Duke

that doesnt change anything, he is a neo-fascist bashing the dark skinned using some perverted idea of supremacy, I am not saying all whites are fascist, that would make me no better than this guy, all I am saying is that this pitiful sentiment is prevalent in not just the whites but everywhere unfortunately
I may be speaking only for myself but I think you will find what few white Americans that may see this thread, would have the same reaction that I did, namely, disgust that anything written by that hateful racist would be posted. David Duke was indeed a former leader in the Ku Klux Klan. Here he is in his KKK robes blaspheming God by burning the Cross. Makes me want to vomit. :sick:

that doesnt change anything, he is a neo-fascist bashing the dark skinned using some perverted idea of supremacy, I am not saying all whites are fascist, that would make me no better than this guy, all I am saying is that this pitiful sentiment is prevalent in not just the whites but everywhere unfortunately

We are all somewhat racist to an extent, but we don't advocate murders, torture, and fascism which gives racism the form of Ku Klax Klan.
We are all somewhat racist to an extent, but we don't advocate murders, torture, and fascism which gives racism the form of Ku Klax Klan.

right on mate, we have a right to believe and do whatever we want as long as it does no harm to anyone
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