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A choice no country should have to make

I didn't say it was easy, but Japan is clearly the country with the greatest ROI for Chinese investment in soft power. Look at America: they dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan and yet the Japanese worship the Americans. Now that's a triumph of American soft power!
This is outright intellectually dishonest. You deliberately ignored the atrocities Imperial Japan did to the rest of Asia and how that pretty much earned the Japanese that nuclear spanking.
Again that is because of America's war OF terror that is affecting Pakistan the most. India is unharmed by America's war OF terror that is why they don't want America to end it, while Pakistanis are praying everyday that the war OF terror ends.

Besides, China's leaders and military loves Pakistan and that is what matters the most. The common person in China does not make China's foreign policy.

Yes of course everything that happens in Pakistan is because of America's war on terror. :rolleyes:

Still doesn't explain why Russians or Chinese or South Africans(countries who have nothing to do with WOT) etc should have negative views about Pakistan. I mean aren't Russia and China allies of Pakistan, shouldn't they understand that whatever is going on in Pakistan is because of "America's" War on Terror.
This is outright intellectually dishonest. You deliberately ignored the atrocities Imperial Japan did to the rest of Asia and how that pretty much earned the Japanese that nuclear spanking.

I am not debating whether Japan "deserved" to be nuked; that is a whole separate discussion in its own right. However, regardless of whether justified or not, I am sure the Japanese were not thrilled about being nuked and, yet, they love the Americans now. That is what I meant by the triumph of American soft power.
Aksai Chin = India, China (Ridiculous Chinese claims)

- Arunachal Pradesh - India, China(Ridiculous Chinese claims)

- Demchok, Chumar, Kaurik, Shipki Pass, Jadh, and Lapthal - India, China( Ridiculous Chinese claims)

- Azad Kashmir - India, Pakistan(Pakistan and India both equally responsible Area under Pakistani control, India is happy with LOC as IB)

- Gilgit-Baltistan - India, Pakistan (ditto)

- Siachen Glacier and Saltoro Ridge area - India, Pakistan (Both parties responsible, under Indian possession, India is happy with LOC as IB)

- Jammu and Kashmir - India, Pakistan (Both parties responsible, under Indian possession, India is happy with LOC as IB)

- Sir Creek - India, Pakistan (Both parties responsible)

- Boraibari - India, Bangladesh (Almost settled, Negotiations are on, both parties equally responsible)

- Daikhata-Dumabari - India, Bangladesh (ditto)

- Indo-Bangladesh enclaves - India, Bangladesh (ditto)

- Lathitila - India, Bangladesh (ditto)

- Pyrdiwah - India, Bangladesh (ditto)

- Muhurichar river island - India, Bangladesh(Settled, status quo to be maintained)

- South Talpatti/New Moore/Purbasha Island - India, Bangladesh (Island is under water now, non issue)

- Kalapani region, the smaller Susta River dispute and the smaller still Antudanda and Nawalparasi disputes - India, Nepal (Negotiations are on, both parties responsible)

- Kachatheevu Island - India, Sri Lanka (Non issue, has been ceded to Sri Lanka by India)

So there we go, you can't blame India for the Chinese claims based on some obscure historical proofs. Disputes with Pakistan both countries are responsible for that, don't blame India alone.

Disputes with Bangladesh, mostly enclaves, almost settled,(with Bangladesh gaining 10,000 acres) treaty has been signed, surveying done, final work left, once again both sides to be blamed.

Now do you want me to list the Chinese territorial disputes as well? :rolleyes:

There is a difference, almost all of Indian disputes are due to the 1947 partition, you can't blame India alone for that, unless you expect India to back down on everything and cede everything to its neighbours. Not going to happen. Both parties should take initiative to solve the issue.

On the other hand China goes around prodding other countries and claiming their territories by saying, " hey you Chinese king ruled this region for 50 years some 1000 years back, so this region belongs to PRC now". That attitude isn't going to win China any friends.
The common person in China knows almost nothing about international affairs, except what they may see in the media (both domestic and international media).

The Chinese people who are interested in politics (like those on this forum), and those who have knowledge of the history of our international relations, are almost 100% pro-Pakistan. :cheers:

And needless to say, the decision-makers in China share a similar view, because they are the types who are interested in political affairs.

Pretty big statement about your fellow chinese talking about their views, you do have a survey or a poll to prove your point that 100% are pro-pakistani?

From what I remember reading some time ago not even 50% of Chinese have positive views on Pakistan. In fact, more Chinese hold negative views on Pakistan than positive.

Not a surprise if you interact with enough Chinese, you will come to know they are neutral regarding liking India or Pakistan. The lot here is just a self-selecting India hater group that supports Pakistan just to put down India.
"In addition to hard power, soft power also matters. The U.S. is able to use its universal values like freedom and democracy and Hollywood blockbusters to spread its influence abroad. It is able to use products like the iPad to make money. China has no such "Sunday punch." Nowadays, Asian countries have neither respect for Chinese culture nor recognition of Chinese values."

I am not sure what chinese values are. Can any chinese tell us what they like to be seen as.

As an Indian I would like us to be seen as democratic and pluralistic country which celebrates diversity.

good question. What are Chinese values? What, in fact, makes a Chinese, Chinese?

1. Respect for diversity. China is home to 56 races across 9.6 million square kilometers of land, ranging from arctic to tropical. Every race has their own written language; the nomadic races that did not, had one invented for them under consultation to better preserve their traditions.

2. Strong commitment to family. Chinese families live as several generations under one roof and the old frequently are invited to live with their children. Even with negative interest rates, families will save to buy a house, rather than do the economically smart thing and rent, because we want a safe and stable environment for our children.

3. Cooperation and harmony with both each other and the environment. China is the only major country in the world with expanding forest coverage. The Chinese public donated 1.5 billion USD within 2 days.

4. Putting the majority first. Chinese prefer to maximize the benefit for everyone, as opposed to extremist individualism. China's immense investment in public infrastructure, vs. the US's immense investment in privatization of transportation, power and even water, shows this. Only in China can public enterprises take losses in the millions of dollars every year to provide the poor with vital services like water, power and transportation. In countries with privatized water, transport and power systems, the poor can be cut off with load shedding any time, something unthinkable in China.

5. Pride without exclusion. Chinese are proud of who we are and where we came from, but that does not translate into the racial hatred that characterizes nationalism in so many other places. Unlike the Japanese and Koreans, who believe in their greatness due to their exclusivity, Chinese are happy to share our greatness with others.
China should focus on improving relations with Japan -- everything else is secondary. If China and Japan can mend fences and form a joint alliance, the rest of Asia will be a piece of cake. Russia will leave Asia alone and focus on Europe. India will abandon the Far East and focus on the Middle East.
1- :rofl:
2- :alcoholic:
3- :blah:

Now back to topic. We are not like your military policy who abandon there own military personal (with ID cards ) in KARGIL war saying they were militants. China is communist whereas Japan is not, that means China can never ever make friendly ties with Japan excluding buisness. No country in the world wants to be friend with China when it comes without business except North Korea and Pakistan ( military support ).
There are several reasons for the bad relations with about 90% of its surrounding country including even RUSSIA (communist country ) because of there aggressive behavior. People in PDF will accuse America for killing innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq like they give respect for Human lives and Human rights. Then where the hell when China is killing brutally unarmed tibetians. Does China have rights to form and deform its border in every year or half. What does China get on getting control over Tibet?
1- A large area with low population and land with no use.
2- Better control over Indian border.
Both the reason perfectly reflect the views of a power hungry nation or its govt.
You are saying that India will abandon its Far East and i guess your bases are.
1- Maoist activity in seven sisters reason.
2- You support China blindly.:alcoholic:
When its come to maoist, i have a question for you specially where does they get weapons ( get a map and look who is just above them )? And you still support China and protest against India for your belive of supplying weapons in baluchistan ( jab khud ko lagti hai tabhi pata chalta hai ki dard kitna hai ) . If we abandon Eastern sisters for this base then what about other states where these avtivities are mcuh more than eastern states like Orrisa, Jharkhand, AP and WB. Then according to you we should abandon these states too.:no:
For the second reason i can see any difference in you other than your fellow countrymen.
good question. What are Chinese values? What, in fact, makes a Chinese, Chinese?

1. Respect for diversity. China is home to 56 races across 9.6 million square kilometers of land, ranging from arctic to tropical. Every race has their own written language; the nomadic races that did not, had one invented for them under consultation to better preserve their traditions.

2. Strong commitment to family. Chinese families live as several generations under one roof and the old frequently are invited to live with their children. Even with negative interest rates, families will save to buy a house, rather than do the economically smart thing and rent, because we want a safe and stable environment for our children.

3. Cooperation and harmony with both each other and the environment. China is the only major country in the world with expanding forest coverage. The Chinese public donated 1.5 billion USD within 2 days.

4. Putting the majority first. Chinese prefer to maximize the benefit for everyone, as opposed to extremist individualism. China's immense investment in public infrastructure, vs. the US's immense investment in privatization of transportation, power and even water, shows this. Only in China can public enterprises take losses in the millions of dollars every year to provide the poor with vital services like water, power and transportation. In countries with privatized water, transport and power systems, the poor can be cut off with load shedding any time, something unthinkable in China.

5. Pride without exclusion. Chinese are proud of who we are and where we came from, but that does not translate into the racial hatred that characterizes nationalism in so many other places. Unlike the Japanese and Koreans, who believe in their greatness due to their exclusivity, Chinese are happy to share our greatness with others.

Nice to know ...but no offence none of the above can be called an exclusive Chinese value.
I am not debating whether Japan "deserved" to be nuked; that is a whole separate discussion in its own right. However, regardless of whether justified or not, I am sure the Japanese were not thrilled about being nuked and, yet, they love the Americans now. That is what I meant by the triumph of American soft power.
A war is not an unjustified event, even if one has to fiction up a justification. So when you pointed out that Japan was 'nuked' by US without attributing proper historical context as in what was used to justified a horrific act, you are being deceitful, deliberate or not, to the readers.

I have a friend who is an English instructor in Meguro-ku, Japan. He is full blooded Japanese whose family came from Japan and settled in Hawaii prior WW II, but he is also all American, male members of his clan were KIAs and WIAs in the famous 442nd 'Go For Broke' all Japanese-American regiment. We grew up together back in Hawaii. We speak often and the Japanese are no different than the rest of humanity in that they are a people with a collective conscience and a collective pride. If you notice, whenever I speak about WW II, I have always used 'Nazi Germany' and 'Imperial Japan' to distinguish the eras and their respective peoples.

The current generation in Japan still carry a lot of shame and guilt over what Imperial Japan did to Asia, but since the end of WW II, the Japanese have proven themselves to be a responsible nation-state happy to confine themselves to their islands, restricted their military, opened to criticisms and even insults at home and from abroad, assisted their former victims in many ways as best they know how, submitted their troops to UN missions around the world, and is among the top THREE financial contributors to the UN...

Financing peacekeeping. United Nations Peacekeeping
United States (27.14%)
Japan (12.53%)
United Kingdom (8.15%)

Germany (8.02%)
France (7.55%)
Italy (5.00%)
China (3.93%)
Canada (3.21%)
Spain (3.18%)
Republic of Korea (2.26%)
...More than China, as everyone can see.

If there is any people that have rightly earned their redemption for past transgressions in recent historical memory, it is the Japanese. And the Germans. Imperial Japan deserved to be 'nuked' but the Japan of today in no way deserve not even the cheap insults many here have doled out. If they ally with US, it is because they are, like many progressive people, willing to do so, not because they were coerced, either into the alliance or to adopt many (not all) of the American ways. They recognized that they have evolved from the cruel Japan of yesterday to the more benign Japan of today. They do not 'worship' America but it is in their evolution that they see both Japan and the US have shared interests in many areas, including the political and social. They adopt certain things from US and we from them, among the most prominent is the automobile industry where Japanese brand names are typical. Soft power works both ways.
Nice to know ...but no offence none of the above can be called an exclusive Chinese value.

When they occur all at once, they are unique. What other country has all 5 characteristics? Singapore (70% Chinese)?

I also forgot to add hospitality, further distinguishing Chinese from the rest.
When they occur all at once, they are unique. What other country has all 5 characteristics? Singapore (70% Chinese)?

I also forgot to add hospitality, further distinguishing Chinese from the rest.

Instead of typing something and stupidly believing it to the absolute truth, try do a little googling.

1. India is more diverse than China ever be. You are a country with 90% belonging to a single ethnicity and speaking a single language. We have 15 official languages+Hindi+English and 100s of regional dialects and languages..thats the tip of the iceberg. Only EU can rival India in diversity.We have places that have record high temperatures in Thar Desert to Himalays where sub-sero temperatures are the norm. Add to that countries like US, Pakistan also.

2. Have you never heard about the the joint families of South Asia or Arabia.Ask your Pakistani friends for more information.

3. Forest cover is a subjective matter.

4. In India poor get power for one light & fan for free and farmers and small scale industrialists get free or highly subsidized power..not to mention subsidy for fertilizer, LPG,diesel, train fare etc etc.

5. LOL..Pride without exclusion..the superior IQ theory that you people peddle here is a clear contrast to what you say.
Chinese are happy to share our greatness with others.....no thanks , just stick to your side of the border and will will stick to ours.
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