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A case of a student becomes a mentor.....


Dec 21, 2008
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In the 1990s, Chinese manufacturing capabilities were so far behind that Russia believed their lead would never disappear. But with Russian military manufacturing largely stalled for the last two decades, and the Chinese economy booming (over 10 percent growth per year), the Russians are horrified to realize that the Chinese are catching up, and fast. For example, China believes it will be free from dependence on Russia for military jet engines within the next five (or so) years. Currently, China imports two Russian engines, the $3.5 million AL-31 (for the Su-27/30, J-11, J-10) and the $2.5 million RD-93 (a version of the MiG-29s RD-33) for the JF-17 (a F-16 type aircraft developed in cooperation with Pakistan.) But in the meantime, Chinese engineers have managed to master the manufacturing techniques needed to make a Chinese copy of the Russian AL31F engine. This Chinese copy, the WS10A, is part of a program that has also developed the WS13, to replace the RD-93.

China has long copied foreign technology, not always successfully. But in the last decade, China has poured much money into developing a jet engine manufacturing capability. The Chinese encountered many of the same problems the Russians did when developing their own engine design and construction skills. But China has several advantages. First, they knew of the mistakes the Russians had made, and so were able to avoid many of them. Then there was the fact that China had better access to Western manufacturing technology (both legally and illegally). Finally, China was, unlike the Soviets, able to develop their engine manufacturing capabilities in a market economy. This was much more efficient than the command economy that the Soviets were saddled with for seven decades.

It is true, as the Russians like to point out, that the Chinese have taken a long time to develop some of their latest high-tech weapons (like the J-10 and JF-17 jet fighters, jet engines and many missile and electronic systems). But that's because the Chinese regarded these projects as learning exercises, and have not produced the resulting aircraft in large numbers. The Chinese use what they have learned for the next project, and they have made a lot of progress in two decades. China has already demonstrated an ability to build (and copy) world class technology. They now have the largest automobile industry on the planet. China can build things, and build them well. They learn from their mistakes, and they are surpassing their long time Russian mentors. The Russians know this is true, but they don't want to admit it.
To become the 'Mentor' you have to be able to teach something.

I can't really Russia learning too much (tech-wise) from China just yet.
not yet! still need to continue to copy! So , DON'T STOP!

If one day there is nothing to copy then Chinese creativity will come up!
Actually, when it becomes easier to develop then to reverse engineer (by whatever means), China will be force to come up with their own solutions. In the mean time, no harm learning from others, gain insights and improve on them. If it was blind copying, then its a problem.

China is a mentor in some ways to Russia.
China told them not to go glasnost first before perestroika.
Didn't listen, then we all know what happened.
<China is a mentor in some ways to Russia.
China told them not to go glasnost first before perestroika.
Didn't listen, then we all know what happened.>

Yeah their economy is in deep sh*t or fu&ked.

<To become the 'Mentor' you have to be able to teach something.

I can't really Russia learning too much (tech-wise) from China just yet.>

Fu&king dude. You missed the punch line: "They learn from their mistakes, and they are surpassing their long time Russian mentors."

No, I don't think Russia will ever want to learn anything from China. They've got superiority complex (i.e., The Russians know this is true, but they don't want to admit it.).

At one point Japan was a copycat country and nobody wanted their products (cheap and inferior). But suddenly in the 80's the world was into learning Japanese quality assurance. And they invented the Walkman (of course now the iPod has taken over).

In the top 15 countries of origin of patent applications last year ('09), China (7,946) was ranked fifth after the United States (45,790), Japan [ Images ] (29,827), Germany [ Images ] (16,736) and South Korea (8,006).

A recent report by the Financial Times had suggested that China would displace the US as the world's leading producer of scientific knowledge in term of volume by 2020. China also dominated the BRICs countries - Brazil, Russia [ Images ], India and China - in peer-reviewed papers.

China produced almost 112,318 scientific papers in 2008 as compared to 332,916 papers in the US.

Among companies seeking patents for their new inventions, China's Huawei Technologies Co Ltd came second with 1847 fresh patent applications, compared to Japan's Panasonic Corporation, which is first with 1,891 patent applications.
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