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A Chinese Renaissance?

Nov 9, 2011
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The Chinese leadership now stresses that China needs to become a cultural superpower like we once were hundreds of years ago (maybe last time in 18th century). This could be a pivotal moment in modern Chinese history: the closest analogy in the West is the 15th century Renaissance when the West became much more self-aware and united ideologically. A Chinese Renaissance could also be compared to the Meiji Restoration period in Japan (late 19th century) when modern Japan was born out of feudal Japan.

People's Daily

刘云山:肩负时代赋予的崇高使命和历史责任 为推动文化大发展大繁荣贡献智慧力量






Public standards and education levels needs to be increased first, especially in rural areas.
We focus too much on technical knowledge nowadays that the good ol proper way of being a person is being ignored.

Also it is much more than just red banners or adopting a monolithic sanctioned culture.

But I liked how Beijing was not afraid to get out during the likes of the Olympics and the world expo.
Meiji Japan faced a similar problem as today's China: how to keep a nation proud of itself and united in the face of domineering Western culture. There are three elements. Japan strengthened the religious bond of the nation by emphasizing Emperor worship and Shinto. Japan developed its economy with zaibaitsu industrial groups. Japan emphasized military power and Bushido to defend itself from Western firepower.

In contrast, Qing's religious authority collapsed because late Qing failed to modernize but instead oppressed the Han Chinese majority population for the benefit of the imperial clan. ROC let the rich aristocrats and bourgeouis run amok, looting the lower classes for their benefit. The only thing that brought China's century of humiliation to an end was emphasis on military power as represented by Mao Zedong and PLA.

Mao's PRC was strong in military but not so strong in economy. "Religious" fervor was replaced by ideological fervor (i.e. cultural revolution). It was due to the basic inefficiency of a state-owned economy that Deng reformed China after 1978.

So today's China has a relatively good economy holding the nation together. We are also growing in military power (thanks to Jiang Zemin and Xi Jinping, no thanks to Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao), so PLA's strength helps keep the nation together as well. What we are missing is a religious / ideological bond. Without any sort of religious or ideological bond, rampant money worship will undermine social cohesion and citizen's confidence in the social system.

The FLG problem in the 90's was an early warning of the fact that people need to "believe in something" if they are to bond together as a nation. It's very dangerous for China to be a spiritual / ideological wasteland.

Now CCP has finally realized the problem (should have realized this 10 years ago) and is making an effort to build China as a cultural superpower like we were once before. It is a strong common culture that will bond Chinese people together into a nation, and then we will be a whole nation again with the three elements (religious, economic and military) working in harmony.

China's historical problem is we did not transition into the modern world smoothly from an internal POV like Feudal Japan --> Meiji Japan --> Imperial Japan --> Post-War Japan. Once we regain our cultural sovereignty and integrity, we would finally mend the problems that all started in the late Qing and restore the fullness of the Chinese nation's internal harmony.
Meiji Japan faced a similar problem as today's China: how to keep a nation proud of itself and united in the face of domineering Western culture. There are three elements. Japan strengthened the religious bond of the nation by emphasizing Emperor worship and Shinto. Japan developed its economy with zaibaitsu industrial groups. Japan emphasized military power and Bushido to defend itself from Western firepower.

In contrast, Qing's religious authority collapsed because late Qing failed to modernize but instead oppressed the Han Chinese majority population for the benefit of the imperial clan. ROC let the rich aristocrats and bourgeouis run amok, looting the lower classes for their benefit. The only thing that brought China's century of humiliation to an end was emphasis on military power as represented by Mao Zedong and PLA.

Mao's PRC was strong in military but not so strong in economy. "Religious" fervor was replaced by ideological fervor (i.e. cultural revolution). It was due to the basic inefficiency of a state-owned economy that Deng reformed China after 1978.

So today's China has a relatively good economy holding the nation together. We are also growing in military power (thanks to Jiang Zemin and Xi Jinping, no thanks to Deng Xiaoping and Hu Jintao), so PLA's strength helps keep the nation together as well. What we are missing is a religious / ideological bond. Without any sort of religious or ideological bond, rampant money worship will undermine social cohesion and citizen's confidence in the social system.

The FLG problem in the 90's was an early warning of the fact that people need to "believe in something" if they are to bond together as a nation. It's very dangerous for China to be a spiritual / ideological wasteland.

Now CCP has finally realized the problem (should have realized this 10 years ago) and is making an effort to build China as a cultural superpower like we were once before. It is a strong common culture that will bond Chinese people together into a nation, and then we will be a whole nation again with the three elements (religious, economic and military) working in harmony.

China's historical problem is we did not transition into the modern world smoothly from an internal POV like Feudal Japan --> Meiji Japan --> Imperial Japan --> Post-War Japan. Once we regain our cultural sovereignty and integrity, we would finally mend the problems that all started in the late Qing and restore the fullness of the Chinese nation's internal harmony.

It's the same question everyone asks themselves. What are your values? And what do you live for?
Some people need more encouragement and dependency than others.
If we don't have our own set of values we will end up adopting other people's.

If people don't have their own will/value, then money, women, substance abuse, partying till wasted etc are the only things they look for.

But one thing is certain and that is materialism and uncontrolled consumption is definitely not the way forward.
It's the same question everyone asks themselves. What are your values? And what do you live for?
Some people need more encouragement and dependency than others.
If we don't have our own set of values we will end up adopting other people's.

If people don't have their own will/value, then money, women, substance abuse, partying till wasted etc are the only things they look for.

But one thing is certain and that is materialism and uncontrolled consumption is definitely not the way forward.

How about the ideology of surviving the 21st century?
The last Chinese renaissance as such, was during the Song period before the Mongol expansion put a stop to it. The Ming could have pushed to China toward exploration; had they done it maybe China would have rode the Industrialisation wave along with the Europeans, but alas they didn't. I think we've reached a energy ceiling, and in order to break it, we would need something like or equivalent to nuclear fusion.
The last Chinese renaissance as such, was during the Song period before the Mongol expansion put a stop to it. The Ming could have pushed to China toward exploration; had they done it maybe China would have rode the Industrialisation wave along with the Europeans, but alas they didn't. I think we've reached a energy ceiling, and in order to break it, we would need something like or equivalent to nuclear fusion.

The reason China didn't industrialize is that they had enough manpower, and the output from pre-industrial china was actually more then the early industrial European countries. So China saw no reason to industrialize. Only now that we are in more advanced industrial age, has the advantages of industrialization become apparent.
The reason China didn't industrialize is that they had enough manpower, and the output from pre-industrial china was actually more then the early industrial European countries. So China saw no reason to industrialize. Only now that we are in more advanced industrial age, has the advantages of industrialization become apparent.

That's true to a certain extend. During the Song, China made extensive use of new technologies and was in many ways ready for industrialisation. There are also arguments that the world simply couldn't produce enough to support a industrialised China in the 1900s, i.e If China were to consume as much as 19th century England/per capita during the same period, the world would have needed two Americas.
In a way that is a blessing in disguise. China's coals has hardly been used and her other natural resources were relatively abundant. People had been using natural gas from pipes made from bamboo since long ago (but not in large scale). Coal was known before Jesus was born. The emperor was curious about it and inquired a monk from the western region, who told him that it was the animal ash remains from the previous kalpa.

Green/alternative energy industries may provide the transition impetus that is needed.
Fusion opens up a whole new possibilities. Especially in weapon systems where in the future it becomes a matter of how much energy you can supply and how densely you can pack it.
The reason China didn't industrialize is that they had enough manpower, and the output from pre-industrial china was actually more then the early industrial European countries. So China saw no reason to industrialize. Only now that we are in more advanced industrial age, has the advantages of industrialization become apparent.

Wrong, China was at the forefront of industrialization, but couldn't move past because of energy constraints. Wood only gets you so much, and hydropower is not mobile.

Coal in China is located in the middle of the desert and deep underground. Needless to say, it is far away from water sources. But early coal mining used alot of water for tunneling and labor. Britain was lucky to have coal mines near the surface and near water; China wasn't.

Most economic changes before the advent of railroads were strokes of luck from geography.
Wrong, China was at the forefront of industrialization, but couldn't move past because of energy constraints. Wood only gets you so much, and hydropower is not mobile.

Coal in China is located in the middle of the desert and deep underground. Needless to say, it is far away from water sources. But early coal mining used alot of water for tunneling and labor. Britain was lucky to have coal mines near the surface and near water; China wasn't.

Most economic changes before the advent of railroads were strokes of luck from geography.

Or just plainly poor leadership, ignorance, and overconfidence from success and prosperity translating into arrogance and triumphalism, then self indulgence and malaise especially among the ruling class and elites, total lack of ambition and Isolationism which leads to ignorance, dogmatism and the lost of the ability to compete and progress technologically and failure to adapt fundamentally with an ever changing world. Precisely what happened since the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the failure to adapt to a rapidly changing world, arrogance as well as dogmatism to progress, isolationism, triumphalism, and lack of competition, along with a crumbling sense of security and national identity later on all leads down the path of destruction. Sad that it have to come to a devastating war and genocide to wake an entire nation out of slumber.
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