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911 funniest video

I like the last 30 seconds but just more conspiracy theory BS.
lol snort coke,drink booze n live with pink haired STRIPPERS>...I LOLED!
The truth is that it was an inside job. An excuse to invade Iraq for its OIL and spread 'democracy'- American style - across the Middle East to establish a strangle hold on that part of the world having enormous energy resources that would translate to untold wealth for the members of the Bilderberg Club and the Illuminati.

That was phase 1 of the neo-cons' NEW WORLD ORDER. Unfortunately for them it didn't go off too well.
classic, getting younger and younger lmao

well nobody could question the OBL saga right from the start but as soon as americans dumped his body into the ocean, nobody sane enough should question the fakness of the event

the fact that OBL body wasnt released, fact that the video supposedly found on OBL compund wasnt aired with the voice,is indication enough this whole saga is fake

and more, that after OBL death still americans arnt leaving is a proof that its all fake, it was meant to occupy afghanistan not to kill a single guy calledOBL

The truth is that it was an inside job. An excuse to invade Iraq for its OIL and spread 'democracy'- American style - across the Middle East to establish a strangle hold on that part of the world having enormous energy resources that would translate to untold wealth for the members of the Bilderberg Club and the Illuminati.

That was phase 1 of the neo-cons' NEW WORLD ORDER. Unfortunately for them it didn't go off too well.

look bro, americans invaded because they feared the chemical weapons, in iraq, but they retrieved no such weapons, stop fooling yourself

and dont tell me nato helped libya not for specific needs but to liberate it from gaddafi, we all knownow how libya is beginning for a country divide
Personally, I don't think that anyone should make parodies of 9/11, it was a serious matter and 2000+ innocent people lost their lives and no one should have the right to play with victims's families But that's just me
BBC & CNN reported collapse of WTC-7 before it actually fell. Now here's another channel "FOX-5", lady already knew WTC-7 fell while she was looking at it live standing. She was wondering if smoke was from that "THIRD-Collapse" which had NOT yet happened. Then she sees it coming down just after she had made the announcement.




CNN knew almost an hour earlier ...
Guy is looking DIRECTLY towards the building that he just reported collapsed...
Standing in open as sunlight on his shoulder indicates,,, NOT looking thru TV display, but thru naked eyes...

Am I allowed to post some hilarious videos of Palestinians getting murdered too? Or in this forum are we only in the business of laughing at non-Muslim victims of terror?
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