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9 Year Old Beheaded, Human Sacrifice Ritual in India!

luckily he didn’t do it to a cow . Him he’s family would have been lynched thrown in the gutter and set alight .

Human sacrifice ....pah it’s part of religion so all okay .

Poor people collecting attah . Arabs blah blah bullcrap & Islam is not from India reasoning going on to justify a decapatation of a human as per religious ritual

Indian Hindus
Do Indian pagans have a concept of truth or honesty? Spreading lies left, and right says otherwise.

No forced conversion took place.

"However, according to the earliest reliable census, the population of Muslims was significantly higher in Punjab and Bengal (70-90%), both historically on the fringes of Indo-Muslim rule, than it was in the Gangetic Plain (10-15%), the heartland of Muslim rule."


I noticed your people continually push this forced conversion narrative because you can't understand why so many left paganism for a superior belief system.
I won't call you Hindoos because you were only codified as a religion a few hundred years ago.

So, your religion is only a few hundreds of years old and not 5k years as you claim
The first Vernal Equinox recorded in Rig Veda is that of star Ashwini, which is reported to have occurred around 10,000 BC. Subash Kak, a Computer Engineer and reputed Indologist, decoded the RigVeda and found many astronomical concepts therein.

This is clearly an indication of the fact that the Hinduism is at least 10,000 BC old as Rig Vedas are the first books on hindu thought

This is how far Hinduism had spread at its greatest territorial extent

All of the Indian subcontinent was already in the sway of Hindu culture.

Also note, Vedic culture and Buddhist beliefs had penetrated as far as Afghanistan and beyond, Ancient Iran had a cultural tradition very similar to Vedic Hinduism (even sharing many of the same Gods) and similar rituals, for example worship using fire altars and the like. People from such dispaarate ethnic backgrounds as the Scythians of central Asia and the Yeuzhi (the Kushans) of the Chinese mainland and the Greeks (Yavanas) have appropriated Hindu ideals and customs.

So saying that Hinduism is a domestic religion is grossly inaccurate statement, many of these regions still practice Hindu customs and rituals, which have cross-pollinated with local culture to create some stunningly beautiful imagery.

This is from Bali, Indonesia

And here is Lord Ram…..from Thailand

The largest religious monument in existence, also happens to be the largest Hindu temple complex known, dedicated to Vishnu, it is situated in Cambodia, hundreds of miles from the Indian mainland
1. Arabs dont consider you as real Muslims
2. Indian subcontinent isnt the birthplace of Islam
Who tf are arabs to decide who is the real muslim? and what does being in proximity to the birthplace of islam have to do with the quality of ones faith? Also, Islam, unlike the prior religions, isn't meant just for the inhabitants on that area. Besides, we believe what Muhammad PBUH brought is just the final version of the message of God that started with Adam, the first man. So, the birthplace of Islam is the entire world.

Arabs are no purer muslims than a white european convert or a black african tribesman. This might be a surprise for you but not all religions are based on racism.

In fact, Muslims are explicitly told the colors of one's skin or the ethnicity doesn't determine your place in the eyes of God.

If one carefully observes Hindus and Muslims of my town, he/she would prefer the company of Hindus.
What's to say one isn't also a savage ? :lol:
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We kill ISIS

So yup we would shout when you and anyone would label them with us
The perpetrators of this crime would be brought to justice just the same, not like he would be pardoned saying it's some ritual.
The perpetrators of this crime would be brought to justice just the same, not like he would be pardoned saying it's some ritual.
I am sure it would. but what about the numerous lynchings that were recorded and proudly posted on SM by veer hindutvawadis? Are you sure the those perps will be jailed? Are you also sure they won't be celebrated and garlanded on their way out like shambu raigar or the rapists of bilqis bano?
I am sure it would. but what about the numerous lynchings that were recorded and proudly posted on SM by veer hindutvawadis? Are you sure the those perps will be jailed? Are you also sure they won't be celebrated and garlanded on their way out like shambu raigar or the rapists of bilqis bano?
Again a minority group involved in such acts doesn't mean it has state backing or becomes part of the religion itself. We know how blasphemy accusations work in Pakistan where people get lynched on the spot like the Srilankan manager, so let's not open that pandoras box.
Arabs are no purer muslims than a white european convert or a black african tribesman. This might be a surprise for you but not all religions are based on racism.

They think Islam also has Brahmins like 5000 years old way of life

Islam has no concept of any superiority. Only one superior is one who is pious
The perpetrators of this crime would be brought to justice just the same, not like he would be pardoned saying it's some ritual.

Moral decay in hindu society is a reality

We have seen people being successful in politics because of their "performance" in riots and pogroms

So this guy might be brought to justice but the bigger picture can't be neglected
There is no sanction for human sacrifice in Hindu religion. This is a criminal act by conmen who exploit difficult situations. People who offer children for sacrifice are the ones who feel that appealing to God isn't working and there must be a dark force that needs to be appeased. So in a sense such sacrifices are a disenchantment with organized religious practices, not a confirmation of them.
Although horrifying, this is nothing new, satanism, ritual abuse and sacrifice is commonly practiced throughout India . This year a lot of this will be uncovered and the world will be horrified by what has been going on behind closed doors by the very people they idolise. We Pakistanis are surrounded by satanists india .
1. Arabs dont consider you as real Muslims
2. Indian subcontinent isnt the birthplace of Islam

The Hindus think Arabs are brahmins and have some sort of hierarchy in Islam, they don't get we have no such thing and to God what differentiates us is the strength of our Iman

Islam is for all humanity, for all time, everywhere
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