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A 12 year-old Christian is gang raped for eight months, forcibly converted

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It would be enlightening to all to read up on where Aurangzeb spent the last 25 years of his life and why or how and why Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs died.

Its off topic but apologists are using fake dumb logic as always.
you have some twisted facts- if annihilation of hindus was the mandate- then 700 years were more than enough to wipe of your ancestors- or make them convert forcefully-

Annihilation of Hindus had always been the mandate right from the early Muslim kings who invaded Indian lands to Aurangazeb.Except few kings and emperors like Akbar, Sher shah Suri all were of the same principle of creating an environment of fear for their Hindu subjects...But brutal rule of 700 yrs could not force majority of Hindus who didnt convert to Islam..millions of Hindus died for not accepting Islam..As much as i agree Islam is a beautiful religion as is Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism..It is a fact that Islam's history in Indian Subcontinent is written in blood of innocent ppl..
Annihilation of Hindus had always been the mandate right from the early Muslim kings who invaded Indian lands to Aurangazeb.

If annihilation was their mandate .... they failed miserably
Sad incident!!

Culprits should be given harsh punishment for this!!

Just imagine the trauma that 12 year old girl could have faced.!! Really sad!!

These types of people are disgrace for society!
If annihilation was their mandate .... they failed miserably

i dont know what indians are made to believe- but the reality is Muslims already did the hard part- defeat the hindu army and conquering of land- after that the annihilation part was easy- and they had 700+ years to do it- how they failed at this is beyond me :D-
One of the reason but not the only reason.

Why non Muslims are declining in BD and Pakistan? I can not see suffis at work for this decline, can you?

Those who were converted by sufis were suffi Muslims not orthodox Sunnis or shias. They were minority at that time and are still a miniorty like Ahmadis, where taged as doing shirk. They were then picked by orthodox missionaries when visiting mosques and when intermingling with rest of the community.

Muslims remember taimur lang as sword of Islam. When it comes to highlight the bravery of those expeditionary Generals then Muslims boast about them with pinched eyes. But when they come on discussion prove how the whole bloody business of increasing numbers happened then they pretend to have a peaceful history !

Prove it, If sword was to be used then non Muslims could have been extincted. Even Hitler wasn't able to murder Jews out. What is your point? It is the same mentality at work that muslims ruled India at 1000 years. No where in history they were allowed to rule Indian landscapes by native Indians without resistance. Moguls would brown their tight pyjamas when they would dare to look at iron walled Rajputana. Hindus were never at the verge of extinct not because the mercy of Muslim invaders but the sheer pockets of powers like Maratha, Rajputana et al they were able to preserve.

Every single wave of invasion brought influx of foreigners doing same shoddy job of increasing numbers at weak frontier states by hook or crook and then spreading eastwards. There is enough evidence in history of Sikhism where Sikhs were cut into pieces and burnt alive just for refusing not to change their religion. Act of violence work for spreading fear, the same way it is working here in this case. The memory of that fear is short when you surrender to that fear and become one of them.

@ Sidhu: Bai apna kam kar kyon mere kam ch bhanee marda hain ?
Sir that is the only reason in Pakistan also no body is forced to convert to Islam and by they way Sufis also believed in Jihad and did it

---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

But you in the past had said that if somebody don’t become Muslim, go and conquer their country and convert them to Islam.
I said we will conquer the countries but no body will be forced to convert to Islam
I said we will conquer the countries but no body will be forced to convert to Islam
why do you conquer them in the first place?
Some ppl might have converted because of the influence of Sufis..but most of them were forced..And the reason Islam could not spread in the whole of India was many ppl did not find forced conversion acceptable and therefore rose in revolt..Check the rise of maratha empire and the Sikh empire.

The brutality of Aurangazeb on Hindus is well known.
Sir correct your history no body was forced to convert read history not bull....

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Some ppl might have converted because of the influence of Sufis..but most of them were forced..And the reason Islam could not spread in the whole of India was many ppl did not find forced conversion acceptable and therefore rose in revolt..Check the rise of maratha empire and the Sikh empire.

The brutality of Aurangazeb on Hindus is well known.
Sir Arunzaib forced no one to convert almost all non muslim historians admit it

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

why do you conquer them in the first place?
To spread the massage of Islam and implement LAW of ALLAH
To spread the massage of Islam and implement LAW of ALLAH

i see contradictions coming from you. if they are not muslims, how can you apply the law of islam on them? what if hindus attack you for the exactly same reasons? what will be your reaction?
i dont know what indians are made to believe- but the reality is Muslims already did the hard part- defeat the hindu army and conquering of land- after that the annihilation part was easy- and they had 700+ years to do it- how they failed at this is beyond me :D-

Defeating is not the hard part..controlling/ruling definitely is ...U dont believe me see ur favorite examples USA defeated Iraq and Afghan but are they able to force or rule them as they expected...

Somnath Temple was destroyed 17 times by Ghazni.. Lets not forget the great Timur Lane's contribution to Islam in Indian Subcontinent..:angry:

The Sultan's army was easily defeated on December 17 1398. Timur entered Delhi and the city was sacked, destroyed, and left in ruins. Before the battle for Delhi, Timur executed more than 100,000 captives, mostly Hindus.
Timur himself recorded the invasions in his memoirs, collectively known as Tuzk-i-Timuri. In them, he vividly described the massacre at Delhi:

"In a short space of time all the people in the [New Delhi] fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers. They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground....All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives....on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword."

As per Malfuzat-i-Timuri, Timur targeted Hindus. In his own words, "Excepting the quarter of the saiyids, the 'ulama and the other Musalmans [sic], the whole city was sacked". In his descriptions of the Loni massacre he wrote, "..Next day I gave orders that the Musalman prisoners should be separated and saved."

During the ransacking of Delhi, almost all inhabitants not killed were captured and enslaved.
Timur's memoirs on his invasion of India describe in detail the massacre of Hindus, looting plundering and raping of their women and children, their forced conversions to Islam and the plunder of the wealth of Hindustan (Greater India). It gives details of how villages, towns and entire cities were rid of their Hindu male population through systematic mass slaughters and genocide and their women and children forcefully converted en masse to Islam from Hinduism.
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