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9 Turks taken hostage in Afghanistan by Taliban


Feb 6, 2013
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A group of up to nine foreign
nationals have been abducted
by insurgents in eastern
Afghanistan, officials say.
Seven Turks, two Russians and
one Afghan were in a civilian
helicopter which made a forced
landing in Azra district in Logar
province, the aircraft's operator
told the BBC.
The Taliban told the BBC they
had the group. The district is
known to have a strong Taliban
International forces are assisting
in the search for the passengers.
A government spokesman in
Logar told the BBC that they are
trying to negotiate with the
Taliban for the hostages' release,
with the help of local tribal
Turkish authorities are also in
discussions with Afghan officials
over the incident. Turkey's
foreign ministry confirmed that
Turks had been on the
helicopter, but they put the
number at eight.
Volatile district
The company responsible for the
missing helicopter, Khorasan,
said the aircraft was forced
down in bad weather on Sunday
evening while flying to Kabul
from Khost, which is to the
south-east of the capital.
It said there were 10 people on
board: one was an Afghan, two
were Russian pilots, and the
other seven were Turkish
construction workers.
Azra, the restive district where
the helicopter made the forced
landing, is close to the Pakistani
border and local officials say that
while there are some Afghan
government forces there, the
Taliban and other insurgents
have a strong presence.
It appears as if the helicopter
was surrounded by insurgents
after landing.
The BBC's David Loyn in Kabul
reports that on any day there
are an average of 100 civilian
helicopter flights across
They are a vital link for remote
bases, carrying workers and
supplies and are mostly
contracted from Russian
companies, our correspondent
Turkey has around 1,800
soldiers serving with Nato forces
in Afghanistan, but their mission
is confined to patrols and Turkey
has long had a close relationship
with Kabul.
Several Turkish engineers have
been kidnapped in Afghanistan
in recent years, with some held
for up to two years.
Numerous Western, Pakistani
and Afghan hostages are being
held in Afghanistan including US
Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl,
25, who has been a prisoner for
nearly four years.

BBC News - 'Foreigners held' by Afghan Taliban insurgents in Logar
You know that the Taliban will Release them ,without doing to them something ,and they was 8 ,not 9 !!!

(Türkiye Taliban´a karsi birsey yapmiyor ,onlara karsin birsey yapan Ülkeler düsünsün,Türkiye sadece Yardim icin Afghanistanda).
Unfortunate situation, two options are present.

I. Negotiation with the Taliban (ransom, prisoner-captive exchange, etc)

II. Rescue operation by NATO (hi-risk, possible death of captives)
8 Turks, 1 Russian and 1 Afgan ( Taliban thinks those foreigners are Americans) according to Aljazeera
Taliban also said (claimed) that The POW's had US military uniform.
Turks held by Taliban in ‘good condition’

A helicopter carrying eight Turks and the Russian and Afghan pilots made an emergency landing in a Taliban-controlled area of eastern Afghanistan, officials said Monday, and it was possible they were being held by insurgents.

“The helicopter was carrying eight Turks, the pilots were Russian and Afghan. We believe they are in good health and Turkish officials are in contact with Afghan officials over the issue,” Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Levent Gümrükçü said.

The helicopter, owned by air charter company Khorasan Cargo Airlines, made an emergency landing in Logar province late on Sunday due to bad weather, a Khorasan staff member said on condition of anonymity. Turkey has around 1,800 soldiers serving with the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), but unlike its European allies, their mission is limited to patrols and its troops do not take part in combat operations. “The Turkish embassy is holding intensive talks with Afghan authorities to find out their whereabouts,” a Foreign Ministry diplomat told AFP.

A spokesman for the Russian embassy in Kabul confirmed at least one of the two foreign pilots was a Russian citizen. Officials in Logar province said it was likely the group was now in the hands of the Taliban. A local official who declined to be identified said tribal chiefs are trying to secure the captives’ return. The helicopter landed in Logar’s eastern-most district, Azra, which borders Pakistan and is a hotbed of Taliban activity.

The company spoke to the pilots on Sunday afternoon but had heard nothing from them since, the staff member said. A spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force said a helicopter had come down in eastern Afghanistan but was unable to provide more details.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location that he could not yet confirm if insurgents were holding the group. Khorasan flies Russian Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters as well as fixed-wing aircraft in Afghanistan. They offer troops and cargo transportation as well as medivac and civilian transportation services.

ASIA - Turks held by Taliban in
We wish to see these hostages freed as soon as possible. It is obvious that the terrorists are doing everything in their power to gain the upper hand. Their long list of crimes proves that they have no value for human life. They will cross all lines just to work against our efforts to restore peace in the region. As mentioned above, “International forces are assisting in the search for the passengers.” We hope that their families and friends are staying strong through this tough ordeal. We pray for the safety of these hostages, and hope to see them return safely to their families.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
We wish to see these hostages freed as soon as possible. It is obvious that the terrorists are doing everything in their power to gain the upper hand. Their long list of crimes proves that they have no value for human life. They will cross all lines just to work against our efforts to restore peace in the region. As mentioned above, “International forces are assisting in the search for the passengers.” We hope that their families and friends are staying strong through this tough ordeal. We pray for the safety of these hostages, and hope to see them return safely to their families.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

CENTCOM? you are nothing but a poser.
Is this the first time turks are abducted by taliban?

No actually. But I remember that a Turkish Engineer was abducted about 2 years. That's only one of the stories. We have worse. Like our Blackhawk crashed in Kabul, about 18 of our soldiers got killed at 2 March 2012. And also in the past, Taliban put a bomb on the route of the Commander of Turkish Contingent at ISAF. Unfortunately our Colonel and his driver got killed. Today we have about 1,800 forces commanded by a major-general from Turkish Generals Staff. In charge of Regional Command Capital. ;)
Terrorism is sth that always will be, and also sth that we should always fight against it. Plus, as you can see on PDF mate, They accuse Turkey with being a betrayer to Islamic world with being the most supportive muslim state against the war on terror :)
Afghan Taliban being Pakistan's proxy , I am sure if you ask the Pakistanis to request the Taliban to release them, the Taliban would listen.

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