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83pc want Musharraf out - Survey

Mr Sharif easily dominated the ‘best leader for Pakistan’ category, being the choice of 38 per cent, leaving the competition far behind. Interestingly, Dr A.Q. Khan is at number two (with 76pc) and deposed chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif sharing the third position (with 65pc) on the list of favourite personalities.

Poll seems to be very Punjab centric. I doubt that NS and his ilk would get that kind of support anywhere else in Pakistan. Secondly, the "best leader" category should be a sign for all the Pakistan watchers that Pakistan is going to hell. This useless idiot failed miserably in his past two times and some illiterate masses still think of him so highly...oh boy we are in for some tough times ahead.
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