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When they can cause their countrymen such a harm,,, think what else they might have planned for beloved-citizens...
& then they have guts to say Pakistani weapons are insecure...

& don't miss the part that 6-7 crew members working at either of involved airbases DIED... ""Accidently"".... u know ""Accidently""....

Here are their names:-

1-Todd Blue - Minot AFB(Airforce Base)
2-a married couple from Barksdale Airbase(Names not released)
3-Stephen Garrett - Minot AFB
4-Weston Kissel - Minot AFB
5-John Frueh
6-Jonathan Bayless - Minot AFB
7-Thomas L. Tinsley - Alleged of breach in following the standards while handling nukes.


"Obama needs a similar kind of event"

So Choose the color u'd like :)

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President Ahmedinejad and
controversy over 9-11

Nehal Adil

This year’s United Nations general assembly debate was highlighted by the presence of President Obama of USA and President Ahmedinejad of Iran. There was no basic disagreement between the contention of the two that nuclear weapons should be eliminated and the United States as the first and only country to have used the nuclear weapon carries the primary responsibility to eliminate nuclear weapon. But it is the allegation of president Ahmedinejad that the US government under George Bush planned the 9-11 assault has come as a bombshell.
Mr Ahmedinejad has called for an independent criminal investigation by the United Nations about the authenticity of this allegation. It was the American film maker Michael Moor who presented this allegation in his epoch film Fahrenheit 9/11. It was well documented, citing the close relation of Bin Laden family with the Bushes through the Carlyle Corporation. George Bush junior, according to the Moor theory, earned his first million as an employee of Bin Laden family. The Bush family holds fortune for a long time. They are in ranch business as well as oil.
Senior Bush, as the CIA chief in the 1970s, wrote a secret memorandum that spread of science and technology and weakening of traditional religious faith among the colonially dominated people of Asia and Africa was threatening the civilized nations and it could end up in proxy nuclear war against them by Soviet Union. He cited that the Soviet Union was training hundreds of thousands of doctors, engineers and educationists free of cost in its universities and they are dangerously modernizing Asian, African and Latin American societies. As such the destruction of Soviet Union became the primary goal of U.S foreign policy. In it the Bin Laden family played an important role.
Pakistani media published the photograph of young Bin Laden meeting with Bush Senior and Reagan before being flown into Pakistan for special operation. He was provided with most advanced US intelligence technique before being flown in. He was provided special immunity from Pakistani forces. These are acknowledged facts openly published in the U.S media. But the Americans were so ecstatic at the sudden demise of the Soviet Union after Moscow’s Afghan adventure and the conquest of Iraq and Afghanistan following 9/11 that they preferred to ignore it.
But after $9 trillion losses in the economic collapse and Iraq-Afghan war, 4,500 deaths, 32,000 wounded and half a million psychological casualties, the American themselves have started questioning the root cause of 9/11. In fact this American scepticism about 9/11 brought the victory of Barack Obama. But Barack Obama’s victory was his defeat. Radical Obama supporters came nowhere near the corridor of power. He never got hold of power in Pentagon. If we analyse this allegation then the religious fanatic forces who have created the conditions of American intervention was a product of George Bush Senior’s secret memorandum in the 70s.
In its play the Americans prompted General Ershad in Bangladesh and General Zia-ul Haq in Pakistan to capture power. Ershad and Zia, supported by the US and Saudi Arabia started massive Madrasa education. These Madrasas became the feeding ground of terrorism. They sharpened their swords against scientific thinking, closed down schools, barred women from education and promoted fatalism, as the CIA’s secret memorandum in the ‘70s prompted.
CIA hired Karzai brother before 9/11

By the fall of 2008, Woodward says, "Ahmed Wali Karzai had been on the CIA payroll for years, beginning before 9/11. He had belonged to the CIA's small network of paid agents and informants inside Afghanistan. In addition, the CIA paid him money through his half-brother, President Hamid Karzai."
Hamid Karzai was plucked from obscurity and installed as president after US-backed Afghan forces chased the Taliban from power following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
There have been many accounts of his brother's relationship with the CIA over the years, leaving the impression that he is a CIA "agent," i.e., a controlled asset of the spy agency.
But Woodward's account of the CIA's relationship with Karzai, who has also been accused repeatedly-but not charged with-protecting the illicit opium trade, is more nuanced.

Playing all sides
"He was not in any sense a controlled agent who always responded to U.S. and CIA requests and pressure," Woodward writes. "He was his own man, playing all sides against the others-the United States, the drug dealers, the Taliban and even his brother if necessary."
Still, the spymasters in Langley went with him.
"It was necessary to employ some thugs if the United States was going to have a role in a land of thugs," they concluded. "Cutting him off might break Wali Karzai's control of the city, and Kandahar might be lost entirely.
"Lose Kandahar," they thought, "and we possibly lose the war."
Last week NATO and Afghan troops launched a major military offensive around Kandahar city, with uncertain results.
Woodward's portrait of Ahmed Wali Karzai dovetails in part with an account provided to SpyTalk last year by Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, a former FBI agent and ranking Republican on a House panel overseeing terrorism and human intelligence issues.
Rogers, who has regularly visited Afghanistan, where his brother, an Army general, also served, depicted Ahmed Wali Karzai as someone who "cooperates" with U.S. intelligence, but is not a controlled agent.
"There's a difference between being an intelligence asset and somebody who cooperates," said Rogers. "Asset is an overstatement ... He is a public official who cooperates ... He cooperates when he's talked to-that's different than an asset."
An American lawyer for Ahmed Wali Karzai rejected the depiction of his client as a paid CIA asset of any kind.
"It is absolutely false that Ahmad Wali Karzai is, or has been, on the CIA payroll," said Gerald Posner by e-mail.
"Since 9/11, it should be noted that Ahmad Wali has worked with virtually all aspects of U.S. and coalition forces, from regular Army, to special forces, to intelligence personnel, and diplomats as well. ..."
Posner added, "Ahmad Wali would be very surprised if the world's most sophisticated intelligence gathering agency, the CIA, had not made contacts with him over time, but they have never identified themselves as such."
Poser also rejected depictions of Karzai as "the landlord in Kandahar for CIA or military facilities rented by the United States," as Woodward wrote.
"He is not the owner of those properties, and does not collect rent from those groups. He has no role in the Kandahar Strike Force. He receives no American taxpayer monies of any type," Posner said.
CIA spokesman George Little reiterated today that, "We don't, as a rule, comment on these kinds of allegations, which have circulated for a long time."
But a U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, praised Karzai's contribution to the war effort, saying he "has made decisive contributions to counter-terror efforts in Afghanistan, and he's helped save Afghan and American lives."
"No one's saying he's perfect, but nobody's found anything yet that would land him in court," the official added. "And Americans have looked. Afghanistan is a tough place. It's clear that he's focused on improving security in his country. He deserves praise for that."
-Christian Science Monitor
You people are unbelievable , it has been explained how a demolition works, what explosions were heard on 911 and the science behind how a demolition works and how a building falls yet you people post videos of Geraldo Rivera, rosie o'donnell and Fox news. :rofl:

If there was a demolition it would be noticeable, there would be not 'pops' but loud and defining explosion which would be heard from miles away.

Like this:

YouTube - Unbelieveable Tower Implosion

And as i mentioned before the stories of firefighter hearing explosion can be disregarded as something other than dynamite, unless of course you believe a firefighter can outrun a shockwave and falling floors :lol:
Watch ALL 13 parts--- I am posting only the 1st part
= = = = = = = = = =
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Building7, you are a god!!!

You have convinced me! Your countless cut & pastes from lunatics' writings and videos from all over the world have tipped the scales!! I bow before your innate and potent wisdom and logic. How could I ever have been so stupid as to believe that Al-Quaeda, who targeted countless U.S. assets prior to 9/11, had a hand in this!!!

It was definitely the Dancing Jews working with the Skull & Bones, with CIA and Illuminati support!! Thank God and Hallelujah, I SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!!!

9/11 was an inside job!!!!!!
Building7, you are a god!!!

You have convinced me! Your countless cut & pastes from lunatics' writings and videos from all over the world have tipped the scales!! I bow before your innate and potent wisdom and logic. How could I ever have been so stupid as to believe that Al-Quaeda, who targeted countless U.S. assets prior to 9/11, had a hand in this!!!

It was definitely the Dancing Jews working with the Skull & Bones, with CIA and Illuminati support!! Thank God and Hallelujah, I SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!!!

9/11 was an inside job!!!!!!

Hey Chogy: I think I saw that movie last year! :lol:
Inside or outside. it was bad job that brought bad and death to the world specially Muslims.

i feel like condemning it forever.
Why do you keep posting? You've convinced me.


What are your thoughts on the state of Pakistan/Sino relations? Do you think the Chinese BVR missiles are as potent as the AIM-120?
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