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A Black Day for Pakistan

With this black day channel into rage for the elections.
Mr. Shahbaz Sharif has been elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Thus begins a new chapter in the history of Pakistan. I am one to allow people to prove their mettle through their actions. Unfortunately, this Prime Minister comes with a history of corruption, murder, nepotism, and a whole list of crimes too long to encompass.

But what should we expect from the future? Nothing good, in my opinion. The rising Pakistan where education develops Higher Learning Abilities of critical thinking, creativity, mathematical and analytical reasoning, this Pakistan is now a pipe dream. It is no doubt that Shahbaz Sharif has promoted 'education' in Punjab. But this is a rubber stamp education that produces an intellectually stunted, pseudo-intellectual unable to think for himself, or form useful opinions. Hard evidence of this can be seen in the group of louts that populate this very forum!

The rising Pakistan that asserts financial independence has probably died forever. What should one expect from someone whose brother is ensconced in London?

Let us be clear that I am NOT implying that Imran Khan would have brought about this rising Pakistan. In my opinion, that person could have been Asad Umar.

حسرت ان غنچوں پہ ہے جو بن کھلے مرجھا گئے
Well I am not giving up on Pakistan.
Personally it does not matter who is the leader of Pakistan as long as there is tangible development in the country.

Mr. Shehbaz Sharif now has the opportunity to prove himself.
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