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A Crackdown on Islam Is Spreading Across China

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If you goes this route, I can found thousands of videos showing people turn against where they are from.

That's fine...people jump ship every day...but just because they do doesn't mean they are LIARS. Do you want to speak for the record that what she says is not the truth...so we can all bookmark your answer...
Spare me your half knowledge about china, it's ridiculous you lecturing Chinese about Chinese culture

Of course Islam is foreign to China, 5000 years old Chinese civilization has long been established well before prophet Muhammad been born, Qin emperor united whole China 221 BC, let alone several dynasties before that.

During Han and Tang dynasties, when Chinese emperors ruled XinJiang, there is no Islam there, there are full of small Buddhist countries.

Zheng He was captured by Ming emperor and castrated, as long as it serves the emperor, it doesn't matter Zheng is a Muslim or a Christian or a Buddhist or Zoroastrian.

Mongols of Yuan dynasty brought a lot of central Asian/Arab Muslims to China, and that helped to spread Islam in China.

All these are known facts, what do you mean we hide our history?

If you goes this route, I can found thousands of videos showing people turn against where they are from.
So then communism must be part of this long Chinese culture too? You sound absolutely ridiculous. Just like buddhism, Islam is part of your history weather you accept it or not.
So then communism must be part of this long Chinese culture too? You sound absolutely ridiculous. Just like buddhism, Islam is part of your history weather you accept it or not.

You are the one who is ridiculous, Islam is foreign to China, China is well established before Prophet Muhammad was born. That's all I am saying. I never said Islam not part of china history, you put words in my mouth and beyond ridiculous.

Islam spread to China, and certain Chinese adopted it, just like certain Chinese converted to Christianity or Buddhism, nothing more, nothing less.

By the way, why you hide in a foreign country and being a keyboard warrior, instead of going back building your own, and working hard to make your motherland stronger. sitting in front of computer and repeat Western lies, there is a word for people like you - ?
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Muslims account for less than 1% of the Chinese population so foreign or not is not very important, China has way way more Christians than Muslims, it's a plain fact that Chinese government doesn't like all religions but the biggest concern is Christianity, Taiping rebellion is still a horrific reminder to the leaders.

Estimates of the Taiping war dead range from 20–70 million to as high as 100 million, with millions more displaced.

As for Muslims, China only concerns religious bound terrorism which was an annoyance some years back, but due to its small population, it's never a big concern for China.

China also has to rein in radical anti non Chinese religion sentiments, spontaneous mass rebellion against Christians like boxer rebellion can also cause chaos, they just roam around the street and try to kill every single Christian they can find, back then in China people called Christians a very derogatory name 教鬼子。So many Christians were killed for no reasons and their corpses were left to rot at where they were killed.


A strong government like today's could effectively rein in radical elements of all different religious and non religious majority and balance them so religious based wars and clashes won't happen.
Have any proof regarding your bs against Pakistan or is it just blunt propaganda? @The Eagle

Hope you can read English well.

Where do you find propaganda against Pakistan in my post. ...or is it that you can't digest fair logic?
Official statistics indicate that there are now more mosques in China than Buddhist temples: 35,000 compared to 33,500.
Eventually, we know who wins this. :)

Try as you might, dear China. You will come to your Creator.

I wouldn't believe Western media and their concern about Muslims for a second.

Fake news just like Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Nytimes reported the atrocities in Kashmir against Muslims. Request you to consider this.

China is only doing action against radical elements. Muslims are living happily in China and they have no problem.
By removing halal signs and abolishing Arabic?
Furthermore, American establishment is not suppressing 'religious freedom of expression' in its mainland and otherwise. They are only against terrorism.
US is definitely not suppressing religious freedoms, but its killing black men i the streets. THATS FACTS. Different toilets, same s***. And kids were put in cages.....SAME SHT.

Do not draw silly comparisons. US is nothing like China in controlling the masses.
Ha ha ....then why does US have the most people in prison in the world? Still havent paid reparations to black slaves. Dont be a hypocrite. If you've read/know any Chomsky you will know that technically, US govt is a hypocrite and committer of many serious anti-humanity crimes. No country is a saint. Be humble.

I wouldn't believe Western media and their concern about Muslims for a second.

Fake news just like Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Ha ha....you use a China bias and conspiracy theory to avoid harsh realities. nice.
Nytimes reported the atrocities in Kashmir against Muslims. Request you to consider this.

Come from cow piss drinking Hindus, Modi Hindu terrorists committed genocide against Gujarat Muslims, raped and burned them alive, that's a fact

And you continue to do that in occupied Kashmir, that is also a fact
So you just admitted your islamophobic?

I don't care

You cant teach a people who are hell bent to burn their own history!

Do you even know what that means?

Just coz China deleted its history doesnt mean the world and the countries who traded with China forgot?! You cant delete truth!

@Pakhtoon yum no point "discussing" with one who cant tolerate the truth nor accept the facts even when quoted to them!

I even posted BBC's information on Cheng Ho! But nope...The lies fed to them are too deep..I dont expect them to even realize they are killing their own history and culture! JUST coz it looks different.

They are a people who wish to look and act like clones- anything different is seen as a threat and deleted! No matter how much they deny, that is the behaviour of a weak culture! Chinese culture has never been weak but these new generation definitely are!

Who are we to educate them?

Both Islam and Christian are not part of Chinese culture.

Because they're not compatible with Chinese culture.
I'm sorry if people are offended, but Islam and Christianity have been a plague to countries in the far east. Judaism is incompatible as well, but it hasn't much influence as Islam and Christianity. Once taken hold of a society, these religion forced themselves on the population until it becomes a dominant religions. Islam is intolerant of other religions and cannot coexist or allow other to express their religion. So China better checked this plague before it take holds.

Take Indonesia for instance. Muslim took hold of that country because back in the days Muslim traders only trade with other Muslim. It took holds and the anti-Chinese sentiment is sky high. They even got offended by Guan Yu statue. Muslim can stay in predominately Muslim country. Same with Christian. Christian elite promotes other Christian elite in Vietnam in a majority Buddhist country - that was the downfall of Ngo Dinh Diem. These religions are not unifier but dividers of society. Their fanaticism is dangerous.

China and East Asian need to stop Abrahamic faith from dividing society. It starts at a societal level when these Christianity or Islam won't let their kids marry people of other faiths. If they want to get marry, they want other to convert. They then separate themselves into their own respective groups. Once they gain enough power, they want to changes society according to their beliefs.

My mom still practice ancestor worships. She is irreligious. She attends churches, temple, so she can talk to other from her motherland. She just want to attend a community event. The people at the church tells her she must stop ancestor worship because it is against Christianity. These religion don't accept other religion that's why there is no peace in the ME.

Your point about restricting marriage is the most significant. We see this in India too. Christianity is just 1 to 2 percent here.People even get excommunicated from their churches for marrying a non Christian.
Just no respect for others.

Countries like Malaysia are considered progressive, and even they don't allow Muslims to marry non Muslims. Quite a few have to escape to other countries and get registered there.
I don't care

Both Islam and Christian are not part of Chinese culture.

Because they're not compatible with Chinese culture.
What about buddhism and communism? Becuse both were introduced after Chinese culture was invented. Your arguments collapses on itself.

You not caring doesnt make any less islamophobic...shame on you!

Hope you can read English well.

Where do you find propaganda against Pakistan in my post. ...or is it that you can't digest fair logic?
"Destroying temple in Pakistan, Forced conversion of Sikh /Hindu girls in Pakistan"


Hope you can remember what you said

You are the one who is ridiculous, Islam is foreign to China, China is well established before Prophet Muhammad was born. That's all I am saying. I never said Islam not part of china history, you put words in my mouth and beyond ridiculous.

Islam spread to China, and certain Chinese adopted it, just like certain Chinese converted to Christianity or Buddhism, nothing more, nothing less.

By the way, why you hide in a foreign country and being a keyboard warrior, instead of going back building your own, and working hard to make your motherland stronger. sitting in front of computer and repeat Western lies, there is a word for people like you - ?
You skipped over my question and repeated the same bs. Thanks for proving my point on how ignorant you are.
1. What about buddhism and communism? Becuse both were introduced after Chinese culture was invented. Your arguments collapses on itself.

You not caring doesnt make any less islamophobic...shame on you!

2. "Destroying temple in Pakistan, Forced conversion of Sikh /Hindu girls in Pakistan"


Hope you can remember what you said

You skipped over my question and repeated the same bs. Thanks for proving my point on how ignorant you are.

Propaganda is telling something which is not true, to justify your narrative. Whereas, what I said were true recent incidents from Pakistan...refer below.

Destroying temple in Pakistan

Forced conversion of Sikh /Hindu girls in Pakistan
Your point about restricting marriage is the most significant. We see this in India too. Christianity is just 1 to 2 percent here.People even get excommunicated from their churches for marrying a non Christian.
Just no respect for others.

Countries like Malaysia are considered progressive, and even they don't allow Muslims to marry non Muslims. Quite a few have to escape to other countries and get registered there.
U r right. Excommunication is truth.
Its a phenomenon which isnt just particular to christianity though.both hindus n muslims do it.
We have hindus,budhhists,muslims,christians n even jews in our part of the country,,,n yes people of abrahamic faith adhere to the exclusivist nature of there religion far too dogmatically.
It is perhaps one of the greatest reason for the eventual divide tht always ensues.
Really? :D :D :D
How did you even learn to become a moderator?

he is very biased to China to say the least, we strongly "suspect" he is an Indian troll by his logic.

He is actively suppressing Chinese members, speaking pro China is paid, it's bad. Speak against China is good, it's democracy.

You skipped over my question and repeated the same bs. Thanks for proving my point on how ignorant you are.

you are full BS and beyond ignorant but resort to dirty words, what point you made but bigotry and repeating western lies?

what part I said is not true? 5000 years history China is well established before prophet Muhammad was born. that Islam is foreign to China. After Islam spread to China, and certain Chinese adopted it, just like certain Chinese converted to Christianity or Buddhism, nothing more, nothing less.

what's your beef with China anyway? did you complain your country - Canada sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill innocent Muslims civilians under false pretense?
where were you when Jews massacred Palestinians and occupied their land?
where were you when Hindus massacred and raped kashmirs?

oh, right, you are afraid of whites like Trump will kick you back, so get off your high horse and stop being a spineless and useless keyboard warrior.
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What about buddhism and communism? Becuse both were introduced after Chinese culture was invented. Your arguments collapses on itself.

Buddhism of cause is.
Communism is not, but Marxist philosophy was absorbed by Chinese philosophy.

Chinese culture is always growing, but which to absorb it depends our choice.
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