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A cheap gizmo provide security to military conveys


May 21, 2006
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I recently watched Pak army convey been hit by insurgent many times and lost of valuable life of our soldiers. Same scenario happened in Iraq with US army, after few incidents they deployed a team of two with every large size convey with hand held UAV with mini camera to check the roads and surrounding ,plus check the movement of insurgent for any unexpected attacks. This UAV played very effective role in the security. Save US army from many many attacks and hit the planner before they even came close to conveys. Why not Pakistan army adopt this technique. Its very cheap and simple.

This is indeed a very low cost and effective solution.

These are available off the shelf and can be converted for use very easily.

You have to admit that the Americans sure know how to use technology to their advantage.
yes indeed, it is acheap solution but the question is that will it be as effective with pakistan army as it was with the US troops? for me, sadly enough, the answer is NO!!
look sir i think that the condition we are facing is quite different from what was in iraq or afghanistan. the US troops there took each civilian as there enemy and get cautioned when ever they saw local people around the route, many such incedients are in our notice where the US opened fire on group of people considering them enemies whereas thet turned out to be innocent people!
here in Pakistan the insurgents are very well disguised among the local people. no one can distinguish between the militants and the local peope so his technique will be of no good! sadly enough we are fighting against prople who are just like our own people (i wont say we are fighting against our own people as for me they are agents of foreign origin) so we can not tell who is the bad guy!
PA is taking good care that no civilians are effected and such technology wont of of any use in our case!!

what do you think?

I am from Swat, and the terrain there is very different from what you may find in Iraq. In Iraq/Afghanistan you will have long sand deserts on each side of the road, but in Swat the Army doesnot have that luxury, all of the Swat valley is densely covered by trees, and the areas that are not covered by tress are the Urban areas were visibility is even poor due to the buildings. I still remember trips to the Kanju Airport in the Fokker Friendship or FF as my dad used to call them, and we wouldn't be able to spot the road while we were landing, Heck I can't find my village on Google Earth. Using such a "Gizmo" in Swat will yield no fruit, the use of Areal Surveillance in Swat is not that much of a problem for the Army as AA's Mi-17, Cobras, Bell-412's and Jet-Rangers are almost always in the Air. If one Heli lands then another takes off.
First these camera are powerful enough to catch armed and un-armed person.Second recent attack on covey when passing through pass was avoidable,because armed insurgent took position to attack convey and they were in hundreds of armed men. But still these planes provide huge support to keep updated checks in the convey path. Its not feasible for short moving conveys, mile or two miles. But still need to learn from others experience.
This is RQ-11 Raven, a remote-controlled miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (or MUAV)

Now someone said Cheap?
A single Raven costs about $25,000 and the total system costs $250,000, do the math please.
Its not rocket science for PA manufacturer, already has UAV set up. Plus this investment pay off itself many times. When over 30 soldier many trucks with load burnt down in few minutes. When air support take atleast an hour to reach. If US govt provide Cobra with thousands of tow missile, then it just 250.000 not big amount one of those days for the safety of man and material.
Well the price check its $27,908 for complete system. 250,000 must another system. Here is link with price,performance and complete data of different surveillance mini and large UAV and Vtols.
Here is the link
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Its not rocket science for PA manufacturer, already has UAV set up. Plus this investment pay off itself many times. When over 30 soldier many trucks with load burnt down in few minutes. When air support take atleast an hour to reach. If US govt provide Cobra with thousands of tow missile, then it just 250.000 not big amount one of those days for the safety of man and material.

i would be the last person to say no to such a gizmo. Why would a soldier not like to have one. the question is, is the nation willing to provide one?

As for the manufacturing PA itself doesnt manufacture, it is the companies like NESCOM, KRL , Integrated Dynamics etc etc who make these things, contact them.
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This is RQ-11 Raven, a remote-controlled miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (or MUAV)

Now someone said Cheap?
A single Raven costs about $25,000 and the total system costs $250,000, do the math please.

It is cheaper than a patriot soul which is fighting for the future of Pakistan on front lines.
We should not send our soldiers on sucidal mission.
As we know WOT is not alone Pakistan's war.
Lolz.. well the military would buy that thing which could last for ever and sustain the stampede of 'boots, this aint taking that bro.
It is cheaper than a patriot soul which is fighting for the future of Pakistan on front lines.
We should not send our soldiers on sucidal mission.
As we know WOT is not alone Pakistan's war.

i dont know yaar what we are fighting for. Who says that a soldiers life is cheaper, no ones life is cheaper, neither soldiers, nor a civilian's. We would love to have these technologies, but the question is how?

Tomorrow we may suggest that we should also have our satellite so that we can track the militants, or we should also build f-16s and helicopters, we should also have our own manufactured artillery guns, we would say who need Reapers when we have our own UCAVs, i would like to have a GPS in my watch, i want to be linked with my satellite 24/7, i would love to remain in communication even if i am 100s of mile away from my base, i would like that my each and every soldier is in communication with me through is personal ear phone, who dont like it, but do we have the capability to make one or for that matter get one overnight?

Well if you ask me i would sell everything of mine to get one of those, but unfortunately my assets would be joke infront of that cost.

Are we saying that the military is 'against' such developments. Now i would ofciourse not tell on what all we are working on, but do you think that you who is not in uniform is so concerned about our safety, and the ones who are in uniform would not feel the same? They definitely care more than the outsiders.

You should be worried and angry if something was offered to us by GoP or MinDef and we refused to take it because we wanted to get our men slaughtered on battlefield, until then chill bro! We know what we require and how can we get them. Long before the Predators pounded us we were behind this UAV thing, so lets not fight among each other just for the sake of it!
i guss , its will be far more logical that our army planners , should be look into the matters immedietly, with some forward areil survilnce & recon systems for PAKARMY?:azn::agree::pakistan:
What about the aid in the name of WOT?
where is it being used?
if it can not assist the front line warriors of WOT than it is nothing more than big joke.
Great idea, isn’t it? Soon after the donkey leaves the president’s house, the dollars and euros will start falling from the skies………….. and than…….. we'll go ahead and purchase whatever we want. Well gentlemen (and ladies), let’s not waste our time now, let’s kick this donkey out, after all it is the matter of life and death of our soldiers fighting on the front.

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