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What day? do you read history? if you mean 1500 yes maybe but still im not sure 100% if it surpassed the Ottoman Empire , i suspect it was infront in1500 but within the 16th century is absolute laughable and means no idea of history , because even if you read books and go to history forums you can easily understand what i mean. Also battle of Mohacs 1526 and the capture of Algiers and naval victories against Spanish is clear.

I totally agree about it was a global and strong empire , but please read more history. nobody denies it was the superpower of its day .
Come on guys we are going off topic here. This tread is not about innovation but about intervention and the US has quite a few. And as the steamroller of death of the US rolls on more innocent people around the world are going to get killed. The massacres committed by the US from the native Indians to the Afghans who's bodies are being piled up ever higher and the rivers of blood is running ever deeper. And yet Americans can still have the gall to claim the moral high ground on international affairs and lecture others about humanity. This shows you either a very deep sense of shamelessness or simple plain ignorence of there passed and present actions.

As if the U.S. was the only one to kill Native Americans back then. Remember back then it was a time of nations conquering other nations or fighting for territories. U.S. didn't exist back then and we were created from colonialism. North America was fought amongst powerful European nations particularly Spain, France and Britain.
France and Spain helped USA get its independence right?

against british
Nothing just asking , how comes USA relations is much closer to UK then compared to France or Spain?

The ruling class of the US has historically been Anglo or German. In fact German was close to being the official language of the US. Spanish and French are catholic. Back then there was a rivalry between protestant and catholic. The US had a war with the declining Spanish empire in the late 1800's as well.
Why wasnt German chose official language? If it was now we would all be speaking German.
Nothing just asking , how comes USA relations is much closer to UK then compared to France or Spain?

The XYZ Affair and the Quasi War with the French. And of course we still have close relations with Britain because of our origin. We never actually had close relations with Spain at all.
The ruling class of the US has historically been Anglo or German. In fact German was close to being the official language of the US. Spanish and French are catholic. Back then there was a rivalry between protestant and catholic. The US had a war with the declining Spanish empire in the late 1800's as well.

Yep, in the end these so-called champions of secularism succumb to the religious factor. Isn't that interesting?
Yep, in the end these so-called champions of secularism succumb to the religious factor. Isn't that interesting?

Its better than most countries with theocracy. All religions are respected and we have separation of church and state. I rather have the Founding Fathers help create our govt. and provide guidance than anyone else at the time.
Couldn't even contradict what I just said and just another personal attack.:coffee:
If this is the defenition of super power, whicih country wants to emulate it?
Its better than most countries with theocracy. All religions are respected and we have separation of church and state. I rather have the Founding Fathers help create our govt. and provide guidance than anyone else at the time.

Ehhh... What about Sikh's being shot up and mosques being burned down ?

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