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One of many reasons Al-Quaeda did it - OBL was angry that Saudi Arabia chose coalition armored divisions to oust Saddam from Kuwait in 1991, rather than his band of irregulars. Al-Quaeda had a LONG history of attacks on U.S. interests in the decade prior to 9-11. It was no surprise that he finally succeeded, and it was an intelligence failure on our part.

Very true. Just that leaves us to wonder, what was the reason of USA attacking IRAQ after 9/11 citing Saddam has relation with AL-Quaeda. AFAIK, Saddam was historical enemy of Al-Quaeda, OBL actually considered Saddam's secularist Bath party as bunch of kuffirs! IMO it's the biggest goof up US did in recent times.
Please let this die.

Sometimes, what you see is what you get. A bunch of suicidal nutjobs hijacked airplanes and crashed them. Why is that impossible to believe?

They tried in 1993 as well, along with dozens of other bombings. It was simply the MAJOR attack in a long, long series of attacks.
It was not an inside job. What happened continued afterwards is quite questionable.

End of story. Both sides happy, and we've drawn an accurate conclusion.
it may not be an inside job
this is confirmed that collapse was a controlled collapse
this is confirmed that collapse was a controlled collapse

I was a chemist once and worked with thermite as well as explosives. Thermite is hopelessly inept at cutting steel on this scale. Have you ever seen thermite work? It takes a long time, emits vast quantities of smoke at the base of the building (which would be seen many minutes before any collapse), and it would have required tens of tons of the material.

Professional demolitions men use explosives and detcord, installed into drilled and prepared structural steel load-bearing beams; they do not use thermite. There is no magical pixie nano-thermite that is going to bring down two titanic buildings.

"There are none as blind as those who do not wish to see."

Providing logical facts means nothing to those whose minds are already made up in this case, but I do appreciate your input here.
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I was a chemist once and worked with thermite as well as explosives. Thermite is hopelessly inept at cutting steel on this scale. Have you ever seen thermite work? It takes a long time, emits vast quantities of smoke at the base of the building (which would be seen many minutes before any collapse), and it would have required tens of tons of the material.

Professional demolitions men use explosives and detcord, installed into drilled and prepared structural steel load-bearing beams; they do not use thermite. There is no magical pixie nano-thermite that is going to bring down two titanic buildings.

if u say, the building cant be demolished through controlled demolition, then how on earth did planes which merely started fire with few gallons of oil can bring down the two titanics?? and who is stopping national geographic/disovery to bring the truths to the people as to how the wtc went down, they regularly telecast these types of docs..
I was a chemist once and worked with thermite as well as explosives. Thermite is hopelessly inept at cutting steel on this scale. Have you ever seen thermite work? It takes a long time, emits vast quantities of smoke at the base of the building (which would be seen many minutes before any collapse), and it would have required tens of tons of the material.

Professional demolitions men use explosives and detcord, installed into drilled and prepared structural steel load-bearing beams; they do not use thermite. There is no magical pixie nano-thermite that is going to bring down two titanic buildings.

oh please thermite cut thru steel like a hot knife through butter
same gose to you aswell :cheers:

That "gose"? Is that like a Canada goose or maybe a Mallard duck? :lol:

My mind is as sharply critical and analytical as they come, thank you very much.

On a serious note, what is the point that you appear to be trying to make?
That "gose"? Is that like a Canada goose or maybe a Mallard duck? :lol:

anyway we all know it was an inside job just a matter of time when you zionists get exposed :cheers::pakistan:
No...We do not 'all know' that 9/11 was an 'inside job'. And it has been ten years. The reality is that the loony 9/11 conspiracy theories movement is not gaining any ground but the public is actually losing interest for lack of credible evidences and arguments.
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