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A confused Pakistani


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A Confused Pakistani
Danish Kazi on 5, Nov 2012

This Eid when I got free from prayers, I performed the same ritual which I have done so for so many years since I have left abroad. Take a drive. Since living close to the beach knowing that everyone back home would be still asleep. I prefer stopping by there to enjoy the view of the Gulf. I prefer going to this particular mosque near my house as I get to see so many of my Pakistanis over there. Hence sometimes I feel like going back. But going back to what or let me say for what? These mornings give me a lot to ponder. And the only thing I can think of on this day was of Pakistan.

I have grown up seeing the pictures of our Quaid mostly in western attire. I have seen the leader who gave the first constitution for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan i.e. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto adorning the same. Also, I have seen that the moderate leaders not only gave us Pakistan but also gave this nation an image of stability. Let it be our Nuclear Arsenal, let it be our spearheading of OIC etc. etc. People might abuse Gen Musharraf now a day’s especially on media. But have they not forgotten that he gave us this media in the same place. Also, let us not forget Benazir Bhutto for giving this nation what we call it female symbolism in this male chauvinistic society where she dared to become the first Muslim woman Prime Minister of Pakistan and of the Muslim world.

But then I look at Gen. Ayub regime, which lost us half the country failing to accept the mandate of the majority in East Pakistan. I look at Gen. Yahya under whose regime Muslim Bengali men were massacred and their women raped. I look at Gen Zia who whilst liberating Afghanistan ended up handing over Pakistan to Islamic Extremists and then Gen Musharraf who due to lack of his brinkmanship ended up gifting us the “War of Error”- sorry I meant “War Against Terror”. I always believed a decade ago that when US attacked Afghanistan. We should stay away from this rot. The first stint there gave us AK 47 and Heroine Culture. The second stint has given us Talibanization and Suicide bombing. Though many say today that Suicide bombing stem out of Drone Strikes. But I remember growing with the Taliban phenomenon since 1995.

What worries me more today is the polarity and lack of balance emerging in our society. Whereas we claim to be an Islamic Republic but all what is happening around culturally is questionable. Though I am not the fundamentalist but then moderation should have limits and then at the other side the other extreme is emerging where Schools are blown, Cinema’s burned down, Shrines destroyed and Minorities targeted sometimes under guise of blasphemy law and sometime just as a symbol of our strength.

The society looks equally divided, some out of fear and some out of rationale. Then I ask myself that if my Pakistan was to be a total Islamic Republic than why the white depicting the minorities in our flag? Why my founder never wore a beard? And why the right wing Islamists never sided for Pakistan before partition. Did we loose our way when agreeing on the 1973 constitution where under duress of saving a nation ; we went too much tilted towards a hard line document or were we slowly hijacked over decades by Right wing Islamists first in the name of liberation of Kashmir and Afghanistan, than saving in the name of Islam and now saving in the name of morality.

To my utter dismay the murderer of Salman Taseer becomes a hero and also a rich man with rumors of PKR 50 as his account balance. The question raised. Was the act was in defense of religion or for the same of money.

As I thought of it, I wondered if I ever would be able to go back to the Quaid’s Pakistan. Worst as I wrote this piece, Taliban presence which was always kept under wraps in Karachi become clear and the threats become louder. Our armed forces look fighting an never ending battle against these due to the polarized society where factions of support to these extremists exist.

Today, we looked more of a confused nation where debates ensue Religion First or Country First. As I drove back to meet my family for Eid. I prayed to Allah that sanity prevails and we have the answer to this quintessential question of how to tame our people that our nation has been formed by Quaid-e-Azam and if we want to live there. There is only one opinion and that is – Pakistan First.
Nice read.

Pakistanis themselves can save Pakistan fom future damages. people first need to accept that there is a problem in the current political system and the way the current society works. They need to rise above religion. Only then a nation can survive. when people will rise above religion and stand up solely for the good cause of their country called Pakistan, only then they will come out of homes into the streets, when one brave girl gets killed thousand other girsl will challenge the taliban with the same work that she did..and thats possible only when everyone starts showing that they cant support anyone in the name of religion. I know this comment might displease few Pakitahi members..but just for once dont look at my flag and understand what I am trying to say.
Pakistan was made "state of pakistan" in 1947

later renamed "Islamic republic"...probably the biggest mistake in 1956

i met a guy from turkey in Pakistan this july in abbottabad.
He told me it will take atleast 2 decades for pakistani to become as liberal as turkey/turkish people are now

he was in pakistan for about 2-3 weeks before i met him
Pakistan was made "state of pakistan" in 1947

later renamed "Islamic republic"...probably the biggest mistake in 1956

i met a guy from turkey in Pakistan this july in abbottabad.
He told me it will take atleast 2 decades for pakistani to become as liberal as turkey/turkish people are now

he was in pakistan for about 2-3 weeks before i met him

As long as thisa generation of "youth"dies out. Pak is one of the few countries where the youth is more radical than the previous generations. TBH we were much closer to turkey before the 80s
I totally agree with you My friend
Nice read.

Pakistanis themselves can save Pakistan fom future damages. people first need to accept that there is a problem in the current political system and the way the current society works. They need to rise above religion. Only then a nation can survive. when people will rise above religion and stand up solely for the good cause of their country called Pakistan, only then they will come out of homes into the streets, when one brave girl gets killed thousand other girsl will challenge the taliban with the same work that she did..and thats possible only when everyone starts showing that they cant support anyone in the name of religion. I know this comment might displease few Pakitahi members..but just for once dont look at my flag and understand what I am trying to say.
As long as thisa generation of "youth"dies out. Pak is one of the few countries where the youth is more radical than the previous generations. TBH we were much closer to turkey before the 80s

Dont loose hope , a nation taught and brought up on false history and propaganda for several decades will not fix quickly its a long process
What have we done in last 5 years to reverse it, nothing
Sadly In Pakistan I see Somalia and Afghanistan in 10 years...MQMs Karachi, Jaye Sindh's interior etc
warlords managing their territory since we dont have govt seen anywhere
well those who write such article are confuse soul and its annoying when they generalize all nation and speak on behalf of all Pakistani as if every pakistani share same opinion

If i speak for myself then i don't have any confusion about my identity

Islam >nation> ethnicity >caste
it doesnt take 2 decades to become liberalised and secular it takes one dictator, let me give you few hints

mustafa kamal attaturk turned turk in a day light to a secular liberal state

shah of iran converted iran to liberal state

and so on.....

but we need to see the result of this

mustafa kamal legacy is wearing off, and so is shah of iran, you can never try to convert a majority who is conservative especially the east asians into liberal europe policy, the more the dictators or tyrants try they will fail

in pakistan after 1947 and after killing of liaquat ali khan, the liberals tried to take control but failed miserably

they failed in turkey, they failed in iran, they failed in pakistan

and this is the course the history takes

so my message to 2% liberals out there, you just need to sit and relax and enjoy the show

the basic problem of pakistan is not being liberal or secular, its education, and health and economy, the day we solve this issue, we wont be blaming every misery of our deeds to islam after all

The best view for the fireworks is from outside the country. The view from inside the country is not as enjoyable.

and what the hell does that mean, best view of fireworks from outside the country?
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